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Posts posted by JB300

  1. Yep. Currently sitting in a bar at Changi airport. Just finishing my forth 356 baht pint of Kilkenny.. Expensive and overpriced ? Yep. But I've been at work for  6 weeks without a drink and I can afford it. The idea of living a retirement where even the simple pleasure of an imported beer is a major financial decision is not attractive at all. Glad I saved my pennies

    Wow, is it on sale as I normally have to pay s$18 (approx 450THB) for a pint of Heineken!!!
  2. ^ What point are you trying to make? If the UK and ROI want a soft border, they will have one (they have one by default anyway). And it will have no practical pressure from third party influences. You remainers put an absurd amount of weight on the power and influence of the EU and it's associated agencies. What happened to your thinking???

    It's by no means clear what will happen to the border between ROI & NI as whilst both sides may want to maintain the pre-EU CTA arrangement, any agreement will probably need ratifying by the (other 26 countries in) EU.

    (BBC) Reality Check: What does Brexit mean for the Irish border? ... http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-uk-leaves-the-eu-36883992

    Just when you thought things couldn't get any more complicated [emoji15]

  3. ^^^ if you think Davao & Cebu are dumps wait until you see AC!!!

    Cebu has improved massively over the past 8 years or so with the addition of Ayala Mall & the build out of the IT Park area though for mongers it's naughty (& not so naughty) nightlife has been curtailed somewhat.

    Have only been in 1 "Downtown" bar in Davao (one of the Hot Legz) & you're right, it was a sh1thole (though not as bad as AC & have seen worse toilets in lots of pubs in the UK) but you don't go to Cebu or Davao for that kind of thing (or would be deeply disappointed if you did).

  4. Wine in Thailand, even with the ridiculous tax, costs about the same as Australia. Source: numbeo website.

    The old world wines are overpriced for the quality however.

    Because everything in Aus is now extortionate and the export value of the A$ may as well be renamed the 'peso'. So cosidering the other prices in LOS I'm way ahead.

    My leftover fridge pizza tastes great when I'm drunk too. Solution, stay inexpensively drunk in the PI and the food is amaaazing.

    To generalise about the women is unfair.

    I've known honeys and scummers in every nationality, but... pinays insist on disappointing me with bar change scams, or bait and switch happy hour tricks. In one place they were so relentless I lost it, and called the cops (Hong Kong) it was not seedy Wanchai, this was opposite the Intercontinental in Kowloon! (Fog Bar, be warned!)

    No Thai has ever fiddled my change, even in seedy Pattaya.

    I can only offer my personal experience, I do know there are ratbags everywhere, but Pinays seem to be serially scamming everywhere I meet them.

    Sent from my SM-J200GU using Tapatalk

    Sounds like your experience of Filipina bar girls has fixed your opinion of the people in general which is a shame really as I've found the majority of Filipinos I've met to be amongst the nicest, kindest, most polite people you can meet.

    I certainly don't recognize any of my colleagues or friends in your description & find it a bit offensive to think of somebody classing my gf & family in that way, but hey if that's your opinion then simply don't go to PI.

    Fwiw & I know this isn't a PI vs Thailand debate (God knows that's been done enough times) I've always said my perfect set-up would be to live in Thailand with my Filipina but recently (partly due to visa changes in Thailand but mainly after a trip to Cebu/Bohol) I'm starting to have a rethink (as the OP is doing) & reconsidering moving to Philippines (I currently live in Singapore so can easily visit/move to either).


    Experts ... who needs them?


    Funnily enough, the 3 Brexit Amigo's are trying to hire trade negotiation experts from around the world as we speak ... seems they might have something to offer after all? 


    In fairness it's pretty obvious that they'll need to recruit Trade negotiators given EU member countries are not allowed to enter into individual agreements so all trade negotiations are/have been done by the EU.

    So, no EU country has or has needed their own negotiators.... Until now.

    Edit: For me this is one of the biggest positives from Brexit as now the UK can negotiate with (say) India on terms that are favorable for us not a compromise on the needs/wants of 27 other countries... Obviously flip side is we don't have as much "clout"

  6. There was not one weak moment in performance or script in this fine series. John Turturro, always a very solid "character" actor, has rocketed to the top of the "A" list, in a role originally written for James Gandolfini R.I.P. You can't go wrong when Richard Price's name is on the screenplay.


    I'll have more to say on this one after people have had a chance to see all eight episodes.


    Love the night shot of the Brooklyn Bridge in the opening credits.

    Jeannie Berlin is SO GOOD as the veteran prosecutor. Would be no surprise to see her on the Emmy stage with Turturro.



    Agree... Watched the last 2 episodes last night & thoroughly enjoys it.

    Trouble is what's next? Filling in with Second Chance & probably going to have to bite the bullet & start GOT soon (never seen it) unless anybody has any alternative suggestions...

  7. Is the indexing still running? only I've noticed that some threads I've participated in aren't showing in my "Participated" list in Tapatalk.

    E.g. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?/topic/927277-So-what-did-the-Brexit-supporters-gain%3F&share_tid=927277&share_fid=29570&share_type=t

    I've posted in this thread before the upgrade & it was in my participated list but isn't there now despite me posting to it again earlier.



    Edit: weird, url isn't showing after I made a typo change, this is the topic I'm referring to

    Edit2: yep, url disappeared again... http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?/topic/927277-So-what-did-the-Brexit-supporters-gain%3F&share_tid=927277&share_fid=29570&share_type=t

    I think that the rest of the EU, need to wake up and smell the coffee. We can have access to any product or service anywhere in the world. Britain buys goods already, from China, India, USA and everywhere else without having to accept thousands of migrants and pay into those Countries.  Well lets face it if HSBC or any other fancies moving to another Country in the EU, simply pay back any bail out funds paid to them from the British Tax Payer if any and book your flight, you won't be missed at all.


    In Britain, we have a situation where poor white and black kids of 16 -25 years old are unemployed, ok its not as bad as France or Spain, but it is a waste. By implementing a fair pay scheme with benefits (not state benefits), then these kids can make a real life for themselves.  Not every one is going to go to University, but that does not mean they should be written off, teach them a trade, give them opportunity, not made to feel that if you can;t be bothered we will just give your job to a migrant.


    Pound for Pound (kg for kg), Britain packs the biggest punch in the world for a country of its size with only Japan being more superior, in terms of work ethic and workforce and aspiration. People make out that the UK needs to access the single market, really it doesn't. Yes it's better for exports, but since joining the common market in 1972 Britain's exports have declined, it trade deficit couldn't be worse.


    I think sometime, there is a bit of Donald Trump mentality in Europe towards the UK. They want a wall and they want the UK to pay for it or else they want it all their own way. 


    The best of luck and thanks for the opportunity, we will see ourselves out.

    Ok, let's let HSBC move its headquarters & take back all the £0 they were paid bailouts (even if they paid back £Billions the real danger is the exodus of the none-UK banks, especially the American ones).

    And let's hold Japan up as an example of how to run your economy (how long have they had de/stagflation now?) But let's ignore countries like Singapore & Switzerland that "Pound for Pound" punch the living day lights out of the U.K. & are made up of approx 50% immigrants.

    But it's clear that there is a (perceived) problem with immigration in the heartlands (same in SG & CH) that needs to be dealt with & the "simple" answer to to give every country control over who they let live/work there (good if we keep freedom of travel).


    I'll go to Philippines one day ... and I'll check it out!



    You'll enjoy it... Just don't go go Manilla (though Taguig is very nice) or Angeles City (unless you want to go somewhere where the "Naughty" elements of Pattaya are crammed into 2 streets).
  10. Interesting how many people observe that the locals in many places don't seem to like them as much any more - but don't seem to consider the possibility that the issue might be with them. 

    In the case of Singapore, it's the Filipinos, Indians & PRC that the locals are getting fed up with.

    Or at least that's what they tell me (Caucasian) when I'm in a taxi, in the shops, worse is my hairdresser!

    Quite funny to sit there & listen to people complain about foreigners when you're so obviously one.


    Where is the safest place to stay in the Philippines? The one thing that comes up time and again is how dangerous it can be, compared to Thailand. I just wondered if there was an area that is generally regarded as being safe?

    Davao City is (reputed to be) the safest city in Philippines (largely because their ex-mayor, now the president of the Philippines, allegedly took extreme measures to rid the city of major crimes) & have to say that I've never felt unsafe/uncomfortable there (it's the closest major city/airport to where my gf is from so must have visited 20+ times over the past 6.5 years).

    Unfortunately it's getting more popular with foreigners nowadays so I've no doubt will become less friendly as time goes on.

    Edit: if you're just going to PI for a holiday, check out Boracay, Bohol & (my favourite) Coron.



    Not to sound too pessimistic, but I find the quality of life has deteriorated nearly everywhere in the world in the past 12 years. People are under more pressure, lifestyles have diminished, salaries have barely risen, inflation (despite the nonsensical drivel they keep trotting out) keeps driving up prices, the political climate is bad in most places, and in general people seem more disenchanted than they were before. 


    So, my question is where to? I continue to ask myself that same question, from time to time. If not here, where? I have considered the PI. Nice people, gorgeous water, reasonable, etc. But horrendous food, security issues, storm issues, and other problems. So, where to?

    Agree, feels like most countries are becoming more nationalistic/Xenophobic over the past 5-10 years.

    Can certainly see the changes in the locals in Singapore (probably more pronounced than most places) over the past 8 years & on my 2-4 annual trips back to the Uk.

    Ironically the one place I've not seen the same is the Philippines but that's probably because I'm usually there visiting my gfs family or to some beach resort where they're still happy/appreciate having foreigners visiting [emoji106]

  13. 18 hours ago, cyberfarang said:
    My story of common sense that the OP and others like him should heed.
    I have been with my Thai girlfriend for a long time now. We live in her brother`s house located on her family`s big land in Chiang Mai. I pay good rent money to live in that house, probably well above the odds a Thai would pay and I like it that way because it means I am of value to them and they would not evict me lightly, more power to me, although still not costing me a fortune, it`s a lovely 3 bedroom house, and because it belongs to the girlfriend`s family we can more or less do what we like, no landlord lying down rules and restrictions with tenancy contracts, so I have no complaints. In fact her mother spends more time with us in our house than in her own house, but she`s a lovely lady and I get on with the family just fine.
    My girlfriend and her family have tried to nag me into us actually getting married, buying her brother`s house and some land and lum yai land so as we can all live happily ever after. But I point blank refuse, because I have to ask; what`s in it for me?
    I am a retiree and have no need to be married to a Thai spouse to stay in Thailand. I don`t care how many other posters have said; buying land and property is a doddle here, because I simply do not believe it. Once married and start throwing my money into what is a total non investment for me, then it becomes a case where everyone else benefits and I`m the only one who stands to lose big time from the deal if the relationship turns sour, wife dies or for some reasons my girlfriend`s family and I fall out. I told them I would happily get married and buy the land and house if I can obtain a rock solid agreement that I own equal shares of everything with my wife and no one could ever throw me off. But I know this cannot be archived for a Farlang in Thailand.
    As in the majority of cases regarding Farlangs who have Thai wives or girlfriends, it`s usually the Farlangs that have income or money and make the investments on behalf of their Thai partners. In my case the girlfriend relies on me for financial support and without that she would probably have to go and work on a noodle stall or find some other type of crap job to support herself. I guess most Farlangs are in the same situation. But once the Farlang starts investing money into something on trust, believing he`ll never be let down or s**t on by his Thai family, is when he leaves himself vulnerable as only he stands to lose.
    The prats that fall head over heels in love and to prove their love think that by showering their princesses with homes, vehicles and becoming the family banker will seal the deal for ever after really cracks me up. Throughout my whole life my ideals has been, always hold the trump card, be independent and never rely on the kindness and charity of others. So far this has paid off for me. Sometimes the Thais say to me; you vely rich, have a lot of money. And I always reply,  yes I do and I intend keeping it.


    In a similar position (albeit with a Filipina for 6.5 years) & have been thinking about what would happen to her if anything were to happen to me (answer: she'd get nothing, all my UK assets would be split per my will from 12 years ago, no idea what would happen to the assets I have in Singapore).

    Curious to learn if you've made any provisions for your GF should anything happen to you or will all your assets go elsewhere/intestate?


  14. It is easy to leave but very hard to return.

    Assuming the OP has the finances then moving back shouldn't be too hard (if anything it will be easier than moving in the 1st place as you'll know what to expect & will probably have less "baggage" to bring/leave)

    But I'm not sure returning is a good idea, the place will never be the place that you 1st "loved" but is more likely to be the same place that you left.
  15. I considered Subic/Olongapo as my initial retirement destination or perhaps Cebu  but it seems the retirement Visa reqs. are far more costly than Thailand or have things changed? 

    -lIRC, all-in (including ACR, Tax clearance etc...) its approx 25,000 PHP (approx 18,700 THB) per year (can be cheaper if you're in an area where you can do 6 month extensions) & you can extend your original Visa Exempt up to 3 years without leaving the country.

    Alternatively (assuming you're over 35) you can deposit US20,000$ (there are other options) in an approved bank account & get an SRRV (Special Resident Retirement Visa), the money remains yours (like Retirement funds in Thailand) & you can stay as long as the money is in the account.

    SRRV Costs
    - US1,400$ to apply
    - US300$ per additional family member)
    ... Then US10$ per year to renew your card

  16. Power (started off ok, getting a bit silly now)

    & I might be hooked on 60 Days In
    Sheriff Jamey Noel wants to end crime and corruption at Clark County Jail, and he's enlisting members of the public to help. Noel's unprecedented program involves seven law-abiding citizens living among the facility's general population for 60 days without officers, fellow inmates, or staff knowing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/60_Days_In

  17. Citi August view on GBP

    GBP: Downside Risk

    • Apart from Brexit - led political uncertainty translating into economic uncertainty, the UK also faces triple deficits (trade, fiscal, current account) that may now take a longer time to abate. This will likely weigh on the sterling. At the same time, Citi also expects additional easing from the BoE in coming months as a technical recession looms. The added burden of prolonged uncertainty over the timing of triggering Article 50 to commence formal separation talks with the EU is also negative for the sterling 


  18. Buy a bar... [Joke]!!!


    IMHO 16Million is not enough to retire at 50 without any other income streams but is a decent amount of money for your friend to use to set himself up for retirement over the next 3-5 years.


    What does he do for a living? Can he do it for himself? If he's really feel up of working can he switch to part time?



  19. I always thought that the 1st symptom for people with nut allergies was their throat would start to get constricted so the link between a sore throat & something she ate isn't that tenuous.


    Tragic thing to happen to a family already reeling from another tragedy, hope her bills are fully covered by insurance (if not this feels a much worthier crowd funding cause that some of the other appeals we see on here).


  20. Surely the fall in the GBP makes the UK the most attractive place & if you do have to pay VAT then you can claim it back at the airport (assuming you're a Non-UK resident),


    Damn, when did Funan go! Used to love going around there though do tend to get my stuff from Lazada, Expansys or Harvey Normans/Challenger in one of the shopping centers nowadays (usually Parkway Parade as they will do a deal with you if you see the same product cheaper online).



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