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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. 11 minutes ago, pumpjack said:

    where is " natalie "   " the beast " cant see him here,       last time he was working in  khao san road last year. 


    Good god that's shocking.


    But it does look like ,  it works in a bar.

    and not street walking, Harassing ,  stealing and assaulting Tourists ,

    like the lot in the  Op.


    So i don't have a problem with it.

    good luck to him.  :jap:



  2. I wonder what is the correct term for so many

    Lady boys in a police station is ?

    A bit like a  group of Whales are called ,  a  Pod of whales.

    What's it for Lady boys


    1)  A fist of Lady boys ?

    2)  A Steal of Lady boys. ?

    3)  A Thieve of Lady boys ?

    4) A bloke of Lady boys ?


    What you think ? any more suggestions  ?

    i will go for no 3,   it fits well,   i think.

  3. Yes been back for the last 3 weeks or so

    All parked  along both sides second road Jomtien.

    Plus a Mini van fleet has arrived just past the roundabout heading south.

    up to the area of the boat fleet storage area,    by the traffic lights.

    Jomtien is  pattaya's dumping ground and not just for building rubbish.

    Amazing Pattaya. :sad:

  4. Ah yes.

    One of the advantages of Pattaya,  

    You are very close to the Airport

    Thank you for the reminder,

    Time to book a flight out,   for a few days over that period.


    Wonder what the dead people ,    scorecard will be this year.

    Could be a record breaker. !!!!!!!!!!!!!  :thumbsup:



  5. 36 minutes ago, JSixpack said:

    No, from that 2 minute glance, or 1 minute, however brief, from one side you reached the silly conclusion that "the works," meaning ALL, looked to have been "abandoned." And then you extrapolated from your "experience" that "this indicates that someone in the supply chain is not or has not been paying the Contractor / Sub-contractors." But your 2 minute experience also led to confusing two unrelated experiences. In fact I'd question your long experience w/ Contractors / Sub-contractors as you seem unaware that delays, short or longer, are quite normal in the construction industry, particularly for a project of this size for many reasons other than that of payment. Not that this was necessarily a "delay" at all. TVF ace construction engineers like to see workers always crawling like ants all over a project at all times (the TVF Poster All Times rule) so their Eyeballs At Random Intervals can verify the evidence of success or coming success. Otherwise, it's failed. ;)

    Give it a rest :coffee1:


  6. 22 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

    I did the south bound side last night.  What a mess.  In most other countries, it's a massive lawsuit waiting to happen.  Dropoffs, holes, dirt and debris, narrowing lanes with no advance notice, fallen concrete barricades, etc. 


    They could have laid the tarmac on both sides in about a week and it would be done.  They've just let it go for weeks.  Absolutely horrible.

    Yes they could have just finished both sides as straight through roads.

    And finished the tunnel part with no big disruption. then fit the lot together .


    But hey this is pattaya and this is what they do best for road construction.

    bugger it up   24/7




  7. 1 hour ago, cyberfarang said:

    This is not about tourism, this is about discriminating against people who are not ethnic Thais. The report clearly states; foreign visitors, not tourists.


    To me this is a slap in the face. As a long term retiree in Thailand I have a minimum of 800000 baht in a Thai bank and spend a minimum of 50000 baht per month, not working, not breaking any laws to remain here, all monies I bring over from abroad, I do not take even 1 baht out of Thailand except for my bank interest rates that I would get in any country where I decided to open a bank account if I am a resident.


    I get no concessions for bringing over my British income, spending and investing my money in Thailand and yet I`m still considered a foreign visitor according to the Government here although in fact I am not a visitor, I am a resident and registered as a resident with immigration.


    This is just penalisation for being born in another country, pure and simple.



    100 % correct

    Now stop moaning, put your wallet on the table

    Now get out. :smile:

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