Sugar isn't the enemy it's the fatty junk which often includes sugar to make it taste better. If she had more carbs to fill up and less fatty junk she'll lose weight, anyway it's a lost cause for many, they're too confused by misinformation
What's the agent route got to do with insurance? There are plenty of people who have poor health insurance which is just a waste of money, might as well save up and use it against medical costs in the future. If you're going to do it it has to be a decent farang one
I was thinking of getting one rather than a Click, sounds like the riding position is more similar to PCX than a Click? for me the Click riding position is perfect, PCX I don't like at all
Is it as fast away from lights as a Click?
Problem is they are all working from home aka doing laundry, cooking, taking care kids, completing passport applications is just an inconvenience for them. Hopefully your passport will just turn up like it has for others, just delayed