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Posts posted by icare999

  1. This is what you need to remember when you come here to live which is nothing like vacationing here. This culture is 180 opposite to yours. Here family comes first and I mean first. What you think is love is really just respect of your ability to provide for her and her family. You will have her respect as long as you remember this. If you fail or even if she perceives that your not willing to do this then there is no such thing as forgiveness only revenge and compensation. And she will initiate a rather elaborate scheme to defraud you of your assets. She will do this to insure she can continue to live in the manner she has grown accustomed to. When she decides to leave you there will be no indicators. When she is ready to leave you will be blindsided. Take a look at some of the so called happily married foreigners who have that passive subdued demeanor. That is the face of a man that is at the mercy of a woman that can take everything he has and that which is signed in her name. You can't win for the police, the laws and a nation of Thais stand against you. Keep your head and a stash..


    Thanks for the laugh. You need to qualify what you say, as in "in SOME cases if you fail or even if she perceives that your not willing to do this then there is no such thing as forgiveness only revenge and compensation. And she will initiate a rather elaborate scheme to defraud you of your assets".

    My wife knew before she married me the family were getting zip from me, and she knows I don't have any "assets" that she can defraud from me.

    She works to give her own money to the family, not mine.

    If she wants to leave me, that could happen regardless of how much I gave her, and I really don't want to take a washing machine and the microwave with me if I do have to leave.

    She has nothing worth anything "signed in her name", which is what I and many on here are saying. Don't buy property, don't buy a car, don't have joint bank accounts etc etc.

    That is the secret to peace of mind when marrying a Thai woman.

    You sound as if you don't have any money anyway.

    what a sad pathetic attitude he has. My This wife (30 years younger) has had all in her name or in joint accounts for for last 20 years even assets in UK and USA. Thats because 20 years ago i considered I might not last much longer and felt it just easier that way. Maybe I'm lucky or just not stupid. SO sad for those who are so jaded they cant trust their own shadows and i do feel a little pity for those poor sods who will probably never ever have a decent relationship or marriage.

  2. I think " invest" is the wrong word. If you have children just buy the house in the wife's name and be done with it.

    well said

    3 kids 3 houses

    best thing a father can do

    Sarcasm? If you have children with a woman of ill repute like Ian (and apparently some TV posters) then what good is the house (or 3) when a selfish woman like this is going to pi$$ it away.

    Reason number 182 to marry someone close to your age whose parents are not dependant on hitting a farang gold mine.

    does not matter age difference. If you marry most girls here or older women in 90% of cases their number one priority is their parents if alive. ITs in culture. A few will put their marriage before their parents and some parents dont expect a lot of help and are happy with a little help if they need it. Problem is not age difference its greed and that has nothing to do with age gap.

  3. All I can say is be careful. There are a lot of older "gentlemen" on this very forum who like to preach to mostly younger crowd how Thailand is not cheap and how you need a lot of money to live here. The truth is Thailand is extremely cheap and anyone telling you otherwise is probably being ripped off by their wife and family.

    total BS yes Thailand can be cheap but if you want to live a western life style, have your children well educated in a top international school it can be more expensive than UK. School fees for our 2 children was over 800,000 a year. My medical costs (no i dont have insurance and cant) has run into ,millions of baht over last 10 years( free in Uk). Trues we have a maid and gardener which we could not afford in UK and live very high standard with out electricity bill being ask much as many earn here. Yes it can be cheap if you want to I've like a This but some of us prefer to live a good life. MArried to a this girl over 30 years who was half my age and long ago i decided to put all in her name.

    So many bitter people here and os many I've met. Sad people all of them. Old saying better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. MOney does not matter at all if your going to end up bitter untrusting and so pathetic and sad you need to use prostitutes and as many advocate rent your wife. Pathetic

  4. Yeah..

    And here is a big "boo" to all those tv members who insist that thai law will divide property fairly, when things go astray. Your moeny is gone to debts to money lenders without your knowledge. Even this guy thought he was safe, but his wife simply forged his name and he was taken off as a "director/share holder"...etc.

    If you have a wife like this, she has moneylenders that will sap off the equity. If you have legal "rights", good luck in the long, tedious process of court hearings/adjournments and translators. A bad wife with debts to money lenders will allow them to suck you dry..without you knowing anything...until it is too late.

    rent...for goodness sakes, and avoid this altogether. If you die, leave the money you save by not purchasing property to your family...they can buy a home on their own.

    People pushing property here on TV are part of the problem. Legal recourse........lol (no such animal)

    well I'm glad after 30+ years i did not take this sort of advise and yes my wife was half my age when we married. If you cant trust your wife dont marry. Its true a lot get scammed but just as many have wonderful marriages and many when they split theirs no stealing or conning.

  5. dont try and get around the law by using company purchase and proxy. You can legally own condos so if you dont trust them issues do that. Sorry he's obviously a nice guy but he was acting illegally to get over land ownership laws here and so suffered the consequences. I got over that problem long long ago by simply putting everything 100% in my wife's name. Maybe im lucky after 30+ years here.

    Woman got caught in loan sharks hands probably due to gambling and so while I'm not making excuses for her she was probably totally desperate.

    What i nor my This wife can ever understand is how a mother as here they often do dont care for theirs own kids one bit.

    He must have known it was illegal to own land and so has himself to blame.

  6. NGO bigshots are some of the worst scum in SE Asia.

    how true before i realised what scum bags so many of them where i worked for a short time 40 odd years ago for a UN agency. Any non western staff were treated as complete shit and sadly many mom western staff while paid well treated their maids and rest as bad as slaves. I was so disgusted with both UNM agency and the NGO high wigs we worked with particularly many UK and USA charities. The religious missionaries were as bad.

    its been exposed so manny times when i was working there and several times in 40 years since i left in disgust but as always swept under the carpet. No progress at all in 40 years. Ex colonial staff from ex colonies are particularly bad and often given top agency jobs at huge salaries when they were no longer needed in colonies. UK was worse but also for all european ex colonial staff.

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  7. good and i my thai family and this friends would totally support that if alternative was vile Taksin clan and his red shirt thugs. MY family children can live in relative peace.

    OT those who oppose tough @##$# your hero went to far as did Hitler and rest.

    Don't worry if were lucky well have 10-20 years peace and i do support all messages re thinness etc. Fornag here can and should go #$$%@ off back home if they dont like it. I my This family and rest are staying and more optimistic about future than we've been for a decade when Thailand was under heavy cloud of Taksins evil intensions.

    Hard luck just live with it or go please.

    Thank you Suphet for delivering us from a would be most evil dictator. As I've said from start anything is better than Taksin and it still is.

  8. They honestly believe this crap???cheesy.gif

    ell i tried to get a hotel over xmas at any price and none were available from end november to mid feb except backpackers dumps. Im going down to Hui HIn for SIngkran and al lot of places are filling up fast. A hell of a lot of Chinese and indians around and people i know who have restaurants in tourist spots say they have never been so busy but that western tourists are way down and now when over 60-70% were western now over 50% are Chinese, korean, indians and rest

    You believe what you want but go for a walk around Chiang Mai and its packed which is where I've come now for a break but pollution is terible so soon getting away to somewhere quieter and with less tourists especially the Chinese

  9. The voices of those opposed to the Junta are slowly getting louder and louder and bolder and bolder, one senses the dam walls may soon burst. The tide is fast going out on this latest effort to rid Thailand of democracy. When the time comes, lets hope the Genereals have the good grace to accept defeat and walk away without forcing more bloodshed upon the long suffering citizenry.

    dream on pal no chance and i my thai wife and this friends from north Thailand are grateful that probably if any of vile gang you support try anything this time it will be gloves off. Serves idiots right IMO. Accept it and crawl back under rock your great leaders have gone back to. Cowards every one of them so dont hold your breath. Suphet proved what most thais wanted and thanks to him we now have for rid one hopes for good shin clan

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  10. He is fixated on "western" democracy. Does not even bother acknowledging certain Asian countries have viable, representative governments. His preachy, bossy tone is nauseating as well.

    The westerner lovers of all things coup have been rather quiet as of late.

    not me my thai wife family and all thai friends were still really happy that he has taken control and a million times better than vile evil Taksin his cronies and rest. We dont care if its not democratic since we can now get on with our lives without scourge of red shirt thugs.

    so load cheer for the one man prepared to get it sorted and for Suphet who almost alone managed to put hopefully for good that megalomaniac who wanted to turn Thailand into his own one party police state.

    Sorry if you dont like it please @#$#%%$#@@ off to your crap western type of democracy where PC is rife most can afford any sort of home and children at schools are so thuggish many schools need armed guards in USA and politicians who line their own pockets bankers who control all aspects of life and live like lords and most are simply slaves working themselves to death for their masters.

    Ive never seen anyone really hungry here and even our staff on 12k baht a month live IMO a better quality of life than most in west. My wife has visited with me most of europe USA and is shocked to see slums etc saying its worse than the slums she was brought up in in Bangkok

  11. well were happy and super happy vile scumbag Taksin and his evil crew are hopefully at last put in their place

    i and many dont care for Taksin version of democracy and i hope army stay firmly in control for many many years. Thailand is not ready for democracy while issan uneducated can be bought for v500 baht or daft promises.

    whats so great living in a so called democracy if its ruled by a megalomaniac like Taksin. id rather take my families chances with a army led dictator if need be sine after all if your not bothered they just allow all to get on with their lives

    Pathetic way forang here think their system they left is so much better its not

  12. I've lost count of the people on this forum that say ''If you don't like it here, go back to where you came from ''. I'm sure these people just want to keep Thailand all to themselves and not share it with the rest of us !!

    shhhhhhhhh your right I'm fed up with so many forang here these days. Used to be i hardly ever saw a forang even when i lived in bangkok now at local big C or Macro or Tesco seems we've been invaded please go home please pretty please

  13. Is he going to warn the whole world ?

    Cannot stand all his BS anymore.

    feel free to leave I my thai wife her family and many thais we know fully support his actions words and clampdown and my wives family are very very poor. hiso we know are wives of politicians of the Taksin government and they drive around in their BMW's Mercs have lots of houses and are ones totally opposed to the now PM. ?? wonder why that is but they still have their immense wealth and wives even boast how much their husbands screw out of system literally hundreds of millions of baht each.

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  14. So when the Mad Monk held a demonstration and protested in blatant breach of martial law, nothing was said and all was ok. The Mad Monk along with suthep helped Prayuth gain ultimate power and are close friends. The other side of the coin wants to do the same and it is sooooooo bad and they are threatened. This definately is not reconciliation but an ultimate display of supreme power and control. Talk about hypocicy, law only applies to some in Thailand.

    yes nice to see Taksins mob and red shirts gutting a dose of their own medicine and in a war which is is/was against megalomaniac would be dictator Taksin in my book anything is justified

  15. The witch hunt continues w00t.gif

    All this talk of reconciliation yet all we see is more revenge and oppression. This won`t end well.

    To be honest.I hope the Thai people will stay quiet, grin and bare it.

    If there is to be a fight, mostly old people and university students die. I don't want to see any more wasted lives over this.

    I couldn`t agree more, however Prayuth (and the elite that pull his strings) seem hell bent on provoking the red side of things into violence. This is because they need an excuse to continue martial law and their increasingly authoritarian behaviour.

    The red strategy seems very simple, sit it out and wait for the inevitable to happen and when it does the one thing that gives the junta/elite their credibility is gone. The junta know that yet again they are being out witted and are trying to cause a reaction.

    I find Thaksin little better than Prayuth in terms of his equally autocratic behaviour in the past, but there is no denying he just out smarts his adverseraries over and over. They rely on brute force and fight everything like a brawl, he relies on intellect and fights everything like a game of chess.

    dream on i my Thai wife friends all 100% support anything which puts red short thugs in their place. We doth care about so called democracy we just want shin clan defeated at lsat. hopefully party time

  16. not a chance in hell id leave or go back. Ill be buried here. I cant imagine why anyone would want to return to over regulated totally controlled lives in west unless of course they dont have a real life and family here and are just here for sex and booze.

  17. The child needs to have an ID to start. There is some paperwork that should be prepared by a lawyer and I believe it needs to be signed by a judge before going to the land office.

    BS our 2 children have had property here their name since birth no problems easy no lawyers just at land office but told cant be sold until they got to 20 which one of them is. Stupid forang who know nothing spouting absolute crap as usual.

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  18. i really hope Greece breaks free from euro nonsense and becomes again a proper free nation. Better poorer than slaves to germany. Ok so they leave euro and then cash compete so 50% plus (ridiculous) unemployment under 25 ceases, 25% + unemployment gets better.

    Ask yourself would you rather die slowly in chains to Germany than live free and with decency but poorer as your own master.

    Non brainer for those who can see.

    But sadly a lot will fear fear fear instead of being free and happy but poorer.

    Sad isn't it. Like Jews in holocost they were going to their slaughter and now maybe just maybe they will fight back. And I'm an arch right winger Tory but would fight along side greek communists as lesser evil to EEC masters.

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