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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. Re - Recent Election
  2. He certainly seems to be trying to big up everything that he can , from Debt Management of the Thai Population, to attracting Microsoft to the land of Scams Lets see what comes down in about 6 Months time
  3. So what do you actually have to do in Thailand to be classed as a Monsterous Lunatic
  4. Srettha has ab awful long way to go in getting any American Investment into Thailand The recent decision over the Hopewell fiasco and all the current outflows of capital and Bonds have seen to that
  5. I am not so sure that the Country is very near Recession already The Gov,t are going to great pains to try and paint over the massive amount of Household Debt, with Debt Moratoria and other measures for some 7 Million Farmers Etc There is now talk of trying to aid the Car Borrowers that are in Debt, which comes as no surprise to me, as over 30 % of Vehicle Loans are either in NPL territory or under some Debt management Scheme or another This huge amount of Debt ( 15 Trillion Baht - 80 % of it unsecured ) has to put pressure on the Gov,t borrowing and means to Finance its giveaway Policies
  6. As with all Debt Moratoria, refinancing, restructuring, Special Mention management Etc there will always come the Day when the Bubble bursts on bad Debt Bad Debt is Bad Debt, no matter how its trying to be covered over
  7. Salaries are just as much a major issue here as in Developed Countries. probably more so With Countries in SE Asia such as Vietnam in the region of 35 % lower in production costs over Thailand any rise in Salaries will impact upon competitiveness When Companies cannot compete, they close the doors laying people off Thats the reality
  8. Just stop the Fat Cat Banks from lending so much money to people that have little or no means of repayment, then the people would not be Debt stressed Simples
  9. Not really sure you should even own a Laptop if you need to ask such a question
  10. 400 Baht is not a Joke Vietnam is around 30 % cheaper for production than Thailand, have a better Education System and therefore more highly skilled people in the workforce Thai Exports are on the slide now, and to increase operating costs is suicide Pay rises are only awarded upon increased productivity, and to just hand out Money without that major criteria is pure Lunacy
  11. I dont know how many Calories, but it is said to contain up to 57 % Sugar by some sources
  12. " Comprehensive Plan " TIT, and they and even know what they want to do when visiting the Toilet
  13. I could not agree with you more. But to give the poor more Money is not the answer The answer is to get more money out of the Rich via Taxation Etc
  14. Sounds like a statement made by somebody that really has no idea about pol;otics Its like this Increase minimum wage and Inflation will increase Costs of Exports will rise in an already under the cosh sector due to being uncompetitive Not doing very well so far
  15. The Kazakhstan visa were given to them because " its cold there "
  16. By calling out these suspicious people over corruption, it does nothing to inform the Thai population of the fact. They are already fully aware of the Corruption However, it does sound gongs for any Foreign Investors who may be thinking of Investing in Thailand There question will be " just how Corrupt is the Country " and is it somewhere I really want to Invest in for Business or personal wealth
  17. Suthin " Maybe we could explore using Briggs and Stratton Engines "
  18. And so it should be fully investigated Disgraceful
  19. The power of Water is immense Ugly Wars are going to be fought over this priceless commodity in future Years
  20. The biggest measure the Dept can take, is to send a notification to every Household that water usage has to be reduced by a minimum of 40 % The amount of Water that is wasted in Thailand during normal Daily usage by many people is absolutely crazy Showers that take 1/2 an Hour or more sometimes 4 or 5 times a Day Taps left running for Hours on end Splash Bathing instead of more efficient Showers The list of wastages just goes on and on Due to the lack of Education on Water ( and other ) usage, many Thais think that the Water is an Infinite thing that has very little worth. How very wrong these people are, Water id the most expensive commodity on the Planet, and as the Earths population grows, it will become even more expensive
  21. I really hope there is no inclination to rebuild this Tourist Money Trap
  22. I wonder if the Cambodian can get Ittipol back soon
  23. Not to worry They will have more than adequate Insurance
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