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Posts posted by fifthcolumn

  1. For a start, you should learn the difference between a visa, a permission to stay, and and extension of stay.

    Visa: permission to travel to Thailand.

    Permission to stay: the arrival stamp the immigration officer puts in your passport when you arrive at an airport or land boarder crossing and shows the date until which you are allowed to stay in Thailand.

    Extension of stay: an extension of the period you are allowed to stay in Thailand.

    Yeah, stupid me, only 21 years in Asia and not sunk in.

  2. Thank you Joe. I am on a visa, that visa has no less than six months left on it (up to nine). I beleive they had actually written "the reason" for the visa on it (I know there is writing) and that would make sense because O visa is so broad. I can ask my wife to read it, think we already had and it does state - issued on basis of marriage.

    I'm baffled, but I think the answer is - I would need a B visa. Ugh.

    So, O visa based on marriage cannot be issued a wp and waiver? You must be on extension of an O visa? I still do not understand the "reason". Reason I have the O is marriage. I get the idea that one needs to state a reason for the extension and that reason must be teaching? ?? Despite the visa originally being issued for marriage? Lost. Sorry.

    Bottom line: I cannot be issued a wp and waiver if I am on an O visa. I need to be on extension? The reason for the extension needs to be changed from marriage to teaching - despite the O visa being issued for marriage.

    Straight up, when or hiw is a person with an O eligable for wp and visa?

    Any idea how long police checks take, I think I had read weeks. This should take a day or two.

    Pool: cannot extend the visa, too much time on it. I also have money strewn over four accounts I would need to pull together and miss the "seasoning" period. I will never go the B visa based on income route that is a nightmare I read here as well. I think these people like the annual thing also, keeps teachers in a box.

    Short story - marriage visa does not get wp and waiver, only extension of that. Wow just wow, total nonsense if the case.

    Thank you both.

  3. Sure, Joe referenced the purpose of the visa. Mine is marriage. That needs to be changed??? Don't know why, still msrried just working.

    I'm on a multi O and do runners, never reported. I won't hit my extension till mid Sept-Dec.

    Sorry for that.

    PS visited embassy link. wow, that is a stsck of paper. What a pantload. Especially for marrieds.

  4. I have a feeling this is one of those, hence the questions. I will check the link, thx.

    I've not extended and potentially have as much as to Dec 15. Not happy.

    Btw would the "reason" for the O need be changed? You eluded to that. Do you know process for form#?

    Honestly, I think its a control.thing. Yeah if you are single, they have you over a barrel. Marrieds its just money. Total bs if I need to do a runner.

    Thanks Joe!

  5. Apologies - I had read here that if a school is insistent that you are on a B visa, you cannot convert an O visa within Thialand (Bangkok). Please, analysis, comments.

    I recall a rash of teachers being turned back in Vientiane some months ago. What are the solid paperwork requirements for the B visa currently.

    Which consulate or embassy best. I am familar with all. Looking for least hassle potentially.

    What a clusterfxxk

  6. I just found this on another forum and brought it over here for the genius' to comment.

    Regarding teaching. It seems agencies (schools) prefer a B visa. These visas both to obtain and to renew seem to be nightmares. Must of read dozens of complicated stories of rejections in Vientiane, problems with labor, problems with tct...wint do this wont give that...sent bsck to Thsiland with no visa...

    Here is the post:

    Why would you change to a B from an O? It seems like B visas are nothing but a total hassle to get and maintain. If the school dumps you, back across the border for another O and 2-5k. Rinse repeat. Do agencies force you onto B visas as its not their hassle and easier to manipulate you.

    ★Another question. Is it possible to get a waiver on an O (yes) and wp (yes) but what do you do when the visa runs out? Get a new one in Lao? Is the wp tied to the visa#? So must you extend thereafter? Marriage extensions are also a total hassle - I just do runners. Think I am more sane in long run.

    Thank you

  7. I also worry about teachers with no degree, experience or aptitude - but schools know what they want and can afford. No decent school is going to hire these 50yo mongers snd hobos. They will end up in Issan, if at all in very remote schools and after a few years if they last, they might move into some larger northern cities.

    For some schools, willingnesd to live in the area is more importsnt than experience and diploma (proven aptitude).

    For 10k a month - what the hell.

    The real crime is the thieves robbing the educational system and the sad education the kids get because of it. Look at Malaysia, look at Thailand.

  8. There appearr to be many schools and general posts by sgencies on tje boards for teachets with non Education diploma (BA). You might be good for two waivers and four years still some state - or it could all end in tears tomorrow when tje school applies for the waiver.

    I would not be paying for TEFL courses at this point, no matter how much it may help you - or not.

    Im sure there are decent agencies, I think Scott might work for an agency. But most are pretty evil on a number of levels. You will get screwed, the kids will get 4 teachers in ten months. Admin, Director dont care, they are the problem $$$

    If you are working illegally and they steal your minthly salary, what you gonna do? Nuttin'

    • Like 1
  9. Neither Bruce's TESOL nor the Int'l Diploma will net you a licence. At the very least, if it is not a degree in Education than Education must be in its title. Period.

    Grasping at straws.

    Per my direct discussion with TCT, there is no course on offer in Thailsnd that leads to a licence for foreigners. No course in the process of being approved nor any course being planned. Call and ask yourselves.

    Foreigners cannot take the Thai coursebeing developed or on offer already, even if they are fluent. I asked that as well.

    I repeat, as it was stated in the leak in the Bangkok Post a few months back, TCT is strongly leaning toward mandating BA Ed for all foreign teachers - or higher OR presumably but not mentioned full certification in your home country.

    Bruce, I do not have a TEFL but I would rather a BA in liberal arts from a state school and a CELTA from IH or even ECC than what you are pitching. I see it did not go over too well on those other boards either.

    But hey, it does have a stamp - it's something.

  10. OK I got it. Your degree as it sits with the TCT will not get you a licence but you can then go for a Masters of Education somewhere outside the country and then return to get your licence. You are offering a cheap way to obtain a B? In TESOL.

    You are continually evasive and dismissive of what appears to be more of a requirement coming than less a requirement coming - namely, no BA Ed, no licence and very possibly no four years of waivers. It is quite possible all this is fully in place by the time you get your "project" into a "saleable" state, let alone by the time the poor sod completes the program.

    You never addressed the importance of a stamp nor MOE approval. But it is all most clear now.

    Review the title of YOUR thread Bruce - what is the significsnce of said stamp?

    Would not have bothered again but for your passive aggressive slights. Please tell me you don't plan on teaching this as well.

  11. Dude -

    I am not here to troll. I think it is you that havr not understood my points (as a potential consumer/student).

    You have not addressed three key issues: Stamp, why your MOE is more important than Somchai Language Shack and with the anmouncement of the TCT more strict standards requiring a BA in Ed why someone should nother with this thing. It is very simple.

    I have read three accounts recently of licence apps being turned down because it does not state Education in the major. Fact.

    Why do you keep going on trying to peg me as some village idiot. These are very valid wuestions none of which you have addressed despite me asking in every post.

    I would post the official link but its to bkkpost, so I cannot.

    And for what its worth, I would rather have a degree from top 3 Thai unis or none at all. I would rather have online degree from a state college in US than anything less and still maybe rather have online degree to even Chula if I wasn't certain I was going to be here my lifetime. Certain.

    I think its a hard sell for jobs paying 20-30k a month + attendant hassles.

    No idea where this diploma wiuld get you outside Thailand. Even inside with Thailands no fail policy.

    I'm done here. Good luck with your TEFL course.

  12. If it is not a BA in Education it is worthless. While the TCT may change its mind tomorrow and this diploma is as good as a money tree in the garden of Babel - today it is DOA. You do anyone a disservice signing them up for this thing.

    I don't understand why a Bachelors need take five years unless it also has some sort of addl certification and is as good as a full professional BA + teaching certification in the west.

    Bachelor Arts in the US are four years. Hence the coloquial, four year colleges.

    So what if it takes five years if it is a proper degree.

    My 3rd post on this matter and you still have not clarified the significance of the stamp and why this school more than some dodgy school teaching say...Thai language approved by MOE is any different.

    Honestly, and I am seriously not trying to be beligerent, this is not of any financial benefit as it currently sits with TCT.

    For what its worth, I have bern waiting for over six months for something to be announced from TCT. I have delayed taking a TEFL for months as I do not eant to gamble 1500us when the latest announcement states that TCT is very close to making in writ, no BA Ed no job.

    Scott seems to think one can still do the waiver route and I am going for that without the training. Just go job hunting, why not? What is to lose? I have a BA and 2yrs but that was moons ago.

    Finally, you stated basically - if you have a degree you are gold. You don't need another BA. But I disagree, lots of people are very worried and will do snother BA if thats what it tskes to stay on.

    I'm old school. I want a traditional subject as well. History, English, Fine Arts, Liberal Arts, even Education - any major that is 100 years old as for as Arts degrees go. But that is me.

    TESOL degree strikes me as quite narrow and I honesty question its academic rigor both as a major and especially it being offered by a mid level school (for Thailand no less).

    Again, it does not meet todays apparent standard, no idea why anyone should do this ghing unless its for mental masturbation.

    But that's just me

  13. OK so bit hyperbolic. But if you had a BA I would rather have a CELTA from ECC than this thing.

    Like I said, it does not meet the minimum requirement per the TCT leak a few months back. Even a degree from Chula is woethless outside Thailand so what am I missing? That diploma won't be worth the paper it's written on in the west.

    Why don't you do a BA Ed? That's what everyone is after here.

    You never did explain why the stamp was so special and the distinction between this course's MOE approval and say...Text and Talk.


    • Like 1
  14. The current rules appear to be that a B/MA is required in Education, period. I have seen many posts of laments, persons with degrees from great schools washed out because they have Lingustics and Language Aquisition printed on their sheepskin.

    That says TESOL and is nothing more than a glorified CELTA program.

    Approved MOE...like every TEFL and Thai language school on Thailand.

    Whats the stamp supposed to do lol?

  15. Unfortunately, Rupert Murdoch employs sensationalistic fools who cater and banter to the lame public who unconditionally believe everything they say. Fox couldn't get a news story straight if it fell out of the sky and hit it on the head. The worst thing is, they don't care about getting it right, they just like to stir up gossip so the mindless masses will flock to read the BS and their advertisers just love it. Happy to get sued for reporting a falsehood because the law suit is usually less than they make with the advertising....

    Murdoch does not employ fools. In fact, he employs very, very smart people. Almost everyone that delivers news has a law degree. The only exception are the radio hosts that come and go and the "financial gurus" - but Fox trains them well.

    Make no mistake, the news delivered on Fox has been precisely worded. I am certain it is read prior to deliver by lawyers. Written by some of the best political polemicists, checked by lawyers and delivered by lawyers.

    That is why the questionmark is key to the network.

    Will the Democrats hire Communists for campaign workers?

    Can black single mothers sell their children for crack and chicken?

    Do all non Republicans hate God?

    But those are the stupid headlines. When you did into actual news stories, they are meticulously written to insert as much hyperbole as possible while still skirting the truth.

    It's a circus, seriously. But if you cannot see it - perhaps a magic show is a better metaphor.

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