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Posts posted by icare999

  1. If an informal lender wishes to charge more than 15% per year, he or she can seek a license to become a “pico financer” lender. In this case, a 50,000-baht cap would be placed on loan principal per borrower, and interest would be capped at 3% per month (36% per year).

    Operators with at least 5 million baht in registered capital would qualify to become a pico financial institution. The lowered registered capital requirement is meant to attract predatory loan sharks and convince them to enter the formal financial system.

    Or said another way get a business license from the govt which means you'll also be part of the tax system which means the govt will be able to collect taxes on your business--where you would be able to charge up to 36% per year "legally."

    Although the article refers to the private lenders as "loan shocks" many times they are really just regular people, your neighbors/in-laws, who are trying to make extra money by loaning it out at high interest. I've know two of my in-laws who regularly do it...one works for the local district govt and the other one is a factory supervisor.

    Thye are all IMO nasty people loaning others is a vile way to make money and prays off those less fortunate. Id like ot see all of them put away and key thrown away its worse here than even pay day loans in UK I have notihng but total contempt fo all of them and I also know many so called just normal people do it

  2. Once she has had the new will checked out, ol' Harold better watch his back. (and cook his own food and never go out onto the balcony and check the brake lines on any vehicle he drives and open any beers himself. the list goes on).

    all these bitter twisted people i feel sorry for you all it is quite possible that not all thia girls are only in iot for money or is that sometihng all you pathetic loosers have never experianced when boozing away in your whore houses

    Married over 35 years to beautiful thia lady 30 years younger and now in my late 80's 2 lovely children and in all that 35 odd years same story from so many telling me i better watch out

    very sad all you loosers

    • Like 2
  3. The number of posts congratulating him on marrying a pornographic actress is amazing. It would have made sense if old Harold had married an educated lady working a decent job.

    so many pathetic cynical posts my thai wife is over 30 years younger than me and after 23+ years with 2 great grown up kids i had all negative comments from start. When we met she was and still is stunning. Even after all this time im still told to be careful since itsi nevitable ill be left on rubbish.

  4. All this nonsense he broke the law use nominee to try and get over law that no orang can own land so made his own grave It could happen to made but difference is I freely gave it all to my This wife in her name and 30+ years later she has not yet thrown me on rubbish. For 30+ years I've heard friends say I'm stupid and my reply is if you cant trust your wife dont marry. Happens west all time as well so stop moaning. So many posts bitter men who had no brain except one between their legs. Pathetic people IMO. And yes if you dont like it here please leave we wont need or want you.

  5. new flash everybody. Thailand is really frickin' dangerous. everything is dangerous here. for everybody, not just tourists.

    let's hope all the tourists in the world get the word, so they an decide for themselves if they want to still come here.

    and now, back to trying cross the street without being run down like a dog.

    BS or is it irony been here over 30 years its no more risky than anytime IMO

  6. I'd have thought the 'Cronies That Be' would have been delighted with this delay, because everyone knows she won't get a fair hearing and when she gets time, there could be a very serious backlash.

    The worst thing she did was try to bring in the former amnesty, when people rightly took to the streets to protest, yet when this lot gave themselves one, for one of the most heinous crimes one can commit in a country, not a peep from the hypocritcial Street Rabble in Bangkok.

    Until the blimp and the bomb detector buyers/profiteers are in the dock, we can safely assume that 2016 will be Business As Usual for the Elite.

    their will be no backlash none even if she is as she should be found guilty all her lot are cowardly scum and are to busy saving their own skins you will see Well done Suthep for ridding Thailand of this evil

  7. enough already just go destroy them properly and sadly if theirs innocents these people need wiping off face of earth as do any muslims who join them no excuses just execute them all and any who even give slightest support This will end in a massive backlash in West not what id want but this is now a question of survival IMO

  8. For all u non believers, watch bbc and see the brother and family make a statement, nothing but praise for the justice system, they have been there for many months, visiting the ocurts, not you keyboard warriors that want to knock Thailand at every opportunity. the burmese guys had top lawyers paid for by an activist group, how pathetic, activisits are idiots.

    here we go, the troll is back !

    are you saying family did not say they are happy with verdict or did not spend months with police both Thai and British or Burmese did not have top lawyers dont just knock this report say where its wrong

  9. So what. If people only have that sort of misery money then thats all they can spend. Its hardly a good life is it ?? I might as well list how we live on 200,000 baht a month and many would say crazy but we cant afford to eat out at nice restaurants much. Ok for flamers here it is:-

    school fees 60,000 baht a month (good but not most expensive international school)

    Electricity 8000 per month (ok mostly n zircons)

    charity etc 10,000 per month

    cars/travel 10,000 perm month

    Replacement costs for large items average 15,000 a month (car every 10 years, air cons, fridges THings go wrong)

    Maid and gardener 25,000 per month

    food 30-40,000 a month for 4

    entertainment drinks eating out 10,000 per month

    clothes for 4 people around 10,000 perm onto

    Incidentals 5000 per month

    holidays trips for 4 10,000 per month (average 120,000 per year)

    so what does that prove I'm sure many spend more.

    Stupid all this see how little i can live on. Well i can live for 0 baht am otnh simple become a monk Pathetic post


    so does that mean If I buy a house via a company structure to comply with thai ownership laws I will be investigated for unscrupulous exploitation of Thailand and its honest law abiding government agencies?

    what a funny country to decide to call home for the foreseeable future, oh well glad the food and the people are nice


    your not complying with Thai laws your cheating Thai laws which forbid forages owning land. You can legally buy a house just not own land its on so by your own admission your using nominees to get around the law

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