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Everything posted by scubascuba3

  1. yes we know, not sure why you're repeating yourself
  2. 3,000 baht for meds is almost certainly a rip off or haven't you read any threads on the subject?
  3. it's something to explore anyway. My SIPP will be drawdown and if i die before it finishes it will go to my inheritors
  4. aren't fruit wines easy to spot based on the alcohol %? today i had a look at the wines in Big C, first time in 20 years on and off in Thailand and fruit wines always seem to be 10-12% and generally obvious they have fruit added. So 14% won't be fruit wine for definite, but I'll check the label.. Bought Riddle Creek Reserve Shiraz 14% today, 399 baht, I'm expecting it to be average
  5. Yeah they take advantage of the sick, should be a criminal offence
  6. girls have said the same to me, that they just sit and talk to some guys, not everyone wants sex, in fact anecdotal survey on the other Pattaya forum polled that 50% would have oral only
  7. Moderna more likely Jan-Mar next year, so take Sinovac first, maybe even Astrazeneca if they give you a second
  8. The best thing is forget the 800k until you get back to Thailand, send her money using TransferWise to her account, can make it less than usual, blame covid
  9. Strange that there is circ 20k cases a day, maybe that's the max testing available
  10. Last resort, a lawyer letter, you'd win easy
  11. you missed the bit about him not being in Thailand
  12. Some do look at elbows, i think shoulder width is often the most obvious double check at distance
  13. No solution I can think of but a good reminder to ensure people have internet banking and app set up before they leave Thailand
  14. I saw a case recently where the insurer cancelled the whole insurance because they said the customer didn't declare a pre-existing condition, which is arguable anyway, sometimes court action is required
  15. scubascuba3


    they seem to cherry pick those timelines, seems pointless to me with so many cases
  16. Exercise is a good reason for taking the mask off, avoiding hypercapnic hypoxia
  17. i checked my Redmi Note 9 and no wifi calling so not a solution for everyone, i usually get a phone signal anyway
  18. Cost 50 baht......so they make money if registering comes to nothing which is common
  19. You realise Immigration do photos, 6 for 150 baht, cheaper than outside
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