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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. 4 minutes ago, losername said:

    Apologies if this has been said before but I cannot read  the whole 6 pages of repetition.


    If the goods are here and the tourists buy to take home, the answer is simple.


    Wake up the customs officers who sit all day doing nothing and make them stop the goods coming here and stop the tourist taking the goods home.

    Think  you have miss a little bit out there.

    Have a rethink,    what is the bit you missed out. :blink:


    Ok i tell you what you missed .

    Some of the goods are manufactured in Thailand.

    Also it's imposable to monitor everyone's bag at the air port for fake goods.


    Go arrest the sellers, they are very easy to find.



  2. Maybe it's  a good idea.


    I vote for Soi 6 to be the first Happy Zone.

    These are  a few of the  improvements I propose.


    Keep it open 24/7

    Remove all street vendors.

    Remove all Lady boys hassling honest mongers in the Soi,  they can stay in the bars but not on the street.

    Remove all family tourists.

    Remove all Chinese / India sight seers  from the soi

    Remove all western women.

    Remove all fat ladies sat outside stuffing there gobs all day long.

    Recruit more sexy ladies to replace the fat ones.

    Remove all knob heads guys  sitting out side the bars staring at customers walking down the street.

    Replace all bar front with the old blacked out glass.

    Ban all smart phones from ladies whilst at work.

    Remove anyone from Norway not enjoying themselves . :jap:


    Carry on Soi 6   :heart_001:







  3. 18 minutes ago, sawadeeken said:

    Obviously earning a little as a hooker to pay for the vacation.........

    Soon IRAN will be up there with NIGERIA......... LOL..........

    Think Iran is way out past Nigeria.

    Iran executes minors,  Homosexuals and many more people they just don't like.

    or wish to just silence quickly.


    Nigeria is just crazy,   mostly harmless if you hand over money.

  4. 33 minutes ago, Olik said:

    Oh, I'm going to Pattaya this Saturday to preach and worship God hoping to make a big difference. Do you want to come? If you do, congratulations! You belong to less than 1% Sabbath worshippers who are ambitious to go to heaven. 

    Sorry to inform you there is no heaven or hell

    or after life.

    Religion is just a way of controlling  the masses,   and most of them are doing a very good

    job of that.

    Enough of that i'm off down the phone box bar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just off the sukhumvet






    • Like 2
  5. On 2/21/2017 at 10:45 PM, darksidedog said:

    Very sad. Very stupid. At 12 months per item, he will at least have plenty of time to reflect on how dumb he is.

    Assuming of course he survives the prison, which definitely is not serving halal food, and is just a little overcrowded and full of really nasty infections.

    In theory, he can pay 11 times the cost to Big C, if they accept, to finish the problem, but to do this to start with suggests he is a serious loser, who should not have been allowed to leave home and probably can't pay.

    Fair play to the Security who spotted this retard.


    Very Stupid is not the way to describe a Thief

    He is an Iranian Thief.  stealing a complete  outfit and a bag to put it all in.

    I would say his a career Thief on the Rob in Pattaya.

    Hope he goes down for it. 6 months should be a good start.

    There is way to-much of this sort of thing going on in Pattaya now days

    Pattaya seems to be attracting some real low grade  people in resent years..
    from all parts of the world. :bah:





  6. 8 hours ago, Gonefortea said:

    Why has you been hurt or ripped off in there. Why would someone love to watch something like that it beggers belief.


    I can't wait for them to destroy soi 6 , that would be a lot of fun to watch . It will happen before the year is over. 


    Maybe it's because  to enjoying Soi 6  you require 3 basic things

    there are more ,  but we won't go into that  on an open forum.

    What you require is

    Money,     a sense of humour and an open mind.

    Only having one  of these won't cut it.:giggle:


  7. 2 hours ago, Naam said:

    an excellent medication for sweaty stinking feet :whistling:

    After bathing your feet in it ,  

    1) do you drink it, ?

    2)  Give it to unwelcome family members when they visit unannounced ?

    3)   Pour  it all into  small shot glasses  placed on the Spirit House in the front

    garden,  to make merit to the lord of saffron?  :thumbsup:

    What option is your preferred disposal of the Gilbeyes ?

  8. 58 minutes ago, abab said:



    Right, the guy who replied you to by eliptical knows nothing about real life.


    Just walk at least 1 hour daily is ok for you.




    It's ok to say,   that person knows nothing about exercise.

    but to say knows nothing about real  life.

    is just silly man.

    I'm also sure the Op,  had thought of walking out side

    himself.   maybe you should read his first post.

    it may help you.:smile:

  9. 4 minutes ago, john50 said:

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You have been seing the same prostitutes for 20 years?  LMFAO!  After all this time at least they probably no longer laugh at your naked body behind your back anymore because by now they are probably used to seeing both of your inches lol.  And yeah yeah I know, everyone just has to have the last word.  So tell us, what is the most you have ever spent on a prostitute?  I am curious.  I cannot believe how many losers are willing to admit that they pay for sex wow!  Hey I bet you think strippers like you to huh.   

    No  :stoner:

    Ps  :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:


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