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Posts posted by fifthcolumn

  1. How does charging b500 encourage "quality" tourism? I understand how it might decrease low quality tourism.

    Thailand has been crying for decades about the lack of quality tourists. I think some reflection is long overdue. When 80% of men come here for cheap sex they might want to think about that.

    There is nothing about Thailand that is quality. Why would jetsetters, yachties, etc want to come snd live or visit? Immigration is a mess snd this announcement is a further testament of that.

    Thailand is all about cheap. If you want tropics, US and EU have Carribean. Oz has gold coast. There is Malaysia with few scams, English speaking and cares for its nature.

    Thailand has always sold cheap, that is what it attracts.


    Thailand will cease as a tourist destination as prices rise. It will only attract sex tourists.

    100k overstayers?? Surely this would prompt a wholesale scrutiny of our passports with each and every police encounter no?

    • Like 1
  2. It is all to be expected and only a matter of time impatience steps in and we have violence.

    Controling a nation means direct access to its coffers. In Thailand, it also means controling the corruption aspects of the nation, do you really have two massive revenue streams that are worth fightong and dying over.

    There are levels of corruption so arcane yet so lucerative, many if not all of us are unaware despite how are eyes are open and how we share information.

    If Somalia and much of Africa is worth a fight, you can expect one in Thailsnd sure.

    Time to get out, no crying when things get rough. This situation will take years to resolve, it is already decades in the making. The present clusterf**k is no less than 15 yrs old. So if you have a condo, house or a car or whatever - no crying. It's about to get real.

  3. No school will refuse you at 56, monnee.

    You really don't want to teach here unless you have family or a clear path to a professional position. The pay is horrible, the conditions unpleasant by account, the TCT governing board is an absolute mess. WPs, even visas are not always forthcomming and then there are the agencies.

    Do you have a BA (in Education)? If not, you are done before you start.

    Thailand, highest requirements - lowest pay - - - in the world

    Chaos and utter confusion, abdolute in ability to communicate with foreign teaching community and to set standards and mechanism to meet those standards.

  4. I posted details of my runner less than a werk ago in the SEA travel section so this isnotbing new.

    This guy is doing everything wrong and the cause of his (and our) problems

    Thai wife holding his hand

    "VIP" visa

    B300 buys you what exactly? Ability to sit your fat ass in the shade while they illegally process your visa. Well done.

    If you cant do the runner, get an extension.

    Another guy just ruining it for the rest of us.

    Refuse corruption - stand in tje bloody line!

    • Like 1
  5. I was going to combine visa run with trip to Angkor with wife. She called bus company and was told I should have my visa prior. What the reality is on the ground, who knows. I am dure every bus has at least a few farang without visa unless they clear that up before ticket purchase. Maybe if you can get the visa before the bus leaves you move on, if not, they dump you in Poipet.

  6. I think I did a stellar job at answering your questions. In fact, I was the only one that answered you questions.

    I do not give out my guesthouses for many reasons, but that is up to me isn't it? You go there, walk around for hours or minutes and see what suits you. I've done my legwork.

    Great gh in Vientiane for B550 and the one in Savan for B200.

    Go or don't, up to you.

  7. I constantly see Thai's sucking on sugary drinks, usually kids or women +30 about to lose ehat shape they have left. I know the drinks are not cheap. I feel sorry for them for spending their small incomes on crap that will only make them sick and fat. I'm no health nut either. Thailand is following the west in a big way. Fast food and sugar.

    • Like 1
  8. I like the idea of ditching Poipet but it appears the cost from BKK to be about b1k. For b1250 I can do rt to border, visa and a bottle of premium booze.

    I do need to move on, that runner is some serious bs now but 700, that's just nonsense. That is double the xing of the other Myanmar borders. Already too many hands out.

    The logistics look daunting. Minivan from bkk, meet up with minivan to border and do it all in reverse. I could see getting stuck in Kanchan on the way back, missing connections due to wait times.

    Thanks for info though, not for me (yet).

  9. Central? Central is/are the name of many malls througout bkk and Thailand. Within the malls there are many shops that sell appliances from Robinson's to Powerbuy. Confused.

    No way a driver is going to be allowed to accept 30k in cash for a truck load of appliances. Hahaa.

  10. I guess TAT had not heard about mobs routinely roving the streets in India and destroying shops that promote Valentines day (toooo sexual).

    China doesn't give a toss about romance

    Russians? Some great looking Ukranian hookers pass thru Thailand but Russians never struck me as the romantic types. Do they have Valentines day (now) in Russia?

    It's not a big deal in Thailand despite vast efforts by the machine to drive consumption.

    Who the hell travels for this holiday anyways??

    TAT - half their marketing goes into pockets so any excuse to spend money is a good one.

    Marketing is useless.

  11. I believe the company likes you to have a non b, as this gives them more control over you. Keep your non o and you will have no problems getting a work permit.

    I very much agree woth the above. So much so that when I do go looking for work, I must work on my O visa. You will be in a world of hurt if you get released and especially teaching agencies do it all the time.

    Question, not to hijack: How is if at all the work permit affected when a person is on an O visa, not extended. What happens when the visa expires and you leave for a new one, obtain a new one. Is the wp affected, if so how? Thank you.

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