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Cake Monster

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Everything posted by Cake Monster

  1. The Hotels, and associated Supply Chain, will still be in a " bind " even if the Country fully reopens on 15th October. There will be insufficient numbers of Tourists to support all the Hotels, so occupancy will be very low. I am sure many will not even bother to reopen, hence the retooling , because to employ Staff, and running overheads, will be far more costly than the revenue generated from the few Tourists that will be available . Retooling their Business model to me, would probably mean closing the doors as a Hotel, and reopen as a Condotel, or even a Condo. This makes sense to me, as room occupancy from Tourists will b very low, money can be generated with very little revamping or change to structure. of the Business. Just my thoughts
  2. There does however, seem to be a gradual rise in the number of Prison Inmates that are becoming Infected. The overcrowded prisons are not the best place to have Covid outbreaks, and many , many people in these Jails are at risk with a Prison population of 300 K in Thailand.
  3. And for those with no real reason to go to Phuket, other than a Holiday, will probably be looking at the situation now on the Island and be saying " you know what ?, there are many other equally as good, if not better destinations for our Holiday - we'll book there instead ".
  4. And this is maybe the idea behind the single vax only policy that appears to be happening at the moment. BS trying to baffle Brains. Yesterday, Tewasilp of the CCSA stated that Thailand was well on the way to " Herd immunity ". He stated that Thailand had now vaccinated 50 % of the 70 Million Population with a single Vaccination. Duhhhh ! It will take a lot more Vaccinations, with only 12 % of the population having received 2 shots of any Vaccine at all to reach " Herd Immunity " which now seems to be as high as 80% plus due to Delta.
  5. Seriously !!!!!!!!! And look how well its working in the Prisons, with Infections again on the rise Daily.
  6. Why do you want to change Evolution. Cats hunt, its what they do. Our Cat always has a Bowl of Biscuit Food available 24/7, and is fed Fish 2 times a Day. She eats both, but will still hunt at every opportunity she gets. And thats every Day Anything at all from Rats to Birds to Lizards to Ground Squirrels, and even Snakes Most of Her kills are bought Home to her family ( us ) and left outside the back door. Nothing is allowed to encroach onto her territory.
  7. As part of another report issued this AM, a paper out of Bangkok printed a statement from one of the high up Covid spokespeople, that the Government was really close now to achieving its target of Herd Immunity by having 50% to date Inoculated of the 70 Million Population with a single Vaccination. Amazing Thailand
  8. Entire Inmate population to possibly become Infected is about 310,000 people. That is not just bad, but a disgrace to the system. I thought they had all this under control in the Prisons by using that herbal medicine " Green Choreeta ". The Prison Authorities even said it was so good they were going to grow the stuff themselves inside the Prisons Maybe the Herbal stuff is not so good after all. Correct me if I am wrong, but were Prisoners not Vaccinated about 2 Months ago, or was that just in BKK.
  9. I think we will maybe see more of these kind of reports from the Authorities. A lack of testing for new Variants was one of the reasons that Thailand was placed on the UK,s Red List I had not even heard of this Mu Variant, but the C.1.2 variant also highlighted in the report, was , I thought, a Variant designated by the WHO as a Variant of " Interest "
  10. If you are planning to use the Services of a Project Manager, then all the various issues I pointed out to you as potential pitfalls will be taken care of. Good Luck with the build.
  11. My Wife and I built our own House just outside of Pattaya. Mistakes, there were many. The most obvious one , that we were not on site enough to oversee the Quality of Building work. Also there was a fair amount of theft while we not there. Things such as Ceramic tiles for Bathrooms, Roof tiles and Metal, Electrical wire and fittings, and much more . The usual excuse for all this theft was " I did not work it out correctly " Well, I did, and thats how I know its theft. As a plus to all this, check the Invoices for Materials, and accept only those on a reputably Company Heading, or source your own... just ask Builder what he needs and when
  12. Welcome Thais. Come to Phuket for a break, help us to keep the Dirtbox open despite all the Covid on the Island, and as a parting gift, you can carry Home FOC your very own Covid Bug.
  13. Great plan Phiphat. Now all you need are the Tourists. With so few that are able / willing to travel, every Hotel, Restaurant and Shopping mall will be looking at having a single customer each per Day, ... if they are lucky, and many can see through this crud to not even bother opening their Business.
  14. Do not look to build in the Mabrachan area. the Land costs are high in comparison to other locations close by this one. If you are going for your own build, do not do so without being on site Daily. I can tell you from experience, that if you are not, you are potentially heading for a World of hurt.
  15. I am starting to believe they have not one single positive idea between them all. Completely out of their depth, but instead of looking at others who are trying to deal with the situation, they make up stupid rules and Laws such as this to make themselves look important.
  16. I witnessed a guy scalped on a Lathe whilst looking into a bore he was doing. Not just his Hair, but half his face was also taken off. I can 100 % agree to it being the most horrible thing I think I have ever witnessed in my life. And as a Rally Marshall, I have seen a few,
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