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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Try Bavarian! My German daughter was born in Bavaria, when she was around 7 or 8 years old and we watched 'Bauern Theater' on TV I as an Englishman would have to translate the Bayerisch into Hochdeutsch for her. Her mother is from Hamburg and at school only Hochdeutsch was allowed whereas in my office full of middle aged people Bayerisch was normally spoken so I picked it up quite easily. Later when we got some Spanish, English and Belgians joining our sewing club everything changed to Hochdeutsch, these days its only used in its true form in the villages.
  2. Yes, I met a Dutch couple once who replaced the Buddhas head on two statues on a postcard with cutouts of their own heads, it was seized at the post office when they went to post it home and the cops were called. They were threatened with possible jail time, after a grovelling apology oral and written and a three page explanation about their lack of knowledge about Buddhism and how ignorant they were about religion in general they were given a hefty fine and told it would be better if they left the town and went elsewhere. The woman was still visibly shaken when they told me about it. What this guy has done was considerably worse.
  3. and unlike the West they have long term goals, with a one party system you can bide your time. Biden sounds as if he wants more money for the military.
  4. Yes you are right, there are some lovely places in the UK but Joe Bloggs has to live where the work is, I don't mind rainy weather, in fact I quite like grey skies, everything seems greener, no it's the towns that are so depressing, the lack of colour, the boring conformity, the way they are laid out. The more ancient they are the better of course. It's also the way things are, there is no flair as in France or Italy, no beer gardens or beer halls as in Bavaria, just the choking boredom of 'the lokal, telly, or football.
  5. Not in the UK, you get too depressed because it's just dismal, cheap fat women, a few pints of canned Lage and a spliff wont turn the place into paradise. The women here wouldn't give most of us a second look even with money (a friend told me that)
  6. I think we are all tared with the same brush, just as we say Asian, they say falang.
  7. Yes, I think we all know the contribution to the English language made by the Anglo Saxons, fact is that the mixture that resulted with Celtic, Latin, Viking, French and Anglo-Saxon has brought about a mongrel language, which although still an Indo-Germanic language, has had its Germanic roots severely weakened so that names and place names no longer sound familiar to a German ear, exceptions to this can be found in Friesian, some dialects such as Platt Deutsch have a remarkable similarity with English eg. English, 'what is the time' German, 'wie viel Uhr ist es', Platt Deutsch, 'wat hat die clock'.
  8. Getting a little desperate now are we.........what about the stricter checks put forward?
  9. It was his own fault for not having a gold chain to nick.
  10. This is going to cost the Wallaby more than his didgeridoo is worth.
  11. Your Irish star is burning bright it would seem, how else would it be possible to discern an accent from the written word. No doubt your post contains an analogy that only the most fervent MAGA enthusiast, bereft of the need for reason or the desire for proof, could understand.
  12. I think it is safe to assume that, unlike Caesar's wife, nobody in politics is above suspicion, the least prerequisite for the post is narcissism which Trump has well above what is required. Biden certainly has his age against him but unlike Trump there is no proof of wrong doing against him which even the big boys in the GOP admit. As for 'loonies' one only has to read the sewage that comes out of the mouths of Majorie Taylor Greene and her ilk or Trump himself to know who is unhinged. The lack of dignity, class and general knowledge in the GOP makes them a perfect fit for their voters.
  13. America was always a slut but now the whole world knows she isn't a virgin
  14. He didn't actually come out of the Russian case squicky clean, there were aspects that could/should have been further investigated but it was Donalds DOJ.
  15. Was probably told he can't take the skateboard on the aircraft (assuming the nutter was leaving which would explain the leisurely attitude of the police)
  16. The elite can ignore court decisions unless the verdict is in their favour. Court decisions can be fought by their lawyers until everyone has died of old age. In this case I dare say there has been a brown envelope of understanding which over rules any legal argument.
  17. Interesting, so you have sorted out your life without our help. If you are seeking absolution I suggest you turn to a higher authority.
  18. Looked at yourself in the mirror lately? Your wife is probably comfort eating through unhappiness. Sex isn't the most important thing in life, at least not for a mature person. Why bring up something so personal here anyway, do you need the blessing of the community, sort your own life out before you get an STD from one of your superficial flings.
  19. The police must have a certain sympathy with the abbot, crows don't pick others eyes out. A wonder the monks haven't been prosecuted for defamation.
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