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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Stop apologizing, stand by what you have written, you shouldn't care about negative comments from the fatties.
  2. Yes, it shows how powerful and clever the establishment is, the majority stands with surprised open mouths while the grinning minority carries off the prize.......it was to be expected after all. Only violence on the streets will show how disappointed the voters are but (1) it wont happen and (2) I'm sure that such a scenario has been anticipated and counter measures are in place. Strategy is their strong point.
  3. Don't you think that it would be showing too much contempt for the voter, although I must admit the idea is so brazen as to be funny.
  4. I think it is a foregone conclusion that Prawit will be PM. Obviously some deal has been made to allow Mr T back but I can't see any advantage for PT or Prawit, except perhaps if Mr T will be used to mitigate any PT uprising and stop any violent coalition between the red shirts and MFP on the streets, either that or there is something we have overseen. Whatever, the elite's machine is working like clockwork, silently and patiently cutting down all obstacles to return to power against the will of the people, if their success wasn't so awful their efficiency would be almost admirable. Perhaps a cadre of young lions in the military could put a stop to it but that is a forlorn hope, whoever has heard of a military that supports democracy.
  5. They have a strange system here, I had a car that was, to all intents and purpose, a write off, the only piece of body work that wasn't damaged was the boot lid. I had the repair quote from Honda and contacted the insurance of the man who had caused the accident and said I would be happy if they paid me the market worth of the car, they would save themselves 30k. They refused and insisted that the car was repaired. The repair job was magnificent.
  6. Let us not get too precious about this, you too would use the privilege card in similar circumstances. This is Asia, he is a rich old man with political clout and a popular following in the country, nothing to see here.
  7. No wonder the IO thinks up ways to make life difficult for us, negative falang news affects us all in one way or another, this isn't funny.
  8. An atmosphere of fear and despair in that work place obviously.
  9. Rather stupid of him, does he think now all will be forgotten and he can keep the car? They know where he lives so now the police will come along next time and his loss of face will be even greater. The thought processes of some people is astonishing.
  10. soalbundy

    Elder care at home

    I can't really help with concrete info but some years ago an English friend put out a local newspaper ad looking for a retired nurse to look after his father, live in with food provided and a small wage, he found a 50 year old who did a good job and became like a family member, these days you could do it online. I don't have anymore info than that, worth a try.
  11. Chimerivax, it is undergoing phase two of the Thai trials.
  12. We just went to the village clinic, it's free for the village inhabitants, including me, but they have run out of stock, there has been a rush to get injected since dengue has been in the news. I've used the clinic several times for free in the past for small things, sprained ankle, a deep cut that needed stitches and a burnt hand when cooking oil caught fire but it surprised me that I could get this injection for free.
  13. I've just googled it, dengvaxia is only 65% effective and yes each subsequent infection is worse than the proceeding one, the 3rd infection usually produces massive internal bleeding and liver damage. There is a new better vaccine from France but it looks rather expensive, I shall ask my insurance if they will pay for it.
  14. I would only trust experts on dengue. When my symptoms first appeared, red spots on my skin, lack of appetite, tiredness and feeling dizzy, I went to a local doctor who said I had a sun allergy (hence the red spots) and I was dizzy because I was old (63 at the time) I distrusted him and drove to a private hospital who first tested my blood and urine, half an hour after the lab report the doctor told me I was an emergency admission as I was going into shock.
  15. completely wrong, the body produces no immunity to dengue.
  16. A German colleague of mine (42 years old) was sent to Thailand as a rep, he had dengue twice, one year apart. The first time was relatively benign as in my case, the second time he had to have, like you, a complete blood transfusion and fell into a coma for two days. After a two week spell in hospital the head doctor in a private hospital in BKK told him to return to Germany and never come to Asia again as a third infection would kill him. He was given a medical report to this effect so that his company had to withdraw him.
  17. I wouldn't take aspirin for dengue, it's a blood thinner and you are bleeding internally as it is, I was answering a post that implied you couldn't buy aspirin in Thailand and of course you can.
  18. No, but despite my body going into shock the doctor told me I had the milder form of dengue; I was also told that any subsequent infection would be worse than the first, the body doesn't build any resistance to it but is somehow weakened by it, 3 or 4 further infections results in death.
  19. I've been hospitalized for dengue fever, there is no cure, all the doctors can do is to support the body's vital functions and hope for the best. I was woken every two hours and given a pill and blood was taken for the lab. It was the worst illness that I had ever had, after 4 days I was released from hospital but it took me 6 weeks to recover my normal vitality.
  20. every chemist and most supermarkets that have a medicine unit
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