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Posts posted by ev1lchris

  1. I went for a day trip down to Lopburi because I was really excited to see the monkeys. It was really good for me.

    However, I didn't stay the night in town. I was wondering, what kind of night life is there in Lopburi? Is there a fairly large expat community? I only got the spend a few hours there but I'm curious to know what else I could check out. I want to try and convince a couple of friends to come back with me.

  2. English planet bkk. Eduplus samut prakan. How can u not find a job. In the first week of the semester every school ditches one or two teachers that they dont like. Easy to find one then as well. Craigslist teaching thailand has a lot of jobs too. If u r black u might find it harder.

    English Planet was totally cheating money from the teachers I worked with. I'm glad I walked out on that agency and went with a better one.

  3. I have been applying and interviewing and it seems for now BKK is all filled up. I don't really want to move but I would consider something in Isaan (maybe).

    However, this doesn't cause me too much worry because I know how things work down here. People drop out at last minute and other issues.

    Has anyone else had this experience? The agency I was working with didn't really sell me on other jobs because they assumed that I would be returning to the same school I had been teaching at,

  4. As an outsider looking in....If Trump should get the nomination when he faces up to a real politician in Clinton certainly in policy she will cut him to ribbons, she don't have the razzamatazz like the golden boy what she has is real experience in government and for us watching this circus we all hope the Trump does not make president.

    LOL you are too funny. Watch and learn.

    Im not being funny I'm concerned for the future....That showman who thinks this campaign is an extension of one of his reality shows is a dead set tragedy and the clowns that vote for him are telling the rest of the world start building bomb shelters in your back yard....

    Hillary is a way bigger target for attack than her rival Sanders.

    Hillary is totally scandal prone. If she gets the nomination I imagine all the skeletons that are going to be falling out of her closet.

  5. I'm here at my last day at the secondary school I am teaching at with no other job lined up.

    I haven't really been sweating finding another job just yet because I think now is not the right time to apply and that I will find a job easily I don't know if I'm right about his?

    In my experience a lot of Thai schools do things at the last minute including hiring. With the break and Songkran coming up I don't assume that a lot of hiring will be done except by the most diligent of people.

    Even though I am Japanese-American I think I can land a job easily because the schools are poorly managed. Some are just desperate to find people due to the lack of planning. I know a good number of managers will discriminate against me because I'm Asian. In many instances they just need the native English speaker really bad.

    Should I be so nonchalant about this? Last time I decided to bail on a position in Minburi but everything worked out because I ended up at a better and closer school.

  6. Have a word to your director, explain the situation. Better move to Vietnam, China, elsewhere, or look online for teaching. Thailand is becoming increasingly xenophobic.

    China is the way worst place I have ever been to.

    I don't want to talk to the director. They are always bitter wastes of space.

  7. Yesterday I talked to someone at the agency that gave me my current job at a top Thailand secondary school.

    She told me that she wasn't able to renew the contracts. She also said the director wanted to get rid of all the teachers and just put in "falangs." I'm guessing she means all white people. I am Japanese-American. She called the director an annoying bigot. So I was pretty sure that when my contract ends on March 18th I would be out of a job.

    My co-worker is telling me not to take anything set in stone until the new year starts. He said that his contract was renewed and that he would be in a different department. What he tells me kind of contradicts what I heard yesterday.

    Is the system really this wonky? I have heard that the director really hates foreigners, as a matter of fact she never acknowledged that I exist until recently. I'm just assuming that I'm not going back to that school and that I should look for something else. And I would think my Filipino co-workers would be gone too since the director wants to purge the department of Filipinos or something.

    Although she wants to hire white people and pay less money than she does which I think is an impossible task. It could be that she might not be able to pull it off and just say forget it and hire us all back. I'm not holding my breath though.

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