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Posts posted by fifthcolumn

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    It is a well documented academic fact that Fox News watchers are less informed and often illinformed in regard to current news events.

    Fox literally panders to the old, the wealthy, the "conservative", the "values voter". It is not news, it is simply an opinion outlet spouting hyperbole and often utter nonsense. Itr arely reports fact.

    Often, almost always the narrative sounds like a headline out of National Enquirer. They fabricate news out of thin air.

    Nothing is born out of fact and everything and I do mean everything is qualified by the question mark. They posit the most insane questions.

    Will Obama allow flying monkeys to crawl up his ass and destroy the economy?



    The demographic is +60. O'Reilly and Shawn Hannity are national disgrace. O'Rielly doesn't even bother to keep up with current events, he just pulls some old, tried and true strawman out of his closet and goes on a rant even though is his often wholly wrong in fact. All the olds watching just nod in approval. It is such a joke when O'Reilly attempts to discuss something deep or complicated. Oh, the "folks" don't want to hear about that (complicated for old people)...This is only an hour show (!!), we can't get into the weeds...But most of all he and Fox never have on opposing viewpoints unless they are paid punching bags.

    Us= good

    THEM = BAD

    If you only watch Fox you are uninformed. This fact is academic. Sorry.

    You are loosely using the word academic. I have asked others and I will try and ask you because I can't get an answer from others.

    Of you Fox haters, what news outlet do you watch/read?

    Does it matter? This is a red herring. What I listen to has NO bearing on the fact that Fox isn't news and the sheep that ingest the pablum are ill informed

    This is the second time this has made the rounds in the press, first was about four years ago after the dust settled from Iraq.

    http://www.mediaite.com/tv/study-fox-news-viewers-most-misinformed-of-all-news-consumers/ (refers to the UMD study 2010)


    For what it is worth, I havea degree in History and Political Science from a very distinguished university in Washington DC. I feel I am perfectly well within my right to call Fox bullshit. Sorry.

  2. There is a ridiculously high ratio of right wing nuts to normal in Thailand. When you criticize Fox News, it's the same as calling the Virgin Mary a bargirl. These are people who have Fox News on 24/7 and swallow their ridiculous baloney, hook line and sinker. These are my fellow Americans who I can't have have a normal conversation with because after hello, it immediately becomes a rant about how Obama Is the devil.

    Yes, the entire demographic makeup of the Thai expatriate has changed and not for the better. It is truly a wonder why on earth these people would come to live in Thailand.

    Oh yes, it is CHEAP and they can pay dusky 35 year old mothers to pretend they are intested in them on an hourly basis (cheap) and even have liasons - when the illegal Viagra actually works.

    The tone and temperment of TV is shrill and is utterly lacking heart. The Thai, your hosts put you to shame. Maybe this is why Thainess is so important to Thai's.

    Old, stingy, small minded bastards. OLD.

    jai noi, jai noi.

    • Like 1
  3. This is turning into a bizarro SNL parody: Us defending Fox News!!! giggle.gif

    Not when you realize what expat population now looks like in Thailand. Judging by most comments on this board, I see it as perfectly normal.

    Glad I am leaving. I can be around old, stodgy, closed minded thinkers same back in US.

    Thai authorities are well within rights to be guarded about military radar on a Muslim border!! Only Fox (and their small minded and self serving defenders here on TV). I can hear it now, nextweek it will be - NEWSFLASH, Thailand sharing sensitive flight data with Muslim country. Can they be trusted?

    Fox is not news. It never was. Case in point, Thailand is angry at Fox for stated OPINION (actually many)

    • Like 2
  4. Can you pm me a link for mbk translations pls? Price equal or same as around embassies?

    I saw a translation service, young woman inside Asok/Suk MRT cubbyhole shop. Looked bored. She was so young, bored, doing her hair I did not pick up a brochure or speak with her.

    What prices can I expect? I paid 400 at MFA to have my affadavit translated, noticed Thais paying much less for asstd documents ssme length. He did a good job on my complicated lastvbame though - it's someghing.

  5. We narrowed down where we want to live and it's:

    Boulder CO, coastal OR. I don't think I want to live in TX, even Austin (Austin was consideration), also worried issues rekated to her race and our age/relationship.

    Where is good for us to live now as opposed to ten yrs from now are two different places most likely. Ten years from now it's the above, possibly outside Vegas only for direct flts to from BKK and launchpoint for RVing the Western US.

    About the only job we can come up for her is doing nails. I can see money and demand in FL.

    IT for me, hey anything is possible, but doubtful.

    We need to spend as little as possible while getting on our feet and honestly, I don't see us doing much more thsn covering bills but it will give het citizenship, social security and beef up my ss payents as well.

    Things will be different after 62. I can draw ss and my 401k.

    I think slow and steady wins the race on this one. We do like the ocean (love) but FL, between the rich crazy people and the poor crazy people, the weather and esp lack of work/low wages.

    We can have a condo free and a car (to look for another car) free for hot season. It's at least worth doing until wife has her papers.

    Friend in similar situation in CA no less has very poor luck with IT jobs.

  6. We really do not like Florida, but it is an area that has telatives (support).

    I've decided against the move, too many negatives, a few neutrals and fewer positives (only for wife really).

    Will revist in 2 to 5 years.

    Ultimately, our goal is 8/4. 8 mos living in rv traveling west and sw primarily, other four mos on the beach in the Andaman. Come back to Thailand fully and resettle at 72+. Rent it for a few years, then move over here eventually. Simple life, happy life.

    Thanks, sorry to trouble.

  7. Thanks for that vote of confidence.

    Still looking for someone to answer my questions. That links sucks about as much as your advice.

    That guys domain sucks and youbare correct, that domain is worthless but if your suggestions were serious and not just rattling off variations it is nota wonder you think the effort worthless. Among other things who would rver use a number in a url &lt;deleted&gt;.

    I sold two domains I created via Namecheap for about us2, sold for 35 and another for us40

    I have one that has serious potential, two others with potential and few others I could I'd be happy to sell for small money as well as I decided not to develop the sites.

    Not looking to make a killing and yes, I do understand if I csn sell, most likely will be for small money.

  8. What are the best sites to sell domains?

    Do they require anything upfront? Credit or debit card?

    How are the domains transferred from me (Namecheap) to buyer?

    Anything I can or should do with unused domain to encourage traffic/hits and would it make the url more valuable?

    What would be a good starting price for a potentially valuable unused domain (yes, impossible question).

    Thank you

  9. Thanks. We are more on the MRT line than the BTS.

    I found an old thread someone was purchasing 40mg for b35 ea/350. She found a chemist that has in stock for 400. She is now contacting a nurse friend to see if she can help.

    Thanks Lopburi3, will be more expensive but we have to try this route. Simvasatin not lowering her #s enough.

    Can anyone comment Ezetimibe. I asked the doctor to simply try her on Lipitor due to the concerns described above and he got all fancy and perscribed Ezetimibe. It worked! Dropped to 167 and we will take that!!

    But reading up on the drug while lowering cholesterol there seems to be no medical evidence of it stopping heart disease and issues. But it lowers cholesterol!! So I am huh??? The pill is crazy small and super potent. 5mg dropped her numbers like a stone. Issue: she had to cut a tablet in half (10mg) and I became quite concerned it was in fact, half. This medicine seems crazy potent strong. Adding this to her Simvasatin dropped her total to amazing low numbers.

    Due to fact that there is no clear evidence to support https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ezetimibe lessens heart disease and the medicine is so crazy potent - inconsistent dosage, I was not happy with her taking this medication. Also, the side effects are absolutely frightening - hepititus!

    Would help if she would eat better and excercise, not going to happen.

    Thank you both Lopburi3 and Sheryl

  10. biggrin.png

    Wife bought helmet and spare goggles when we were in US last year. We are now making plans to relo back to US to

    in the forseeable future. No rush.

    Her other goggles have not broken, so we are offering these up.

    Brand new in box. Sku 485349.

    B1500 obo shipped. Money transf to SCB or Kbank acct or cash on pick up at Huay Kwang MRT.

    We will have a light use Scorpion helmet model VX9 Youth for sale in the future as well as her well cared for but 5yrs old Kawasaki KXR. IN THE NEAR FUTURE.

    Helmet and bike, light use transport to and from work only.








  11. No, the 864. The 130 seems fairly straight forward. Yeah, the field office. Just wondering if they are open to visits or will just tell me to go away, dort it out and file.

    I have a few questions also about establishing domicile as well. I thought I had the thing hands down but had read horror stories of people in similar situation that had issues.

    Finally, want to know qualifications for going DCF and if I start simply by dropping the 130 on them.

    We are in no big hurry at moment. Still, I think 90% decision has been reached.

  12. Is it possible to speak to someone prior to filling and filing 864? I figure what the heck, I'm in BKK and they are only half hour away.

    Will I need at any time all my passports or back non-o visas? All my old pp are in states. I had heard you have to be here 2 yrs to DCF but had read (maybe on emb site), six mos was the number. Could I also show this thru wedding certificate and/or bank book activity and letter from apt management? I could have my old pp sent out, I am sure there is a bunch of papers I will need mailed snyway now I think about it.

    Thank you

  13. How much should be in our joint account roughly? 100k would be a ez number to deal with. We could put more but it is perhaps better in my acct or even in her acct.

    Is establishing the joint the important part or does it need to be brimming with cash?

    The joint account just complicates our life. We set it up after we got married, thought maybe we'd eventually go to US. We hate to fund it as we never do anything with it. It's one of our inside marriage jokes, oh that thing. Yeah, lets put money in it I guess...Take money out of our accts to put in the joint to take money out of joint.

    Her assets 3-400k

    Joint bank 100k (we have 65k now).

    My assets Thailand - whatever I have as I am spending down (+ cash/assets in usa). Should be not much, 100k.

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