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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. 9 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    Looks like more stores have shuttered beyond what was arguably called standard 'retail churn' earlier in this thread. However, I still think that once the Sukhumvit tunnel is completed and there's a better flow of traffic each-way past their ample parking that things may improve. It's location may be a bonus in regard to being the easiest place to hit first coming from the dark side and beyond or last place to hit going to the dark side... and beyond.

    When the tunnel is finished and Pattaya Klang is

    opened up 100%,    the flow of cars turning right into this mall

    will create a fantastic traffic jam in Klang. 2 cars wide.

    making pattaya Klang 1 lane wide. at best.

    Imagine if there  was no traffic lights at the Big-C extra turning. !!!!

    That is what Harbour mall will be like.



  2. 1 minute ago, Philthyphil said:

    Not really. I see farangs throwing rubbish all the time.  The worst offenders are smokers, they don't even try to hide it. 

    If I was a Thai copper I would just look for people smoking, follow them until it was s butt out time. I reckon 9 times out of ten you would get a result. 

    Filthy habit by people who are usually filthy litterers. 

    If you think for 1 minute that cigarette  butts are a problem in

    Pattaya,    you are bonkers man.   open your eyes. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. If it's proved he run the red light

    Jail him for minimum of 5 years.

    life ban from driving commercial vehicles as well


    It's about time the authorities of this country  earned there pay.

    make some changes,   to remove the murderous Drivers / Riders of the roads of


    Time to stop the silly money collection days at the side of the road, and go after the real killers.

    on the high ways,  catch them in the act.of red light running and various other dangerous activities on the roads


    Hope the kids recover.


  4. 1 hour ago, georgemandm said:

    The lady's , are you just joking , they are not lady's, they are  prostitute ,  good lady's  don't sell they bodys for sex .

    Still should pay for what you have in life.

    even if it sex with a prostitute.

    its the same a stealing,  even if the  goods were not what they said they were.

    would you take a motorbike back after stealing it because it don't work correctly. ?


    What do you think  about marriage  then.

    Is that not the same as paid prostitution,

    under a set of rules ?

    Is paying direct  for Sex a bad thing ? i don't think so but that's just me.

    Not the best idea to take the moral high ground on the Pattaya forum. the low ground is far more fun.


    Just saying  :jap:




  5. 28 minutes ago, 8OA8 said:

    Why they don't introduce two tier pricing for alcohol beverages. Just charge all the non Thai's double the price they charge Thai's. Of course if the threat is to charge 10 times the price and then they back down to only double the price, that would be a win win feeling for everyone...

    Think,   maybe best you have a lemonade.

    it help clear thinking.

    ( two tier pricing for alcohol beverages )  what ever next.


  6. 15 minutes ago, Cirencester said:

    Well that is exactly what the Thai minister wants changed. Agreed will take some years but clearly its starting

    No , it's about  moving it form one location to a different location.

    The SEX industry of Pattaya is going to carry on,   as it does all over

    Thailand ,  and has  done for year before we all turned up.

    Maybe we can have the old Tea houses of Thailand back again.

    Any one for a cuppa ,  nudge nudge,   wink wink. :jap:




  7. 31 minutes ago, KittenKong said:


    I find it quite worrying that people who are so stupid and incompetent might be driving a car near me on the road, though I know perfectly well that there are many of them as I see them every day. Perhaps one day Thailand will introduce a proper driving test, and ensure that anyone driving a car can actually do so.

    if they did that,  there would only be  foreigners on the roads.

    Yes result. :thumbsup:

    Think any motor vehicle is just to complicated for the locals to operate safely.

    Flip flops are a better mode of transport for them,      maybe graduate to a bicycle after say 5 years training and retraining two days latter, on a continuous loop

    may be doable.




  8. 1 hour ago, hawker9000 said:

    A few well-planned casinos might do well, but they're just augmenting the existing vice inventory. A new gambling industry isn't, of itself, going to eliminate any of the town's existing "world-class" ills; crime, filth, tourist exploitation, traffic, etc. In fact, it's likely to make those problems worse and create some of its own.

    Oh No,    not the Casino ruse again.

    20 years and still not happened !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Think  a law has to be changed for that one.

    but we keep talking about it  :coffee1:

    Amazing Pattaya.




  9. 4 hours ago, free123 said:

    i never went to pattaya...but an old expat fellow country man and an expert in this matter told me he was around first time in the 1970 tes...at that time the us army developed pattaya as a recreation resort for the vietnam soldiers ... so ladys come in from all around the country to make money...and since that time the sex business continioud ...once the soldiers was gone the tourists came ...he said on the size of a soccer field an estimate of 15000 prostitutes are working in small street bars out in the open....easy to pick a woman any time of the day...he spend years  there and a small fortune .. i personally am not into hookers but many are ....so whats the fuzz about it ??????? i think everything else that what is there now startet out with the sex industrie and centers around it...its the magnet that brought foreign wealth into thailand...the isaan developed because of the money from foreign man...there is a university study about it and it all comes back to the hookers in pattaya like it or not....

    You cant say that.

    The truth is band in Pattaya.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's a bit like an adult Pantomime show.

    It's behind you ,  oh no it's not. who's hiding the sausage.

    Carry on Pattaya.  we all know what it's built on.


    Ps,  And you cant even legally buy a vibrator in this country,   What a load,  





  10. 34 minutes ago, Cirencester said:

    Some of you guys need to get your heads out of the sand. To quote a Stickman phrase "the naughty boys industry" accounts for just 0.1% of annual unique visitors to Thailand. (its actually less but you get the drift)  Now remove the sleazy sex industry image no matter how long it takes will put another 5-10 million visitors to Thailand as a whole.

    The idiots claiming Issan would die need to visit the place with full employment first. Money from sex tourists is a miniscule amount of foreign income that enters the country with mini being the operative word.

    Time to wake up. Times are a changing we embrace it or go elsewhere

    Excuse me , we are talking about image,

    Thailand is the sex capital of the word.

    Its not going to go away.

    Leopards and spots mate. 


  11. Pattaya is not closing down to the Sex industry

    Sex and the  short time rooms will still be here in a 100 years time.

    Ask anyone out side this country about Thailand , and  the sex  industry will

    come straight to mind first,   top of the list with  Elephants,  golden temples

    Great food ,  second , third. forth.

    Sorry boys,    the genie has been out the bottle,   a very long time now.

    they will never shake off the sexy image Thailand has,

    in the rest of the world. :smile:

    Other countries seem to do ok after they acknowledged it and controlled it a bit.

    what does Thailand do,   pretends it does not exist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Amazing Thailand.


    No Sex Please we're Thai :giggle:






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