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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. Decathlon have an excellent website Or , as an afterthought have a look around some of the Bike shops in your location. Many Bikes are for sale 2nd Hand now. Good Bikes with high specs, and in good condition.
  2. It is a well publicised fact, that the Delta variant of covid seems to infect a much higher percentage of younger people than all the othervariants do.
  3. But will BKK be open for onward travel to other destinations, such as other Countries in SE Asia. Me thinks there will be some restrictions placedm on travellers from BKK, thus making it not such an attractive stop over for many.
  4. Hua Hin, and all the ther proposed opening sites will open up, come what may. There is not a Covid Virus yet, or any other act of God that will derail this plan. Insanity will prevail i am sure.
  5. Thailand being placed on the UK Red List was not just all about Vaccination numbers. A large emphasis was placed upon the lack of Testing that Thailand doing to monitor the Variants active in the Country, as well as testing for new Variants. There would almost certainly have been a large amount of sceptecism about transparency of Vaccination numbers Etc to have made this decision to include Thailand on the Red List. The Country will have a hard time convincing the UK that things have changed dramatically enough to warrant being remioved from the List any time soon me thinks.
  6. If this Dog can inflict these kind of Injuries on a strong fully grown Man, what are the chances of a small Child surviving an attack. This Animal needs to be dispatched sooner rather than later for the safety of all living in the area.
  7. Cases of published positive results have certainly decreased since 30 th August. However, with the combined PCR and ATK tests taken from this Date to present , it would certainly appear as though the number of Daily Infected has stagnated at about 15,000 per Day over this 14 day period. ATK also seems to betaking over as the main method of detection. IMO , a risky policy that has no protocols over the results taken from the tests issued, making it possible for there to be many more positives than are actually published. The Gov,t must be delighted.
  8. And all the time you could be a potential spreader because you have selfishly decided not to get Vaxxed
  9. It really does not matter which plan they are using Today. The fact is, that whatever Plan it is will become reality. There are no acts of God or anything short of Nuclear War, that will derail the opening of Pattaya or any other Sandbox Scheme. Phuket Sandbox has too be your marker on this, with the constant flip flops, deceit and Lies. The efficiency of the Plan chosen will not matter one jot, its all about Kudos, and the famous Face of Thailand, Oh ! and of course, the Money.
  10. The there is also the frantic assembly of Field Hospitals. Another indication that the Hospitals and health system on Phuket is close to breaking.
  11. I also truly believe the Prison Authorities are placing a huge emphasis upon this " Green Chireeta " herbal remedy. for Covid. This crud has been cited, by the Prison Authorities themselves, as being a wonderful prevention against any symptoms of Covid getting worse. If they have been feeding the Inmates on this stuff for a while now, I think the symptoms they refer too are getting so much worse, as the stuff is useless. Ironically, it were any use at all, the Thais would be Exporting Tons of the stuff, and not wasting it on Prisoners But what do you know ? Non is being Exported, and Countries that do not perform Black Magic are not Importing it either.
  12. The Authorities are not walking a different path. Its the same path, but now, they are more or less forced to become transparent on the testing number due to this being pinged by the UK for one of the reasons Thailand was placed on the Red List. Another was not doing enough testing to seek out if new Variants were present in the Country.
  13. There is only one way IMO to pickle Eggs That is to use Malt Vinegar Also throw a few Whole pepper Corns into the Pickling Jar Leave for a good 3 Months. My old Dad used this recipe from when I was a twinkle in his Eye. The Eggs look a dark Brown Colour when ready to eat, and the peppercorns give a little bit of extra " bite " to the Eggs
  14. No ! Its only one step up from the " My little Pony " level
  15. I dont think it will survive as well as the " Top Gear " Toyota Pickup Truck though.
  16. Pattaya was last seen drifting off the Coast of Koh Larn, and was heading in a Southerly direction.
  17. This slight kick up in reported cases comes after a few Days of fairly flatline results. One thing that stands out is the continued steady rise of Infections within the Prisons. I have a sense of DeJa Vue, the way the cases are being reported at the moment.
  18. There was an outbreak at a Military Training Camp in Hua Hin a couple of Days ago ( BKK Post ) I read there were about 70 infections. Is this the one you are referring too ? BTW, these poor sods were treated with a mixture of Hand Sanitizer and some other Chemical, and it was sprayed into their Noses and down their Throats
  19. Even with the planned reopening of the whole Country on 15th October, there will not be sufficient Tourists to keep all the Hotels open, and prevent them going to the wall. Many will just not bother to open, and those that do, will need to have a very large cash supply in order to do so. Hotels will find that it is more cost effective to remain closed as opposed to opening, finding and Employing Staff, along with all the associated overheads that will come from the doors opening - Electricity Etc, will not be a viable thing to do. And with a much lower occupancy rate, there will be no way out of this mess in the foreseeable future for many.
  20. I think you probably have issues with transferring a large amount like this with the Money Laundering Laws that are in effect. When I transferred some large amounts, anything over 30,000 $US, was pinged, and I had to attend my KrungThai Bank branch personally in order to get the Money released. You may have to break down into smaller sums your Transactions. Others may have more info about this so wait out a while.
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