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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Got to be better than the English teacher I met in Chiang Mai......he was from Birmingham, even I couldn't understand him.
  2. Not for him the dangers of Ukraine, come to Thailand, it's safe.
  3. Now that it has been proven effective it will become a must have item among the young men and youths of Thailand.....and possibly beyond, Knives are so 2021.
  4. Depends on the humidity. In Bavaria I could go outside comfortably wearing a jacket at minus 15 C, in Surin I'm freezing wearing an overcoat at plus 15 C.
  5. That will teach them not to shoot arrows at motorists, "I acted in self defense your honour"
  6. The pig is desperately writing numbers with its front hooves on the pig pen floor as a counter measure, if it's a winner the farmer gets decapitated.
  7. I suppose they are worried that this will give the RTP a bad name ????
  8. If you are referring to the NHS in the UK you are more likely to die waiting for an appointment than get treatment.
  9. Looking after my !8 month old step granddaughter, when she stops ripping off my glasses and tugging my beard and finally falls asleep in my arms I get excited because because I can lay her down in bed and and I'm free for at least two hours.
  10. That won't happen, it would mean the government would have to pay their employees a decent wage, far cheaper to let the police rely on corruption.
  11. I really don't but I've never taken any interest in 'celebrities'. I can appreciate a good actors or singers performance but don't remember their names.
  12. Never heard of her before either.
  13. divided among 11 states within Germany, arrests were also made in Austria and Italy so I imagine many of those 3,000 were administrative in nature including liaison with the intelligence service.
  14. I can well understand his unwillingness to return to the UK but overstaying is not the answer.
  15. Financial pragmatism and international diplomacy always wins, it has to, which world leader doesn't have blood on his or her hands, if normal justice was valid for all no politician could travel with impunity.
  16. It happens. A German friend of mine experienced, as he put it, the worst day of his life. His wallet with money and cards was stolen from his back pocket at swampy as he was leaving to return home, he still had his passport and air ticket but that was all. To make matters worse he had contacted an STD which was staining his white trousers with a yellow patch. He had a fever, was tired and had a hangover. The most immediate problem however was he didn't have the 500 Baht to pay the departure tax as it was then (about 20 years ago). In desperation he walked into a bank to see if he could get a small loan on the strength of his passport alone, this wasn't possible of course but the 40 year old male bank teller upon hearing his story took pity on him especially when my friend promised to transfer 10 times that amount to the Thai man's bank account when he was back in Germany, the bank teller lent him the 500 Baht and my friend was true to his word.
  17. It won't affect tourist couples because police will only act on a complaint to them from a relative of the couple, so it's unlikely to affect anybody at all.
  18. There are plenty of wives banning it inside marriage as well
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