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Old Croc

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Everything posted by Old Croc

  1. On an android phone open a pic of text in the gallery. Hit the share icon - G - translate.
  2. That's beyond corruption and into grand theft. Obviously, there are limits. I do tend to concentrate on what affects my overall personal budget. I could compare a roadside handout here to the massive fines levied for a couple of kms over the speed limit in Australia, or Thai national park fees to entry fees into some English castles. I couldn't tolerate the American system where the customer is forced to pay the bulk of a server's salary through a system quaintly called tipping. Overall Thailand is massively cheaper, and while I would prefer honesty everywhere, I'm happier with the local version over that of the western world.
  3. The musical knowledge of some members here ceased with Vera Lynn.
  4. No country on the planet is free from government corruption of some kind. None! I prefer the Thailand version to my home country. Thailand has low or non-existent taxes and the occasional small gratuities paid direct to the service provider to grease the wheels, is in direct contrast to the massive fees, duties and fines levied back home which has no effect on the lengthy waiting times for nearly everything.
  5. He's definately changed his appearance over the years. He's gone from chubby to skinny as a rake and now to that! For those who've never heard of him, I'm sure some will know this song:
  6. I'm certainly not English, in my seventies and refuse to accept, or cater to, this idiotic non-binary rubbish. I have however, heard of him and have seen many clips of him performing some of his best-known material over many years. Even though his style of music is not to my taste, I've always considered him to be a very talented singer/song writer whos first song about a lost gay lover was huge. This is very recent pic from an English tabloid presumably taken in Thailand:
  7. Twenty years in the place and you are just finding out that ignorant and officious bank staff will stuff you around continually. For my last extension I had planned to travel the 125km to the town where my IO is, in time to get bank statements (K-Bank) and get processed at Immigration before the latter went to lunch. . Planned to start the 2hr return trip before then to relieve the person minding the comatose MIL and animals. Found only one staff member in the bank and she wasn't authorised to put a signature on the statement. The rest of them had gone to an early lunch together! Had to wait in the bank twiddling the thumbs (not quietly) until a manager returned. Ended up being one of thirteen waiting for Immigration after they resumed from their lunch break. Took over 3 hours for them to see me and complete the process. Got home around 6pm.
  8. Amazing how many posters here have no clue! Uganda is not Cameroon nor Nigeria, it's nowhere near Zululand. As a former English colony, the official language is English. The main concern should be that Thais may have an English accent resembling that of IdI Amin.
  9. I'm confused. Considering the good people on this forum constantly assure us that overstayers are harmless and contribute to Thai society, why did she have to beg for money, or worse, try to get bank account numbers?
  10. The subject came up yesterday in this YouTube video: Watch from 2.00 minutes.
  11. I feel much safer now. ???? Ban this hardened criminal for life! I'm more likely to be concerned for my safety with a nut case American on short overstay loose in the community, than with someone overstayed and settled into society for years.
  12. enough said Perhaps the language is a little strong, but it's literally what Immigration do.
  13. Those days may be numbered if reports about Immigration crackdowns on agents are correct.
  14. The passport expires in August! Therefore, it still has about 9 months before it's invalid. What's the problem?
  15. A more astute observer would be able to work out that from the position the photo was taken the balcony railing is obscured. The carport, or whatever the tin roof structure is, only allows a view of the upper part of the room and it's door.
  16. I have little patience for pedants who pick one word out of my posts and demand evidence or proof of my opinions. I've lived in Qld and have travelled through that general area on the way to Birdsville.
  17. From the ABC, Australia: Queensland Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll said late Tuesday that investigators would look at the possible extremist links of the killers after a series of posts under the name of Gareth Train were found on conspiracy theory forums. The posts include references to anti-vaccine sentiments and claims that other high-profile shootings were hoaxes or false-flag operations.
  18. Do they have tourist hotels in Utah without railings on the balcony? Do you think they would be able to trade like that? From google:
  19. It will be of interest to see what drove these 3 (now deceased) QLD rednecks to start murdering people. A religious sect, a radical political movement, "sovereign citizens"? One would hope it's not a foreign virus spreading to the terminally moronic in countries other than the source.
  20. Another overstayer propping up the Thai economy. Immigration went straight to his house. Hiding out doesn't work well if you tell someone your forwarding address.
  21. Thanks, I'm aware of this, but, in 2010, chose to get processed completely for retirement in Thailand before leaving. This class of visa required police and medical clearances. If my crystal ball had predicted the later advent of the corrupt insurance for A-Os I would have done many things differently.
  22. Why does Thailand need continuing thankyous over an old case? They were acknowledged with gratitude at the time. Bout, an arms dealer, has spent about a dozen years in a US prison. He would have been out by now almost anywhere else. Why the big deal? No sympathies for the idiot drug smuggler except for the way she was used for political purposes. The Marine was detained under Trump's watch and despite his close Russian ties that President never mentioned his name nor sought his release. Perhaps because he was a loser who got captured!
  23. Criminal record checks are not required from, nor automatically made for, applicants for short-term visas at Embassies. If someone is not already on an alert (black) list or Interpol notice they won't be tagged. I came to Thailand on an O-A visa and was required to get a National Police Clearance from my home country which cost in the region of $A100. Tourists won't pay that just for a couple of weeks holiday in Thailand.
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