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Everything posted by nrasmussen

  1. My point was that I wasted an hour doing what normally can be done at leisure in a few minutes. I apologise that that wasn't clear.
  2. For the first time since online reporting was introduced I got my submission rejected. I thought it might be a mistake and tried again a few days later with the same result. So, as instructed, I went to the immigration office (Songkhla Immigration, Hat Yai) in person, where naturally I asked why I couldn't do the reporting online and the answer I got was that the system wasn't working. Photocopies required where of: passport picture page, extension of permission to stay, and entry stamp. Total time spent (driving home-immigration-home included): about one hour.
  3. I don't know anything about that. What I do know, however, is that with the huge order backlogs that both Airbus and Boeing have, when ordering new planes, expected deliveries are many years in the future; hence the need for (very) long time planning.
  4. Ordering 45 Boeing 787s to be delivered over ten years starting from 2027 seems like long term planning to me: https://www.thaiairways.com/sites/en/news/news_announcement/news_detail/tg-boeing-joint.page#:~:text=Singapore%2C 20 February%2C 2024 -,up to 80 Dreamliners%2C at
  5. Flying short domestic flights (usually between Bangkok and Hat Yai), I don't really care much which airline; most important is price/schedule. I did have a preference, though, for Thai Smile, because everything was included without having to pay extra fees - and they even had a senior's discount 😉 - so I'm sad to see them go. Most recently I used Thai Vietjet Air and Thai Lion Air - both without any issues.
  6. The "server" is most likely a mainframe located in the bank's data center. These are so reliable that unscheduled downtime is typically just a few minutes per year, so my guess is that in this case it was the branch's data communication link to the data center that was down.
  7. For my very first extension of permission to stay based on retirement I got a house visit. A few years later, for the first extension after moving to another house on the same street, I also got a house visit. So apparently they just want to check that I really live where I claim I do.
  8. That's kind of moot, isn't it, since the till wouldn't work at all, so no way to register the sale, even if paying with cash.
  9. 1. No electricity needed to scan a QR code. 2. LOL
  10. I don't know if it's because the cashier cannot read English, but whenever this happens to me I just point to the English text and say "อ่านว่าไม่ต้องเซ็น".
  11. Just need cellphone coverage, which usually works even during blackouts. By the way, how would you obtain cash if there's no electricity?
  12. So much misinformation and fear mongering have been going on since the beginning of the pandemic that people, as evidenced in this thread, still after three years and the pandemic effectively being over, hotly debates the pros and cons of vaccines and mask wearing. I'm from a generation before conspiracy theories, where vaccines unquestionably were considered a good thing. Some vaccines are more effective than others, some require boosters, some don't; nothing new here. I, personally, am very happy that it was possible to develop COVID-19 vaccines as quickly as it was (anyone remember that in the beginning it was said that it might take five to 10 years to do it?). I've had four shots until now and I intend to keep having one together with my yearly influenza shot; that will probably continue for the rest of my life, since SARS-CoV-2 most likely is here to stay. Regarding masks, I hate wearing one and I only do it when I must. If it's compulsory I don a mask, if it's not, I don't. It's no big deal as far as I'm concerned, and what others do or don't, well, up to them, I don't care.
  13. That was relevant during the pandemic. All it will accomplish now is possibly reducing an already minuscule risk slightly.
  14. As a Hat Yai resident I do hope that you haven't completely abandoned all plans for a route to Songkhla. Please? ????
  15. Car: THB 2000 VIP seat: THB 2800
  16. Back in the days of the infancy of mobile phones I worked at a company manufacturing petrol station equipment, including pumps. I seem to remember that at the time there was some concern that mobile phones might interfere with the electronics in the pumps, potentially causing wrong measurements of the amount of dispensed fuel. It's possible that that's the real reason why mobile phone use was discouraged during filling and that it was just found easier to attain compliance if the public instead was told that there would be danger of explosion.
  17. My guess is that they are using ISO 3166-2:TH.
  18. I did have a similar problem for a long time and had to take an antihistamine tablet several times a week. In the hope that it might help, I got an air purifier and it certainly did make a huge difference! During the three weeks since I got it, only once have I needed an antihistamine tablet.
  19. I did it successfully one month ago: submitted the notification on 2022-12-06 and received the approval on 2022-12-09.
  20. When I lived back in my home country I hadn't used cash for decades, so it was quite annoying and a step backward when I relocated to Thailand seven years ago and had to start carrying cash again. Fortunately, during the last couple of years things have improved here, so now I can again manage without cash; I do hope that it will stay that way.
  21. My mistake. I misread your post as being a blanket statement regarding EU with exceptions outside the union. Sorry for the confusion.
  22. Obviously. However, my comment was meant for the poster that gave wrong info regarding EU. My apologies if that wasn't clear.
  23. Perhaps true for some EU countries, but Denmark is an EU member and insurance there is for the car.
  24. Here is a list of what they accepted then: - Work permit - Alien identity card - House registration - Driving license - Student certification letter
  25. I did it successfully about a year ago with a Thai driver's license.
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