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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. Return to the town of Wang King you dirty little tykes.
  2. Must have been quite a funny sight, a bus full of happy tourists oblivious of the flames pouring out of the back as it charged downhill.
  3. But he will get a basket of fruit from some concerned official and a 'wai'
  4. No, nobody chooses to be homosexual, ones sexuality is set in the womb. I don't have an issue with gay people just with that stupid flag which shows exclusivity it's an 'us' and 'them' mentality which surely goes against what the gay movement was all about. I also dislike the pandering of many companies and organizations to rally round the flag to show how 'woke' they are. Any war is a senseless tragedy although each has its reasons, good or bad. Russia has been goaded unnecessarily for years by the USA and bringing the Ukraine into the western fold (against all agreements to the contrary) was the last straw, Russia is now surrounded by potential enemies on its borders which for a paranoid state like Russia is just too much. If Russia was truly democratic this would never have happened but perhaps this war is a harbinger of change.
  5. The driver didn't know who he was.......he does now, be careful about your choice of mini bus in the future.
  6. generalizations are always abhorrent, but I'm an A$$hole, it's what I do.
  7. The flag is an affront to the eyes. They want to be accepted and included into society but set themselves apart by having their own flag, "Hey look at me, I'm different", no you aren't, you're boring. Thais don't have a relaxed view on these issues, they are polite and avoid confrontation which you would know if you could speak Thai and listen to what is said behind their backs, but never openly.
  8. Banning that flag would be OK by me.
  9. Someone isn't well organized. I can't see it makes any difference to the embassy whether he's on overstay or not, an embassy isn't a Thai police station and they are duty bound to supply their citizens with travel documents.
  10. Obviously not a highly regarded member of society but she was once somebody's little daughter.
  11. I think the explanation is 'he is rich and influential'
  12. This going to be a costly nightmare when he gets back home, maybe even prison. Lufthansa will certainly want compensation for the unscheduled landing in India and the German judiciary aren't going to just give him a hand slap for interfering with air traffic operations, that carrys a very stiff penalty I believe.
  13. I pick limes from my neighbour's trees and use oranges bought from Tesco, I was the citrus with soap and water before use to get rid of left over pesticides (which my neighbour's trees wont have, they are pretty much wild and unattended, Isaan)
  14. Not putting yourself in such a position in the first place would have solved all your problems.
  15. I saw an interesting program on youtube several months ago recommending using a blender with citrus fruit but leaving the peel on. Apparently, apart from there being more vitamin C in the peel than in the fruit, the peel contains many oils and minerals which can reduce a substance in the body which changes testosterone into estrogen which is responsible for prostate enlargement, a prostate reduction should occur, I have been drinking this for around 10 weeks every day and I have seen an improvement, no urgent need to urinate for example.
  16. That was my fault, 10,000 referred to the frame only, they can't possibly offer a quote for bifocals without an eye inspection, which was very thorough. my present glasses (which I bought from them over 10 years ago for 22K) were also measured to check for eye sight depreciation. My present glasses are still usable but micro scratches, possibly through dust collisions when riding a motor bike make distant objects slightly fuzzy, I can see a person 200 meters away but can't say who it is, so I can still use them for outside work or bike riding to spare the new ones.
  17. Bifocals aren't reading glasses
  18. It would seem that most of the advanced economies are in recession (apparently you can only know that for certain when it's over) certainly M2 money supply is reducing which brings down demand and eventually raises unemployment which further brings down demand, a vicious cycle. The central banks seem powerless, in the USA many small and mid sized banks are basically insolvent and like China (although not as bad) the real estate industry is on its knees, interesting times.
  19. Most economies are debt based economies with a planned amount of inflation, growth is needed to keep the cycle rolling otherwise you get stagflation. Thailand is not alone, the world is rolling towards an economic crisis, countries are swimming in excessive debt, inflation is making the banks curb credit which reduces money supply (debt creates money, repayment destroys it) this reduces inflation but curbs demand, hence the real estate crisis among others. A big reset is coming and I don't think we will like it.
  20. Hypocrisy, arguments and being jealous of those who can fly away from it all.
  21. We live in a Buddhist country, no virgin births here.
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