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Everything posted by soalbundy

  1. It's called look after number one economics, sod the flag waving, it's the same way I feel.
  2. and whatever was in it looks as if its been burnt.
  3. I doubt that, Thais are apathetic in general regarding politics (Bangkok is perhaps an exception) I asked my wife who she will vote for, she said, nobody, they are all corrupt and it will never change, who cares if there is a coup it wont affect my daily life, in fact a coup would be good for us as the Baht would fall and my pension would be worth more.
  4. I wouldn't say that, a long time ago I witnessed a pretty lady boy making out with a Dutchman, after a bit of groping the Dutchman recoiled in horror and pushed him away, Lady boy;- ''Yes OK I am a man like you but........ Dutchman;- ''No! you are not a man like me, frick off''
  5. I object to the word woman as if it is a reality, wishful thinking doesn't transform reality, when I drive my Honda I wish it was a Porsche but at the end of the day it's still a Honda.
  6. Yes, woke modern nonsense although when the meat and veg are gone one can't really use the word 'boy', woman impersonator might be better.
  7. She seems to be bra-less and ready for some interesting philosophical conversation.
  8. No, it seems to have reverted back to its origins in non tourist areas. In my village family groups including those who had traveled back home from Bangkok, gathered outside their houses feasting and the young revered the old by pouring water over their hands. Since the death of my wife's father I am now the oldest and so had to endure about 20 members of the wife's family sitting me on a raised chair and after standing in line they poured water into my cupped hands while reciting Buddhist prayers and since this was an honour I couldn't be so churlish and refuse to go to the temple for the Buddhist service, I would have preferred some water fights, in fact the next day I drove to the market town gleefully expecting mayhem but it was just a normal day.
  9. In my village it's banned and several others as well, even in the market town 17 km away there was nothing going on.
  10. It's just a phase he's going through. Seriously though, it must be devastating if your own flesh and blood does this to you, especially for an Indian who generally have strong family ties. His son obviously isn't a Mensa candidate as the police obviously know who he is unless patricide was intended.
  11. Sad. Where was the mother, divorced isn't dead. The poor little kid has had life's troubles thrust on him at an early stage, an intelligent, independent soul by all accounts.
  12. Complaining about corrupt politicians anywhere in the world is like complaining about birds flying or that rain is wet. The special hallmark of Thai corruption however is that it is a pursuit without shame and almost no consequences. Mark Twain said that mankind is the only animal that blushes....or needs to, the Thais have set themselves in their own ball park on that one, they see no need to.
  13. Come election time they will all be singing 'I vow to thee my country...........'
  14. Pedantic, as someone once said, 'accuracy is the priority of the firing squad', Sheldon could kill any remark made in jest by disassembling its entirety for the sake of an accurate representation of its component parts. Woof999 was of course correct in his appraisal of my jocular remarks on the health of the driver and the resultant consequences should he have really suffered a seizure ????
  15. A seizure, I like it, it's better than the failed brakes excuse and nobody can prove him wrong.
  16. $52 million, obviously a man with ambition but he couldn't find a country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with the USA? A serious lack of planing. The FBI found him, not the the RTP, they were just the collectors.
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