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Posts posted by JB300

  1. I feel both jealous & sorry for guys trying to make it in IT nowadays.

    Jealous because of the tools & processing power they have available (my 1st paid programming work was in 1988, Cobol on a mainframe & we were given 2 x 1 hours a day "Terminal Time", rest of the day was spent reviewing the compiler/test results & planning what you were going to do during your next hour).

    Sorry because in 1996 it was easy to earn £5-600 per day as a VB/C++ programmer (rates went insane coming up to the milenium), next to no tax (no IR45), 20 years later most of the jobs have been offshored & the going rate for a contractor can be below £200 per day.

  2. It only costs B20k for the coveted Overstay Visa and the OV can be combined with any other visa to allow you a longer stay and avoid the additional  penalties.

    That boat sailed in. March last year, overstay now & you risk a stay in IDC, overstay by more than 90 days & you'll get blacklisted http://www.loc.gov/law/foreign-news/article/thailand-blacklist-for-foreigners-who-overstay-visas/

    Given its getting harder to use Visa Exempt (max 2 per year at land crossings) & Tourist Visas I wouldn't want an overstay stamp in my passport, certainly not more than 1.

  3. Isn't a "Nomad" somebody who travels from place to place?

    I wouldn't call somebody who lives in the same place Year after year a "Nomad", Teleworker feels more like it but I guess that isn't as Cool sounding.

    Oh & I wouldn't call somebody who makes a living peddling stuff on eBay a "Digital" anything either (not criticising what they're doing, good look to them, but it's hardly a "Digital" occupation.

  4. Fella, if you would have read my post you would have understood that I was suggesting give it a go for 6 months to see if A he likes it and B he can afford to do it, a sort of try it before you make a decision.

    A 2 month tourist visa is a single entry tourist visa (SETV) and I have never been asked for proof of anything when getting one in my home country which I would hazard a guess that is where the op's friend actually is. An METV is a multiple entry tourist visa and yes for these you need to have all sorts of documentation but that is beside the point as that isn't what I was talking about.

    The reason I suggested this is because after 3 months in Thailand he may go to a neighbouring country and maybe prefer it who knows.

    The fact that people are bashing someone for wanting to try and live here on a budget is ridiculous there are loads of people here doing it I can't see the problem.

    Fair play fella, as I said I was well mullered when I made that post & have since apologised for it.

    Nothing wrong at all with giving it a go & I'd recommend the same to anybody (I gave middle of Bangkok a go, paid for a condo for 1 month & lasted 10 days... lesson well learnt).

    Genuinely hope it all goes well for him but fact is years & years of people abusing Visas has led to a tightening up of all of the rules which makes it harder for everybody so I just urge anybody who's considering making the move to put a Long term visa at the top of their list or look elsewhere (no point in trying it out if you can't continue with it).

    I received the following responses from Thailand Elite:
    "Sorry for late respond, we have sent your inquires about using service to our management team. Finally, they informed that we have to comply with immigration rule by reservation fast track and Airport Service only for Thailand Elite member. Moreover, they do not accept the extra charge for using fast track service. However, for transfer service we allow your wife join you together in limousine."
    "Good morning, firstly thank you for your kind understand for this situation. Due to limit Electric cart at the Airport which reserve only Thailand Elite Member, therefore we will not allow guest to join with our member. However, our staff at the Airport will allow you and your wife join together if the electric cart is available on that time."
    Therefore, although my Thai wife cannot join the program and cannot go through the TE immigration desk (and they do not allow for the separate purchase of this service), they will allow her to use the electric cart, but only if a seat is available, and she can accompany me in the car.  Note that this is to take effect 1 Feb 2017.  Take this into account in your decision about joining the program.

    IMHO I believe you should be allowed to go through the Fast Track with your Thai wife, I understand why I might not be allowed with my Filipina but I always have the option to buy her a TE but can't see anybody doing that if their partner is Thai.

    Hopefully you can go through the Fast Track & your wife can go through the Thai channel so you still get value from the Visa (obviously you have other options for a long term stay).
  6. Well, this time tomorrow I'll be on the plane...I'm taking 2 inches off the bottom of the door.

    Don't!!! Had new wood flooring & carpets put down in my UK house before the new tenants moved in [emoji106]

    Next thing I get a bill for £100 (plus VAT) for a couple of doors to be taken off, planed & put back [emoji17]

    But... Deja Moo: The feeling that you've heard this bull before

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  7. Easier to get the non O before you go Thailand, it is a little harder to get these now because they are trying to stop scroungers who go with little funds and do drug dealing to fund their stay ... bit easier if you're married to a Thai national, in the UK we have to show 3 months UK bank statements to show you have regular money going in from a job or other means,  to me thats pointless because if youre going to live there you will leave your job anyway. Once you have the multi entry non O and are in Thailand you need to have 800k Thai baht in an account for 3 months before you can apply for the more perm visa, however there are ways round the 3 months and the money through some visa agents, as always  not what you know its who you know ... if you are married to a Thai national you can apply for a marriage visa and you need to have 400k Thai baht in a sole account, can't be a joint account! Your spouse can also sponsor you to get a Thai bank account .. important to note is that Pattaya tends and often does have different rules to the rest of Thailand ... i didnt have any problems in Petchabun and always remember the majority of ex pats will know a way round things or they know somebody who can!! Rules change in Thailand often and the above is meant as a guide only.

    Damn I was on one last night...

    Apologies for my previous response to your post, you're quite right in what you say, it's just as a Brit working & living in Singapore it's not as straight forward as it would be if I was still living in the UK so despite being in a much better position to make the move now, it's harder to do so

    But I will get there :)

  8. An inflammatory profane post has been removed as well as a reply.  

    Thank's for doing that, I'll hold my hands up & admit that my post which triggered it off could have been worded much better (I.e. I was mullered) so apologies to anybody I upset.

    Back to the OP (has he come back yet)? Your mate can have an ok lifestyle in Thailand outside of the main areas but please advise him that he needs to find himself a Visa solution that he can stay on longterm (Thailand is no longer the place you can just drift by & pay 20k when you leave) & at least think about health insurance... but good luck to the chap, hope it all works out for him.

    Wishing everybody a Happy & Prosperous 2017

    My agenda is simply to find the truth:  did Blair fight tooth and nail in this matter or not?  So far, over numerous posts, nobody has provided any evidence whatsoever that he did, so I'm inclined to think it's simply baseless Blair-bashing.  However, such is my faith in human nature that I would like to believe those who so adamantly claim he did, and would be very happy to be proven wrong.

    <deleted> can we please agree/ leave the argument that Blair was an anchor or start a new thread where we'll be more than happy to debate [emoji106]

    Meantime back to the subject (UK pensions) have been through just about as much gumf as I can take & come to the conclusion that Brexit is not going to change things 1 iota (except maybe kick the can further down the road).
  10. There's some decent people on here but there's also a some self important keyboard warriors who for some reason seem to hate just about everything, they tend to moan about Thais, Thailand, their own countries, quite ironically immigrants in their own countries and not forgetting people who come here without in their view enough money.

    Personally it wouldn't be enough for me but it doesn't mean it can't be done as I said before give it a go if you like it then go for it if not you can always go home.

    As for visa requirements come on a tourist visa 2 months extend 1 month go to a neighbouring country get another  2 month tourist visa extend another month that is 6 months you should know if it's for you or not by then. Also don't forget that Thailand has neighbouring countries which you may find you like more.

    Great plan... Move somewhere to "Live" & rely on doing tourist visa runs [emoji106]

    Again, it has nothing to do with Money, Elitism whatever! But before moving somewhere, at least have the bottom layer of Maslow's hierarchy of needs boxed off

    Edit: Care to share how you get this "2 month Visa" (METV) without 2 x the OP'S friends bank balance & a letter from their employer?

  11. Easier to get the non O before you go Thailand, it is a little harder to get these now because they are trying to stop scroungers who go with little funds and do drug dealing to fund their stay ... bit easier if you're married to a Thai national, in the UK we have to show 3 months UK bank statements to show you have regular money going in from a job or other means,  to me thats pointless because if youre going to live there you will leave your job anyway. Once you have the multi entry non O and are in Thailand you need to have 800k Thai baht in an account for 3 months before you can apply for the more perm visa, however there are ways round the 3 months and the money through some visa agents, as always  not what you know its who you know ... if you are married to a Thai national you can apply for a marriage visa and you need to have 400k Thai baht in a sole account, can't be a joint account! Your spouse can also sponsor you to get a Thai bank account .. important to note is that Pattaya tends and often does have different rules to the rest of Thailand ... i didnt have any problems in Petchabun and always remember the majority of ex pats will know a way round things or they know somebody who can!! Rules change in Thailand often and the above is meant as a guide only.

    [no offence but have you read/understood the original point]

    How to get a Non-O without money in a Thai Bank?

    Oh & you're talking bolox about getting one in the UK...

    when has keanu  ever not been keanu? or ben affleck for that matter?

    So Bill & Ted's Keanu is the same as John Wick's Keanu? And The Sum of all Fears Affleck is the same as Gone Girl's Affleck?

    Anyways we've all agreed to disagree on this one so let's move on shall we...

    I think you'll enjoy Westworld, I was just disappointed with the ending but they're obviously teeing up for a follow on which I'll no doubt watch.


    Of course they need to be able to comply with the country's visa requirements but that's not the issue here is it?

    The guy in the OP - we don't know his age - can live here for a decent enough period of time on a few visa options.

    He could come here and teach English if he so chose - thousands of farangs live reasonably well in Bangkok on 30k a month.

    Room in On Nut or Bangna, enjoy the variety of cheap and delicious Thai street food, cheap internet.

    Maybe he doesn't need a constant supply of hookers and doesn't have a drinking habit.

    It's perfectly doable.

    I wouldn't like to try it but I'm not going to slag off someone who's able to do it and be happy.



    Those looking down their collective noses at someone because he or she might not be able to emulate our lifestyle is the height of snobbery and, as we all know, the worst snobs are often not too far removed from peasants themselves.


    Of course the ability to be able to comply with the country's visa requirements is the issue here! What else is there?

    If he can do that, good on him, if he can't then good luck, nobody is judging him either ways, but people are trying to offer a perspective that has more to do with realism than elitism.

    Unwelcome advise? Then ignore it, but at least acknowledge the fact that people as described in the OP (not necessarily the OP's mate) have spent years making it much harder for people (e.g guy in the OP situation assuming he's genuine) to get on in Thailand.

  14. Just watched the Accountant and The Girl with the Gifts. Both outstanding movies. My favourite being the Accountant. Probably the best film Ben Affleck has done since Gone Girl (2014).

    Not watched the Girl with the Gifts (been warned off Girl on a train) but did think BA did a great job on The Accountant

    Not sure it was a better performance than in Gone Girl but certainly up there [emoji1303][emoji1303][emoji1303]
    • Like 1

    as you seem to be in the know, could you please elaborate further WHAT things are changing?

    I wouldn't say I was "In the know" but it does seem like there are more & more reports of people being fined when it comes to dealing with immigration if they haven't done a TM28/TM30 when returning to Thailand.

    Reports are coming in from all over (with the noticeable exception of CW in Bangkok) so it feels like a crackdown, possibly a result of the terrorist attack last year or a result of the "Good Guys In / Bad Guys Out " drive but they do seem to be enforcing the rules that have been around for a longtime.

  16. No its cool I will give you a general range as the owner gave me a great deal since I know her.
    Sansiri started out renting even the low floor places for 25,000 per month.  Now, they have lowered those quite a bit to $18,000 for the least expensive low floor.  But I think you can negotiate with private owners better a guy told me he is paying $16,000 a month.
    I have a one bedroom high floor.  There are no studios.  It is small 30 sq meters but it is only me.  The living area is large enough I have a 50 inch TV in there and it is really nice.  The kitchen is small but again, just me and I don't cook so...
    The higher floors mostly go from 20,000 to 25,000 per month.  Maybe even lower.

    Thanks, that's really useful [emoji1303]
  17. I live at The Base.  Looking out at the ocean as I type this from my high floor apartment. I rent here.

    Yes this place does have 1000 rooms.  There are still many unsold and many that fell out of escrow(or whatever they call it here).

    Also, as others reported this is a big AIrbnb, broker site place.  Last week it was a zoo.  Many Chinese tourists even some Russians which I never saw before.  It has quieted down now. 

    I have reported before this place is a good many maker if you rent several places long term, then sub let on AIrbnb or another site. 

    The location is fantastic, everything is new, and the pool in building A maybe the best view in the city.

    Anyway, I love it here just signed on for a year extension.


    PS:  They do have some flyers around and in the elevators regarding short term rents as against the rules.  But they do not enforce it.  I think they will allow this for some time as it does bring in potential customers who may decide to buy here in the future. 


    To add:  I never believe what sales office tell you.  But I just walked my floor and the floor below.  40 units total.  17 still had the plastic on the door which means noone is occupying the place.

    Looks a really nice place but Hipflat has it as being > 60% more expensive per sqm for buy/rent than the surrounding area.

    If you don't mind me asking, how big is your unit & how much rent is it per month for a 1 year contract? (Obviously feel free to tell me to mind my own bl##dy business if I'm being too intrusive :))



  18. Had this with a Dell before & it was the graphics card, try rolling back the Drivers if you've updated recently or updating them if they're out of date.

    As a matter of interest, does it happen when the machine has been off for sometime (try unplugging it & removing the battery for a while). If it doesn't happen when it's "cold" it's probably a hardware fault.

    Obviously if you have access to an external monitor try it with that to rule out a problem with the screen

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