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Posts posted by onemorechang

  1. 16 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

    Now i have to go, i have something much more important to do than conversing with you.Have some paint to watch drying.

    This one is great,  do 10 minutes a day.

    Fill your head with peaceful thoughts and butterfly's playing in the wind.

    its very relaxing   :jap:



  2. Just now, AGareth2 said:

    koh larn was great before the hordes started going

    Yes 18 years ago, i used to take all the girls from a bar

    i used to drink at and a few good lads out fishing.

    we used to stop on the deserted beach on the left of the island

    just a few old huts there and no people,   was great to stop off on way back

    cook the fish we caught and drink the beer and Sang Tip we had with us

    Happy Days. :smile:

    • Like 1
  3. 58 minutes ago, oobar said:

    I first visited Pattaya more than thirty years ago, a time when it was obvious that  the city was founded on the vaginas of Isaan girls.  Subsequent economic development was  a result of their efforts to earn a living.  All who have benefited from Pattaya's largess should be grateful for those founding girls' sacrifice.   Rather than getting bent out of shape trying  to change Pattaya's image,  representatives of the Thai government should consider erecting a monument in proud recognition and gratitude.  A five-meter high bronze statue of a skimpily-clad Isaan go-go girl, at the foot of which people could place wreaths and incense sticks, would be fitting.

    Oh god i nearly missed this

    You are a star , a forward  thinker,  what a great idea 

    good job  :post-4641-1156694083:


    Ps   Should be one out side every major businesses in Pattaya. just as a reminder.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Lupatria said:

    According to latest attempts of the "tourist experts" at the helm the place may become the world's dream destination for Pokemon and Durian KitKat enthusiast. However, in this case forget to lure Muslims, they are not really willing to leave their hedonism oriented home countries for kids games and chocolate cookies anyway. 

    Your right we don't want to see this around town :bah:




    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Peterw42 said:

    It would be an interesting exersise if all posters mentioned if they in fact live in pattaya or not., As I suspect 90% of the pattaya "image" is perpetuated by people who dont live in or visit Pattaya.

    I live here, and beside the obvious red light area, find it no different to any other part of Thailand. Where I live at Jomtien, the demographic is families and couples, at the night markets, at my condo, at the resturants. 

    Talk to people who actually live here, and stop perpetuating the myth (from a village in issan).

    Ex pat,  21 years coming to Thailand -16 years full time In Jomtien

    Full paid up sex-pat.

    Long live ,  Soi 6 , and Sex Town Patttaya

    • Like 2
  6. 6 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:



    He gets my nomination for the 'quality tourist of the month' award for February.

    A hard act to beat.

    Come on there is still a few days life.

    Norwegians  / Swedes and good  old faithful Australians have still got time the

    play there Trump cards yet. but Brits are on top so far.


    Ps  Maybe we should start a Pattaya Tv bad Boy monthly league competition,

    how can we do this ?

    what you think ?

  7. 3 hours ago, ffaarraanngg said:

    I took my daughter there the other year and we stayed away from the sleezier parts of town, was like going to anywhere else in Thailand and after frequenting the place on my own for almost 2 decades was surprised how normal it can be.

    Your 100% correct

    you can stay away from the sex side of town if you want to.

    if only on holiday.  if you live here its a bit harder for people and there families not come into contact with the better side of off pattaya. :jap:


    Personally ,    I  think they are flogging a dead horse trying to change the rest of the worlds view of pattaya.

    I would be  very happy for pattaya to get back to basics and promote

    Sex Town Pattaya for what it is,  the  Sex capital of the work,  bring back all the 24 hour drinking bars  ,   bands,     expand the soi 6 area out and up.. more Go-Go bars with the old style  sex shows,,

    close down all the shopping malls and pansy type coffee shops that have ruined the Image of the true pattaya.

    Long live Sex Town Pattaya. :intheclub:



  8. 1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

    In Thailand it is not unusual for Thai people to die of age related diseases in their 70's or even earlier.  This is one thing that really upsets the young Thai women who grab themselves and "older" Farang.  It is their perception that their "husbands" will only last a relatively short time and then they will be free and rich.  My wife was really p*ssed off when she discovered that I may live well into my nineties and maybe even longer.   Given that, I think I have a better chance of survival outside of Thailand where unexplained deaths are less common.

    Be careful of what you eat and crossing the roads. :giggle:

    RIP to the oil guy, dying alone,   not the best exit


  9. 3 hours ago, Ozziefrog said:

    Typical Pommy bas.ard .........Deserved what he got hey.

    Ha ha so funny to watch her kicking him on the ribs .

    The best his that testy looking puff under his eye.....


    I've seen a girl smaller than this one , in Sukhumvit kicking and scratching a young farang's face and arms

    6:00 AM probably for the same reason , not pay the full amount ha ha ...what a spectacle that was....The guy

    was bleeding and crying...



    Typical drop kick,   comment. :coffee1:



  10. 40 minutes ago, Essaybloke said:

    I would have smacked him one also had he pulled a stunt like that in my bar! 

    Cheeky pommy b*#%+@d!


    Then you would have been down the cop shop

    two westerners in the cops shop and you a bar owner.

    Get your wallet out,  it would cost you big time.

    cops just love this , payday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. 12 minutes ago, natway09 said:

    Funny how this happened just when the bar I was in last night these two dick head Aussies giving the girls a hard time

    about drink prices being higher than 4 years ago.

    The Manager very strongly told them it was time to complain at  one of the bars down the road 

    (where the prices are  actually higher)

    Try and cut them a bit of slack, next time,  they were from Australia. :smile:

  12. 1 hour ago, mjnaus said:

    Try taking a shower?

    Would that make the Bs go away from this story. ? :coffee1:


    I just can't see 4 people thinking a bar should sell alcohol

    cheaper than a 7/11 or the same price. as a 7/11

    something is not right with this story.

    That would be the Bs. 


    Would like to know what the bill was for,   and what the bill was.

    i suspect,   maybe caught  out  over charging and she lost face,

    so went on the war path maybe ?


    Or was it 4 very stupid people !!!!!!!!!!!!


  13. 1 hour ago, JerryinTH said:


    "Do you think it's ok to pay women for sex, they are basically children at 20 years old"

    "How do you feel about that?" 


    I  have no issues with that,    as the sex workers  of pattaya would have been deflowered 6 to 8 years ago.

    in the village,  most likely by a family friend or family member.

    You obviously  have no in depth knowledge of what goes on in Thailand

    at this level.

    There  childhood ended a long time before they come to SEX Town for money as a bar workers.

    Hope they all  earn  enough or get a husband to take care there families

    I try not to judge the bar ladies  on this to much. :jap:

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