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Posts posted by JB300

  1. On 2 August 2016 at 11:47 PM, StreetCowboy said:

    Not the first day, but seeing an elephant walking down the street.

    Then, years or months later, seeing an elephant begging round a suburban lower-middle-class neighbourhood.

     Then, years later, seeing an elephant walking down Bangna-Trad; that's a long commute...

    Not the 1st day but 1st trip, in a pub & an elephant stuck it's head in the door...


    None of my mates would believe me until I dragged them outside to see for themselves.

  2. I aree with #1, I retired at 40 & was climbing the walls after 3 months as I didn't know what to do with myself (going from a 12 hour day, 6 days a week to nothing was like hitting a brick wall), tried it again at 49 & much better (mentally) prepared (though only lasted a year as I was tempted back into employment for another couple of years).



  3. 11 hours ago, elviajero said:

    The visa has to be renewed every 5 years so if the scheme was cancelled the remainder of the existing 5 years visa would be honoured. The privileges for the remainder of the 20 years, however, could be lost. The scheme is obliged to make a refund dependant on the reason for termination.

    See T&C's: 2.5 Termination


    Interesting point about having to pay for any Privileges used if the Scheme is cancelled...

    In case of the termination pursuant to Clause2.5 (3) above (i.e. Government Cancels the Scheme], the Membership hereunder shall immediately become invalid and the Company shall refund the remaining Membership Fee (if any) to the Member, within thirty (30) days after the Card has been returned to the Company, less the following balances (if any) and costs:

    1. The Penalty Charge and/or outstanding fees; and
    2. The costs of Privileges which has been used by the Member during the validity of Membership.


    As others have said, most of the privileges are of no interest to me but 1Million THB for 20 years is very attractive & includes the 2 main privileges I'd want... 1) Visa & 2) Expedited Airport Services

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Tech Doctor said:


    Notifications have been changed.

    Thanks for the feedback. 



    Love your number of posts (Though still have nightmares about dealing with -2,147,483,647 errors)!!!


    On a serious note, should Tapatalk be working now? (I'm still getting the 48 hour Forum Maintenance Message).





  5. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/24/brexit-deal-free-movement-exemption-seven-years

    What a pity that it took a referendum and a Bexit vote for the EU to come to its senses.

    This deal will be struck, of that there is no doubt.

    After the 7 year period, the new status quo will continue Ad Infinitum.

    Another speculative article which cites no source.

    "Senior British and US sources-have confirmed That blah blah blah ..."

    With this type press we understand better how the British were able to be so easily fooled by unscrupulous politicians.

    We know that Brexiters think they can get the butter and money for ( the dairy woman gift ). All EU benefits without constraint. Sweet dream, but il will not.

    If Europe were to accept, it immediately sign his loss. So you must wake up and stop you from believing these mirages.


    I could not really care less what deal the UK comes to with the EU. I am still of the opinion that long term, the UK will be far better off out of the UK.

    That speculative article is written in probably the foremost Pro EU medium in the UK. So if it is published by them, I believe that there will be a certain amount of truth to it.

    Officially, there are no brexit talks taking place until Article 50 is invoked, so it stands to reason that everything at this stage will come from unnamed sources.

    Anyone who believes that ongoing negotiations are not currently underway obviously still believes in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny.

    I'm sure you've realized your typo already but I do think that there are large portions of the U.K. Who will only be happy when they're out of the U.K. (& I'm not talking about the Scottish here)

  6. Big Indian place at the top of Soi 11 / Soi 11-1 (can go in from either Soi) has loads of vegan dishes all indicated with the Green "V" you'd normally associate with indicating Vegetarian food.

    Not a Vegan/Vegetarian myself but will eat there when I am in Bangkok because the food is great.

  7. Anyone using U-Torrent having problems with it lately?

    The U.S. Government has arrested the alleged owner of KickassTorrents, the world's largest torrent site. The 30-year-old Ukrainian was arrested in Poland today and is charged with criminal copyright infringement and money laundering. In addition, a federal court in Chicago has ordered the seizure of several KAT domain names.


  8. Actually Davis does put a good spin on things so if it works out anywhere near as rosy as he's saying, it will be good for the country.

    Sticking point with the EU will be immigration, I don't see why they can't follow similar models used elsewhere & allow freedom of movement if you have a confirmed job offer & valid only whilst you remain employed.

    He does put a good spin on things, but since a lot of what he is spinning is not in his control.... he could just be fantasizing himself as a spinning top ohmy.png

    But at least he's laid out exactly what he intends to do following the brexit vote.

    His plans sound about right to me - fingers crossed.

    Absolutely... Rest of the guys be like...


  9. Bangkok has the worst nightlife of any capital city in the World,Manila is 100 times better and even Jakarta has Stadium which is an experience not to be missed,just hold your lighter up in the air and someone will be along shortly with the disco biscuits! laugh.png

    I thought Stadium got shut down years ago?

  10. Fans of 'The Royale Family' might like 'The Rovers', a non-league footy based black comedy featuring some of the same actors. It went out on sky 1 in June.

    Loved the Royale Family so will give The Rovers a try.

    Speaking of which, was shocked to hear that Caroline Aherne died recently, loved her dry sense of humour & whilst not a big fan of Mrs Merton, her interview with Debbie McGee was a classic

    So Debbie, what 1st attracted you to the millionaire Paul Daniels...

    • Like 2
  11. So I guess you're asking whether 1Million THB is enough for 4 people.

    Assume one of them is your wife, does her side of the family also have a good health history living into their 90s?

    Otherwise your kids (again assuming here that the other 2 are your children) don't have such a good history.

    Given we're talking £2,000+ might be worth shopping around to see if you can get better coverage for your money.

  12. if you would read the official statement of the IO Headquarter, above, its NOT required to issue the supporting letter for Thailand.

    (Basic Requirement is a return Ticket ....) please dont disinform others.

    If you read the OP you'll see that she's travelling alone so will either need to show she is financially capable of supporting the trip (which isn't she's got a bundle of cash but evidence that she gets an income from somewhere) or a "Red Ribbon" letter of support from her sponsor (As detailed in "2 Secondary Inspection" in the link you've provided").

    As somebody who's experienced the hassles a Filipina gets whilst travelling 1st hand whilst you're accompanying her, I'm surprised you think it's so easy for them to travel on their own.

    But then again, she may be 40+, degree educated, an experienced traveller, with a good job & so have no hassles...

    [Note to OP, I'm not saying she's not, but those are some of the criteria they use when selecting people for secondary inspection]

  13. Does this mean all Filipinas teaching English are criminals? I know many expats think 'farangs' teaching English are.

    Just goes to show how easy it is to teach English here if you're a certain kind of person. If you're white or Filipina, it's just assumed you can teach English.

    The word is Filipino as it is a man. Filipina is the feminine. Just thought I would point out the difference

    You're 100% right. i'll just stick to 'Filipinos' for male and female.

    I'd say 75% correct, Filipino is somebody (Male or Female) from the Philippines, Filipina is a female from the Philippines.

    As Scouse123 has said, I'd like to know how he managed to renew his passport (at least twice) as a RPI passport is only valid for 5 years & I seem to recall my Filipina had to renew hers early because they were being switched to Biometric passports (or maybe she said she needs to renew it early because of this), either way no way can his passport be valid & the one he entered on 12 years ago.

  14. It's not just the UK, we've been going through something similar in Singapore for a few years now with complaints about foreigners taking all of the jobs especially Indians taking the IT jobs & Filipinos taking the sales/f&b jobs, funny enough nobody is complaining about the Filipino/Indonesian/Myanmar maids or the Bangladeshi construction workers as that sort of work is beneath the locals.

    Best laugh is that they (taxi drivers, hairdressers, shop owners etc) do this complaining about foreigners to me, a Caucasian :|

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