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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Yes, I have always used Klarna without any problems, my bank is the Sparkasse. The transfer to Wise was no problem, Wise confirmed that they had received the money, the transfer to my Thai account was the problem and that lies firmly in Wises corner. I have just received an email from Wise saying they have sent my money now and it should arrive on the 30th. I still have the login problem, 'we have detected a suspicious login' and I have to verify it is me each time, the site explains that I am using a different computer to login which is nonsense, I am using the same PC as always. It still isn't possible to contact their support team about this as they are still overloaded with emails so I do suspect that they have a system problem. I too have found that the support team isn't much use, they are friendly but seem to lack any knowledge about the Wise systems or methods.
  2. Yeah right, British corruption and political inability is far more acceptable, there is a certain style about it.
  3. I always tick funds for long stay in Thailand and get same day transfers, their email informing me that they had received my money also said it would be transferred today, only when I used the tracking service did it inform me there would be a delay and would take longer than usual. I find it strange that their support team still can't be reached, never happened before.
  4. Well I just managed to login this time with no problems but their support team is still overloaded and can't be reached and their website is down so there are problems somewhere. Wise has deducted my money from my German account but it isn't being sent on at the moment.
  5. My German bank told me that all my 'Wise' transfers have gone through Holland
  6. The fact that the 'contact us' button shows, 'Our support team is really busy at the moment, a lot of customers are trying to contact us' seems indicative of a system problem.
  7. but why 'we detected a suspicious login attempt' notice when from the time stamp it was obviously me using the same PC that I have used for transfers 100's of times before, not just once but each time I tried to open my account, the last time was merely to use the tracking service, as soon as I typed in the sms code up came the warning for the third time.
  8. Login from Thailand, sent Euros from Germany. login from PC with sms code as double confirmation.
  9. I logged in 3 different times into my 'Wise' account as normal and each time I received a warning that an unknown computer was being used, each time I ticked the 'computer can be trusted' button. After the first time I even changed my password, I was able to carry out a transaction and received an email that they had received my money and would send Thai Baht to my Thai account today, they would inform me by email when the money was on its way. After two hours and no email I tried the tracking option which informed me that it was taking longer than usual to process. I tried using the 'help' button only to find that the help team was overworked at the moment. Anyone know what's going on?
  10. So the new PM is Thaksin and Srettha is the straw man or am I missing something.
  11. As I wrote earlier, I see a compassionate pardon in the offing which will rejuvenate him to full health.
  12. Nobody complained at being born, be gracious about dying.
  13. All of those conditions can be exaggerated. He will be transferred to a top private hospital and then released on compassionate grounds and will outlive us all.
  14. You over estimate our significance, for the foreseeable future he has a lot more on his plate than us.
  15. At least it's not Prawit. PT will now be able to arrange a pardon for Mr T
  16. Another spoon in the mix to stir the complicated alphabet soup, exciting times.
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