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Posts posted by ev1lchris

  1. I'm a Japanese American.

    When I first came to Thailand I was surprised at the attention I got from Asian women. Almost everyday someone is telling me I look cute or handsome. When I teach at Thai schools the students love me.

    However, the attention I get from Western women is sporadic and minimal. I mainly feel like I am invisible.

    What is the difference between the two cultures that cause this?

  2. I was pleased with the city and I think in 5 to 10 years it could be as desirable to live in as Bangkok.

    What I didn't like was the pushy touters. Plus I had a feeling like almost everyone wanted to take advantage of me for money.

    If they added a Skytrain and cut down on the riff raff it would be a nice place to live.

    Very beautiful women.

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  3. I left for Vietnam before my Non B expired. When I came back I think I was flagged because I had many stamps and stickers from Thailand.

    An officer told me that I'm not a tourist and that I should get a visa next time. I asked if I could get my visa extended here in Bangkok and he said he didn't know.

    He wrote "Get a Thai Visa Next Time" and had me initial next to it in my passport.

    Am I coming to a point where they will not let me stay anymore? Should I leave for Laos at the end of my month or try to get an extension and Chenwattanata?

    I'm also looking for teaching positions. I tried to tell that to the officer as well.

  4. I'm here right now for the very first time as well.

    My first impression was that Saigon would be as good or better as Bangkok.

    After a few days here I realize that is not the case.

    There are way too many sketchy people and scammers here. Generally the Vietnamese do not have the graciousness of the Thai people.

    I'm getting harassed everywhere I go. I feel like the people here are predators.

    I've taken to staying in my hotel during the evening. I'm not impressed with this society and look forward to leaving.

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