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Posts posted by ev1lchris

  1. I used to fly to Hawaii once each year to visit my parents and yes prices were higher than to the mainland. It is a luxury market with less competition than you have on the west coast. You can Google for low season rates but I found by avoiding holidays and traveling during the Fall, that the prices were slightly more reasonable.

    When is the low season?

  2. I worked with this guy very briefly. He would wake up at 5 am just to arrive at the school by 7:30 AM. I asked why he just didn't take the SkyTrain and MRT because it was more direct and easier.

    He told me he didn't want to spend the money because he had a baby on the way.

    The job was paying 32k a month and he was talking about how it was a big step up because he was working for 30k at one time. Myself, I never feel okay unless I'm in there for at least 35k. I have never really stuck around and worked for less.

    He's a white guy from America. I don't understand why he settles. He talked about teaching in Japan but had a defeatest attitude because of the amount of job views the positions got on GaijinPot. Myself, I don't care I will apply if it's a step up.

    I don't think ill of the guy. He seems pretty decent. But it depresses me to see this. I think about it quite often. I wonder if he ever had a job where they paid him at least 35k baht.

  3. I use SkyScanner to keep track of flights from Bangkok to Hilo. I'm looking to only go one way but I see that the price ranges from $800 - $1000 USD. This is for a one way ticket!

    By contrast a rount trip ticket going to Los Angeles starts around $650 to $800 USD.

    What gives?

    Does anyone here travel back and forth between the Hawaiian Islands and Thailand? Is there a high and low season for the tickets?

  4. How much at Bangkok Hospital?

    I usually pay 1200 for a box of 28 ten milligram pills. Out here in Bangkok I can find it easily. However, I don't think that's the case outside of Bangkok.

    I think I'm going to end up posting the same question in the Pattaya forum because I'm considering living there too.

  5. A really sweet lady showed my friends and I where to pick up a songtaew and how much to pay for each ride.

    However, she got really concerned because she didn't want the drivers to suspect her of giving us this information. She was afraid that if they found out they would actually kill her!

    She's risking her life to make sure we get proper transportation. And it does amaze me that drivers are willing to kill over this.

    I suppose it's like in Bangkok where the meters are the law but many drivers want you to pay a flat price.

    It's finding out the reality of things like this that really disturb me. By the way, I really hate the songtaew and taxi drivers. They are scum of the earth.

  6. Why do a runner which could lead to you being blacklisted and will let your employer and students down. Your issue is with one teacher . Is she your senior with formal authority over you? Talk to your real boss - say you are not happy and explain why. Find out what the school rules and policies are on the procedures you are unclear about. You sound a bit wet to me and on your own admittance are lazy and deceitful. Grow up and do your job properly. At a 1000 dollars a month you might be overpaid!

    Blacklisted. Believe that do you?

    I know it for a fact. It's not a formal ditributed list but word of of mouth warning , reference checking and circulating info on undesirable applicants and past employees.

    Well, I was only there for two days. I doubt they will have spread the word about me.

    It's been a couple of weeks since I pulled the runner and I feel I made the right decision. I know things would have been hell working with that one Thai teacher. Plus the kids were not exceptional despite it being a top 20 school in Bangkok. I was very irked to teach male students again.

    I asked what would you bring to a desert island that begins with "n" and of course some jackoff had to say "n**ger."

    if I'm going to put up with stuff like this then I expect my standard pay of 35,000 a month. None of this bonus stuff to try to discourage me from walking out on the job.

  7. I didn't realise there was a top 20 list of Bangkok schools. And they are using an agency to recruit and paying 32k a month? They sound amazing.

    Get on Ajarn.com, get your CV out and see what's about. Always easier to leave when you have something else lined up.

    Hang on, they have aircon? Screw it, it's only the next 11 months of your life. What's the worst that can happen?

    The last school I worked at had air conditioning. This school has nicer air conditioning though because it's built into the structure like it's done in America.

    But I can't stop thinking about how the base pay is only 32k. There a 2k bonus for not missing days and chances for overtime. However, I'm pretty lazy.

  8. I'm at this school for the second day. Even though I've been going through my mind thinking that I should just pull a runner and leave I find an excuse to come back again. I even had second thoughts signing the contract.

    Here are some details. I usually want around 35k straight a month. This is 32k with a 2k bonus for not missing any days.

    The school is okay. It's actually in the top twenty of the Secondary schools in Bangkok.

    However, I've got these nagging sensations.

    First off, there's a teacher here who kind of made a comment like she expected me to know everything without anyone telling me anything. This is typical Thai style I I know. I took roll during the middle of class. She said that it's a rule to take it within the first six minutes. That's fine but it's the first time anyone has ever given me a roll sheet with names. I tried explaining to her that there's no consistency with the majority of Thai teachers telling me to start taking roll next week because this week is an introduction week. She just kind of gave me a "whatever."

    I'll actually find myself working closely with this woman. Additionally, I think this school will be more work than my past positions. In my past positions I could make the curriculum with little oversight. This looks like I'll be watched more closely and expected to do better taking scores. Which is fine, but I expect to get paid accordingly.

    I know most schools have started. I do like the fact that I'm in another top twenty school and there's air conditioning everywhere. Lunch is free, except it's not that tasty. The commute is not bad and there's no bus or motorcycle.

    Yet, I still argue with myself internally whether I'm wasting my time here and I should just go somewhere else that will pay me more.

    Can anyone relate? I need some wisdom from my experienced peers.

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