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Old Croc

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Everything posted by Old Croc

  1. Thanks, I'm aware of this, but, in 2010, chose to get processed completely for retirement in Thailand before leaving. This class of visa required police and medical clearances. If my crystal ball had predicted the later advent of the corrupt insurance for A-Os I would have done many things differently.
  2. Why does Thailand need continuing thankyous over an old case? They were acknowledged with gratitude at the time. Bout, an arms dealer, has spent about a dozen years in a US prison. He would have been out by now almost anywhere else. Why the big deal? No sympathies for the idiot drug smuggler except for the way she was used for political purposes. The Marine was detained under Trump's watch and despite his close Russian ties that President never mentioned his name nor sought his release. Perhaps because he was a loser who got captured!
  3. Criminal record checks are not required from, nor automatically made for, applicants for short-term visas at Embassies. If someone is not already on an alert (black) list or Interpol notice they won't be tagged. I came to Thailand on an O-A visa and was required to get a National Police Clearance from my home country which cost in the region of $A100. Tourists won't pay that just for a couple of weeks holiday in Thailand.
  4. I have CKD. Was initially at stage 4, now at stage 2 (almost normal for my age). I've had high potassium levels and I now ensure regular checks. This includes creatinine (eGFR), uric acid and electrolytes. Medications can affect potassium levels, but correct diet is important. Check online here is much kidney health information.
  5. How long to wait for something like a hip replacement.? In Australia it could be years through the public health system. That's why most have private insurance. (Then that Private Health Insurance allows ransom seeking hackers access to records. Just found out my health details are on the dark web! Luckily, I left the fund some years ago and my details are mostly out of date.)
  6. Thailand allows entry, visa free or visa on arrival, to almost anyone who presents at a border. Unless the criminal records of almost everyone on the planet have been downloaded into the computers this is impossible.
  7. Most would be too busy treading water to worry about where to holiday.
  8. As well as a lack of humour are you aware Immigration here are police officers and that is their normal uniform. They all festoon them with as many badges and ribbons as possible. It's a Thai thing.
  9. The wife has an obsession with the chooks, I wouldn't mind a thinning of the flock as long as they don't end up on my dinner plate.
  10. Are you talking about the first photo or the one with the Police Chief's getting publicity at the press conference?
  11. They use ultrasound to closely check the vein running from your groin to the foot for blockage. I've had DVT and now take warfarin on a permanent basis. My leg was completely swollen when I sought medical attention. I ended up spending several days in hospital while they injected anti-coagulants in through my abdomen.
  12. Read my last sentence again and try reading my signature and understand it. My post is opinion, just as is your whitewashing of a criminal act. You are probably basing your indignation on a patriotic belief that any of your fellow countrymen must be snow white. Incidentally, I am long retired, but was a trained federal investigator with extensive relevant experience.
  13. It seems to me there is more to this story than has been published. A 30yo knowingly overstaying, hiding out, and reluctant to return home. Local authorities looking for him specifically in the town where he is hiding. Just a guess, but I wouldn't be surprised it UK authorities asked the locals to apprehend him for other matters.
  14. Being found, or booked, in a room together is probably all the religious police require to start swinging their rattan batons and locking people up. The evidentiary rule of law doesn't apply in these countries.
  15. All legislation (statutory law) as enacted by parliament, is by necessity rigid and condensed. An Act of Parliament cannot allow for all possible nuances and the many different circumstances which may arise within that law. Legislation, such as an Immigration Act, may go unchanged for many years. This is why policy and procedures are introduced to assist in the processing of matters pertaining. These are usually kept updated to reflect changes in circumstances or even at the whim of a minister. They may not be available for all to peruse and could even be in verbal form issued by a senior officer with that power. Failure to find a particular circumstance within the legislation does not mean there is not a valid policy in affect.
  16. Trump was kept right back. He was told to keep out of the Georgian runoff race after he killed off the Republicans chances of winning the senate 2 years ago. His personal ego has no bounds and always overrides the fate the party he is leading into oblivion. Hopefully I never have to hear the name Herschel again! A newsworthy clown, but a blatant illustration of the depths the conservatives will sink for personal gain.
  17. I'm somewhat opposite to these Pattaya old guys. When young, a drink was for whenever convenient and desired. If heading offshore for a day's fishing it was normal to crack the first tinny when clearing Fremantle heads at 6 am. Camping, or a road trip, required more than a few thirst quenchers whatever the time. We had a period when Sunday mornings meant heading to the big room at The Raffles for a, mainly liquid, brunch served by topless waitresses while entertained by strippers and Kevn "Bloody" Wilson on stage. The worst part was staggering out into the bright heat of the day in early afternoon! Now in my 70s the damaged kidneys mean I'm almost teetotal.
  18. Compared to most countries, it's quite easy to remain legal in Thailand. With a few exceptions, I consider people who deliberately stay off the official radar are likely to be hiding other secrets. That best mate at the bar could be hiding a bad history you wouldn't be aware of. I've interacted with many " nice, calm and friendly" people who had committed some of the worse criminal acts possible. Most criminals appear just like everyone else most of the time.
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