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Everything posted by scubascuba3

  1. Definitely but it's wise to keep fingers crossed at all times, it may help 🤞
  2. Fingers crossed 🤞
  3. I was chatting to a friend yesterday who had Rezum a few months ago, happy except now has retrograde ejaculation
  4. I would just get a new one, not expensive, it's a PITA keep leaking
  5. Their website shows a Line address, add them, discuss the issue, eventually they'll send you a link to pay, think i paid via QR code. Below is the first website that came up on Google, see if there's a better one https://3bbfiber3online.com/568975/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiArKW-BhAzEiwAZhWsIOgrXH4mr7HMSum5r92__A9E6YVG_0Z9oKEsBs6iPP7ZtAMMbPQQPxoCmmoQAvD_BwE
  6. Or add their Line and agree on there, easier, that's what i did, never spoken to them
  7. Ask 3BB again. Personally i pay a year in advance to get a discount
  8. As for behaving only time will tell
  9. Only in Pai and that's the young Israeli's ruining for the rest
  10. Is this the same woman who did something similar in central Pattaya a couple weeks ago? next to VT6
  11. Yes, probably best to talk to AIS. There will be many options so maybe go by the monthly price
  12. Don't you need a tank for pumps to work? condos don't have their own tank
  13. You don't need to get a new number, you have both wifi and mobile data on, when at home it will connect to wifi, when not at home it will use mobile data, what you may need is a mobile data package from AIS, call them. If your phone has two sims then you could keep your existing sim but also buy a new 12 month data sim from Lazada Shopee etc
  14. My Moka Pot is excellent, it's the new and improved design with a taller upper part, coffee flows perfectly, the original design struggled to get the coffee out
  15. I experimented with different beans until i found what i liked best which is Dark French roast, the French bit means it's roasted longer and will be less acidic/bitter, it definitely varies with different roasters so like everything it's trial and error. I now grind before every coffee https://th.shp.ee/T6PZSw3
  16. Maybe it's you, I've never had a problem, mainly used on Shopee and Lazada and Google Wallet instore
  17. Thought are that premiums will go up as you claim more as you get older, plus be very transparent with known and unknown pre-existing conditions
  18. Probably could have offered to pay Immigration a fee or used an agent, depending on location of course
  19. Where did you go? seems to really vary
  20. Same if you lose your wallet
  21. One thing i liked about Skype was you could buy credit via Playstore so no risk of fraud, i just checked Yolla and Mytello and neither seem to give a playstore option
  22. The worst mistake i see often is a vehicle stops to allow someone to walk across the road, could be anywhere, pedestrian thinks it safe, starts walking, other vehicles can't see and aren't going to stop, I've seen many near misses like this
  23. Not quite, I'm on a motorbike, I'm not going to wait for a lorry to rear end me, waiting for someone when others haven't stopped is really dangerous, hope you don't do that
  24. You would pay using your smartphone, Contactless, no one at Friendship would see the credit card details. It's also quicker than using QR codes, so I use in Lotus, Big C, but available other outlets. Phone needs to have NFC functionality, when i bought a new phone i made sure it had NFC, definitely needed it when visiting UK
  25. She can reverse type 2, she may not be aware
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