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Posts posted by ev1lchris

  1. I had a job offer to start Monday but didn't take it. I didn't because I kind of don't like the guy at the particular agency.

    Do people still get hired after the start date? I'm hoping that a better offer might come around. Although I do suppose I'm getting sick of teaching in Thailand.

  2. If they are having to pick up there medical bills that's a crime on its own... The authorities should have picked the bill up if only as a goodwill gesture... Regardless of who did what and when there is no justification for the level of violence shown in this attack.. And once again the big issue being the damage to Thai tourism and the country...The General could have done himself some big favours by coming out and deploring this incident! and insisting the perps are punished correctly.

    The general probably privately likes the fact these people were beaten.

  3. So according to your post you are an english teacher and everything seems cheap to you? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    How's that BTS ticket and the studio apartment working out so far?

    You got a bottom of the barrel job in Thailand and of course Thai people will talk behind your back about it.

    I would too - just not behind your back - you're a loser. Period.

    Instead you hide behind a computer.


  4. I can't sleep with the air conditioner on, I don't know why.

    After I turn it off I try to sleep but I find myself sweating in this horrible heat. I get up and turn the AC on again. It's a cycle that repeats.

    I find myself sleeping at 4 am these days.

    The other months this was bearable. I can't take this anymore though. This heat is insane. I hope the locals are coping better than I am.

  5. I think Thais have latent anger and this is one way it gets expressed.

    Also some ladyboys think it's okay to fight with real women just because they dress up like them. I've heard of fights getting started with the ladyboys as the instigator.

    However, if there's even a sliver of a chance that the Thais will face a fight where they can get hurt they back out.


  6. I notice that Thais do not outwardly express their anger and it leads to certain other behaviors.

    Once I was walking down the street. I saw a Thai street vendor that was angry with a dog that was no older than a puppy. He grabbed it and threw it on the ground. He did this again.

    This was outside the BTS / MRT station in Asok by the Pala's Pizza.

    I calmly walked forward and asked him what was happening. Then he grabs a knife from his cart and looks at me. I stay calm and do not do anything. He then takes the puppy with the knife into the alley and God knows what happened after that.

    I'm sure beating on animals is the result of pent up anger and frustration about not being able to advocate for yourself, or at least living a horrible life. I would not be surprised if many Thais took out their aggression on women and children because of the inability to be assertive on their own behalf.

    In the government school system I think this takes the form of the Thai staff talking about the farangs behind their back and purposely not sharing important information (for example, an upcoming day of school closure).

    This passive-aggressive / explosive behavior is really pathetic. I understand that Thais do not like it when I make maybe double or triple what they make by virtue of having a different passport or native language. I understand that it's easy for someone like me to come over here and not worry too much about money because from my point of view everything is dirt cheap for me. And if a Thai person is going to try to berate me I am going to throw it back at them one thousand percent.

    However, all this is NOT MY FAULT. It's not my fault that the average Thai person makes less than $10 USD a day. It's not my fault that I can just not show up to school at 3 am just because the administration are idiot planners and not receive criticism or punishment for it. It's really not my fault that I can make more in a day than most Thais in a week back in the West.

    This is all displaced anger. Thais need to advocate for themselves if they want a better life. That's the reason why people in the States and other parts of the world have better lives. It's like the quote "The squeaky wheel gets the oil."

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