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Posts posted by icare999

  1. On 7 January 2017 at 4:52 PM, wakeupplease said:

    You can no longer believe anything that comes out of this country

    would rather lie than tell the truth

    or they do not know what the meaning of truth is


    If I was an expat here I would be thinking of moving fast


    before they get the idea of ransoming your freedom


    anything to make money


    Man this lot stink rotten to the core

    you leave ive been here over 30 years and army have always saved Thailand from itself. All will be as usual but i do note a slight lessening of corruption. taksin just went over top instead of normal 10% he wanted it all and wanted no one else to have any. Its still a million times better than so called democracy of west and corruption in west is 100 times worse its just doem in legal wasy in west wake up and open your eyes 

  2. On 3 January 2017 at 11:05 AM, Eric Loh said:


    Now I know your level of understanding of Thai politics. Thanks.

    no it shows your total naivity if you really think Taksin has not alwasy bought power try living in a Red village for a few years and your eyes will be opened but thank goodness if our Tassin controlled sorry red hsirt thug controlled red village things have changed but would go back  in an instant if Taksins money and his red shirt thugs got back 

  3. 3 hours ago, William C F Pierce said:

    Having a General Election is one thing, but understanding what democrasy is about another unanswered question of Thailand. To prove my point, in less than 5 years there will be another military coup.

    if country is in danger of disintegrating yes the army will take over and save it as it always has done thank goodness but their will be no repeat of mistakes after 2006 coup this time. 

  4. 6 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    there will be mass demonstrations from the reds when they see how un-free the elections are. pretty sure they will be aiming for a very short amount of time between announcing the elections and running them. just hope the sham is run during low season. 

    no it wont most of red shirt scum are total cowards and i doubt Taksin will be able to pay for a revolt so easily this time. Also most thais are perfectly happy without all problems Taksins scumbags caused before. Its probable theirs even been a deal between Army Taksin and rest as usual. Most of reds shirt leaders have been told if thye want to play hard thye risk loosing their ill gotten hordes of loot and so have gone to hide under rocks they camr from. You know very little about how things work here.

  5. 15 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

    It doesn't help when the Minister of Justice publicly supports this sort of thing and says there should be more such actions.


    A lady I know is a teacher in a rural government primary school and was of course told to wear black for a year which didn't go down well and like many others I'm sure is hoping that after a few months the order will be relaxed. However she did point out that even if the PM was to say it was ok not to wear black such things are often down to ' local ' interpretation and application.


    In addition she and her colleagues were ' advised ' to remember their positions as teachers who should be setting an example so when not at school it was not to be open season on clothing and they must be careful how they dress. The school director avoided answering if this also meant for a year !

    well if we had some proper standards in west our schoold wou;ld not be full of thugs i 100% support proper observation and respect for tradition 

  6. On 22 November 2016 at 8:19 AM, madmax2 said:

    Since when is it the tenants responsibility , only applies to a commercial property in some countries when written into a lease agreement but not to a private house in my experience, and i 

    do have experience in commercial and private property

    renting and leasing in Australia

    TIT and its perfectly legal anywhere even for residental to put in lease tenant pays all repairs your comment is typical forang i know better BS 

  7. On 5 November 2016 at 2:49 PM, mercman24 said:

    its the jumping through hoops thing that sticks up my craw, they like to take my money, i bet my monthy spends are  more 12 of your average thai,(probably more) if we all decided to up sticks one day (ok it aint gonna happen) this place would be bancrupt overnight,

    nonsense you overrate totally your spending we know plenty of thais whod make even our spending of over 300,000 baht a month seem peanuts. ITs useful extra income thats all sure it owuld affect sex trade im sure and scumbag places like Pattaya but rest hardly at all. We also know plenty of  exc pats living here hwo tihnk their pathetic 50-100k baht am onth is vital. Of ocurse many thais especially in Issan 10,000 is a lot. Ok folks now flame away about how 300k a month but we also know several ex pats who spend a lot more than that. A goog international school in Bangkock is not available for less thna 800,000 a year and 2 kids thats then around 140,000 just for school fees then a good condo in centrtal bangkock would be 50,000 up minimum .......    

  8. On 28 October 2016 at 7:53 AM, Bluespunk said:


    Much of the reasoning behind pro brexit voters was based in hate of immigrants and the ridiculous notions that they were "taking our jobs/homes/living off our benefits".


    How do you think those same voters will react to an influx of foreigners buying up property in a market where, despite falling prices, the same property remains out of the reach of many?

    hardly same type of immigrant is it so a stupid comment these properties will never be in reach of normal people 

  9. On 28 October 2016 at 5:27 AM, NongKhaiKid said:

    Patriotic, nationalistic Thais buying property overseas, well well ! I wonder who some of the intending buyers might be and  I'd think there will be requests for anonymity ?. :biggrin:

    Many no doubt are those who would have a fit at the thought of a foreigner being allowed to own anything here.

    A little reciprocity wouldn't go amiss but then expect the Thais to howl about being discriminated against.

    i 100% agree foprang should not be alowed to buy here. Its not same multi millionaire thais buying in prime london sites do not stop locals in london buying but if forang could buy here locals here soon would be unable to buy. Anyway you can buy here if you spend 40 million baht up. 

  10. On 9 October 2016 at 10:57 PM, SheungWan said:



    One just has to feel a little bit sorry for the type of expat who is being trashed by sterling while wallowing in their own loss wearing a silly happy hat.

    errr what does that mean any expat who does not hedge against currency fluctuations is IMO silly. OF ocurse those living on fixed UK GBP pensions only must be hurting a lot but its been a long steady decline and i expect under 40 and then probably 35 in near future which will bring it back to pre 1997 Asain crisis levels. Any expat here who does not have significant savings should not be here and writing for GBP as well as Euro and rest against asian currencies has been on wall a long time. Sure its hit my family a lot but i consider it a price well worth paying for my kids and grandkids to be able to live in a free UK as well as a free Thailand whichever they prefer 

  11. 11 hours ago, trainman34014 said:


    The VOA weren't in our village where many of the older people who couldn't read or write were led into the polling booth and given 100 Baht for putting their thumbprint on a certain place.   Don't be fooled by what you read, get out there and see things for yourself.

    only fools dont know what goes on here in Taksins areas it almost makes UK hundreds of years ago seem honest 

  12. On 16 September 2016 at 9:53 AM, williamgeorgeallen said:

    you do have a choice. when i am over 50 i will go onto a retirement visa and use an agent who can get a letter to say i have the funds without having them in thailand. they normally charge 10 000thb for the document. after 10 years i will never keep any money or assets in thailand again. there is no need. just use a foreign ATM card to with draw 30 000thb at a time for living expenses. follow this method and you are less likely to have any problems in thailand. rent rent rent. been said so many times, needs to be repeated non stop for those new to this country..

    how many times have i  heard that nonsense in last 30 years and all along our investments here have far outgrown anything we had/have in USA. Weve paid for our home several times over and while property here does not go up and down like USA apart from 1997 crash its woth many times what we paid for it and what weve put into it. Following your advise wed now be much poorer but you keep telling people and yes ive been married to a Thai for 30 odd years. 

  13. On 14 May 2016 at 10:20 AM, tolsti said:

    The Condo management are there to look after the common area in accordance with the Condominium Act, not to control who lives there. Very nice that your management do this for you but they should have told Immigration to go away and talk to the co-owners as they are the ones responsible for their tenants and reporting for the purposes of the TM 30.

    Nonsense condo managment are there as directed by co owners so co owners who let

    out are happy for them to do it. If you dont like it and are an owner bring it up at annual GM meeting of owners and ask doe a vote. Also if you dont get it done they will refuse your visa and tell you to pay fine until they will renew it. Go with flow its no real hardship or do you prefer to try and fight everything you dont like here in which case your totally wasting your time. 

  14. On 20 February 2016 at 9:40 AM, LivinLOS said:

    In (friendly) discussion with the immigration captain in my pointing out how this system simply cant work in many situations.. She told me that once my landlord clears his fine, maybe he / I could sign up online (private householder) and I do my own TM30s on his behalf to stop him being fined..

    I of course pointed out its not my job, and its the system which is flawed, but it was suggested that it could be used for a private house rental, and even that I as tennant and TM28 person, could in this case do it for him.

    Just comes back around to it being a joke of a system.. Poorly thought out and implemented, and based as I said months ago at the start, on fining farangs to force the compliance of their landlords, which I refuse to do. Its also another straw on the camels back of people here long term, trying to comply and be legal. Its not 'the reason' but among many of the last 2 or 3 years has me establishing a foothold outside of the country again after 14 years. I dont especially want to, and it will be an expense to run another home somewhere with cars and the like, but I am not going to be a boiling frog gradually cooking by degrees and need to have the options in place to retain a clear perspective.

    you can refuse as much as you want but in end it wont do you any good at all believe me after being here 30+ years best just go along with it even if its not your job 

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  15. On 17 February 2016 at 11:20 PM, LivinLOS said:

    Immigration have clearly told me its every trip, where you use another accomodation (hence 24h) as this then generates a new TM30.. any hotel stay and it should be any stay with a private person too.

    Mine is a total mess, my landlord is a judge, I havent spoken to him in 5 months, hes often in bangkok and Patts doing cases, never answers his phone, no way hes doing it.. Hes just ignored the whole thing. Immigration are pissed and say 'theres a fine on the system for him' but now say they cannot do my new TM28 having just flown in again until the fine is paid.

    So I have the officers number, and make a point of dropping in to point out "been away, am back, not my fault' and have her private mobile number. The whole system is one with huge glaring holes, and simply a fine the farang mentality to drive it.

    I also pointed out I may be flying in and out the country every few days later this summer.. Do they really think a judge is going to drive from bangkok to do this every time I come and go, every few days ?? She just sighed and rolled her eyes.. She said 'the Junta have told them they must track all non Thais' so this is the system.

    ive also been told that but i doubt they bother to much as long as its done at least each time you leave country 


  16. 13 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Just another showcase trial.

    Justice and the rule of law never came into it.

    Farang guilty. Guilty for being here. guilty just for being a farang.

    Srupid comment a Thai would also be found guilty im fed up with forang here mouthing nonsense and if your not here then you shoudl not comment if you are just go if you dont like it or like many do you think you know and are better than natives  


  17. 18 hours ago, The stuttering parrot said:

    Why wouldn't he be unfazed he speaks the truth about the yellows trying to seize power unlawfully opening up the opportunity for a military coup.

    Unfortunatley Sutep and his cronies are unfazed to and hid away in a temple until  it was deemed safe that enough time had passed.

    Some monks and pollies are Teflon coated and get a free pass to bring down a democratically elected government.

    :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:ou talk of democracy in same sentance as tihs vile man who has no understanding of democracy and only knows how to incite people to burn down Bangkok Democratic (not) 

  18. 16 hours ago, useronthenet said:

    Thailand is a foreign dependent country in every way:-


    Exports to foreign countries  - mostly food produce like rice etc

    Tourism - again dependent on foreigners to boost the economy

    Foreign investment - crucial for the development of the country


    I always find it amusing that a country so dependent on foreigners, is yet still willing to bite the hand that feeds them.

    Thailand does not need you or any forang believe me it would survive perfectly well without western interferiance or money 

  19. Since he has taken over weve had peace and got rid hopefully for good that would be dictator Taksin. All this negative comments by forang here are insulting to Thailand and if you live here your host country. All Thais i and my fmaiyl know are perfectly happy with this government. Perhaps posters would prefer the chaos and violence we have in Europe. This is not your country and if you dont like way it works thne as far as im concerned you cna #@@#$ off back to your own country. 

  20. 12 hours ago, Eligius said:

    You are quite possibly right. The tragic thing is that it does not really make any difference now whether there is an election or not. They have got the country all stitched up - nice and proper!

    thank goodness any chance of return to Taksin's dictatorship would worry me army does not Thailand is notready for democracy and isent it nice now compared with when we were under Taksins rule

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