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Posts posted by fifthcolumn

  1. I'm happy for you. It is done. For what it's worth, I think you here are weak links in the story. Her paperwork sounds ok. It seems to me that his hesitation was built on intuition. My hunch is that he thought she was going to Hawaii to possibly engage in prostitution or live with you. Hawaii, weather wise is Thailand. So, why? Even its mass tourism industry is nearly identical. It makes no sense in my mind that a Thai of all places in the US and even the world could go, it would be Hawaii. I think the CO felt the same. Unless...you are going back home and she is staying on with you.

    Seriously, why? Hawaii??

    Your part in this was weak. She should have stated she was paying for all or most of the trip (not beholden to you), but that's a huge problem because you are going to Hawaii <deleted>. Finally, you should have furnished your visa history, original passport and a short letter of introduction explaining your plans, your 1+ year relationship and your intentions of returning to Thailand.

  2. Russian economy seems to continue a generally negative trend.

    Ruble also in negative downward trend, rather than up against thb and usd.

    Seems last five years entire tourism industry has been kept afloat by the Russians and sex tourists.

    What impact will coming sanctions have on the ruble, can't be good for Thailand.

    Past high season pretty much a hard fail. Thailand will need ton weather a low season full of virtually no tourism and huge intractable political issues. While some of the smaller, immediate issues may be resolved by next November, the larger issues are here to stay.

    Investors are getting out of emerging markets as well. Thailand at the fore. Govt debt, household debt, nation very overleveraged. Unlike other nations, Thailand really lacks ability to service debts or raise taxes. Watch condo market, already in a bit of crises.

  3. Not entirely certain this is not a troll post (33 posts).

    But a lifetime in Asia dictates me to inform you that if your needs cannot and will not be met anywhere in Asia on a casual basis. Cambodia and Thailand will be the best hope for you to obtain your narcotics.

    I find it odd you have such a list of such strong narcotics. More odd, that you have some neccesity to move her with such needs.

    Honestly, I think you are a head case or a troll. I am no doctor but I seriously doubt a doctor is going to perscribe Xanax with narcotics.

    It is so difficult to obtain narcotics and sleep aids in Thailand, hospitals often perscribe Xanax for sleep and low level pain. Xanax is clearly not a pain reliver.

    Expect the rest of your life tied to a city and hospital that not only has these meds but will administer them. Expect that you will go back thrubany and all tests and exams each time, each hospital regardless of paperwork or prof. advice from abroad.

    If I needed these medicines there is no way I would live in Asia. Also, if you forget or run out of mefs while traveling there is no way you will be able to obtain them.

    Sounds like a prison sentence. You sound like you need proper medical help, stay home. Please.

    Xanax + Tramadol - yeah, right...

    And you were hoping to get what out of living here?

    • Like 1
  4. On divorce, does a spouse own 50% of your property if purchased prior to marriage?

    Wife permitting, could you divorce and buy a condo (will it to her), What happens legally if you were to remarry?

    I recall reading usufruct is null upon marriage, or s/he could at least yank it.

    Could you have a corporation with thai family (money 75/25) in any way that would insure home, condo or shophouse security for your life?

  5. I don't think the return of Taksin is a bad thing these factors aside:

    He lied snd cheated the nation

    Was held to account, found guilty of crimes

    Fled the country, did not pay his debt to society

    Continues to allegedly run the country from outside

    But other than the extrajudical killings, the country ran very well under him.

    What I see is a polarized electorate, much like in US. This is going to cause similar problems. The govt is bloated and worse, msny have paid for their jobs (corruption) so they feel entitled to keep the office as well as use it as a personal profit center. It will be impossible to det rid of this dead weight. Then you have their pensions. Govt is too militarized.

    Real estate is over due for a big correction. I see condos 25% over priced, but really solid buys are going to be 50% less.

    Education is a disaster. If Thais need to compete in the world for anything, its a fail.

    The magic of Thailand is depressed wages and low profit margins.

    Technology will disappear vast numbers of jobs in a twenty years.

    Mostly, I just see creeping skeezy corruption as killing the middle class and the poor. It is already impossible to unroot. It eill become just like Philippines and Cambodia is quickly becoming, you need to pay people off to obtain basic servuces that should be readily available under normal conditions and governments.

    Thais will be increasingly isolated with their inability to speak English or Chinese. In fifty years, it will be an island of ignorance. Khmer, Viets and Burmese, English will be second language.

    Lots of unemployed, lots. Jobs will be moved to Africa just as soon as yhe continent can understand how it all works (eg Myanmar). It has tons of cheap labor and natural resources. At that point, Thailand will just close its doirs and brcome protectionist.

  6. Hi -

    Wife and I have talked a few times about going back. Nothing serious. I've not lived in US for two decades so job (for both) is a huge issue, being 55 and 40 at the time we might arrive would not help.

    But here is the dilemma. You move back and have some good years. You die at 90 which leaves her alone at 75. I think yhe first thing she would want to do is return to Thailand. This would involve selling the domicle and all the kit. Daunting for an old immigrant woman snd eho knows the property market.

    I suppose you could sell it all off at 80 and move back, but why drain the finances when you have Medicare and no ins in Thailand?

    Regardless, my idea is to buy a condo at 70+, this wouls see us thru till I pass and her as well. She can give to nieces if anything is left of it after that (35-40yrs).

    Would be interested to hear from you snd if you are not Murkan, however the situation might apply.

    So far, best idea I have is to just live here and go back for a few years to travel the US.


  7. Lets get serious here -

    We all know if you want to control your caloric intake, it is recommended (dieticians, doctors, etc) that you make your own meals.

    Thai food is no more fatty or high calorie than food from any other country. Fast food is garbage and bad for you - where you get it in the street from a cart or at McDonalds. Eat these meals in moderation, eat them rarely if you want to lose weight.

    The thing with Thai food (and I love it and eat it 3x a day) is that it is fried and no doubt in cheap oil. Fried egg? They literally swim it in an ocean of oil. Laotian food, which mskes use of soups (Issan as well) strikes me as far more healthy. It is though on any day better than anything you will eat in the US unless that mesl is made from scratch. Anything the least bit processed in the US will make you sick and fat. Poison.

    American super market and fast food is poison. Flip the box over before you buy it. Chemicals + additives + fillers.

  8. What I read here:

    ♥ There is not so much professed love for Thailand, but rather a few reasons you feel* you can't return. Oh, but you can, and you will.

    Most of you on TV arrive old and retired. Retired from work and retired from life.

    You don't like the cold

    You can't get any tail

    It's too expensive

    This is the TV expat. Let's be honest, it's been stated a dozen times in this thread.

    In fairness, a big thumbs up to those who elaborated why they want to stay here.

    I would be very interested in stats on how many foreigners die (retirees) here. Scant few, the ones that get caught out due to health. So all you guys in poor health above 70, start making plans for the door. Back home you have medical insurance and competent care, and there is nothing wrong with that. Just don't go blathering on about how you can't go back.

    Some of us really can't go back. You know this when you try and fail two or three times. And it's not about Thailand, it's about being an alien in uour own country. If you feel like Nicaragua is more inviting than Nebraska or North Carolina and you have never been to Nicaragua, you can't go back. Until you have this understanding of yourself, you can and will go back. You are a short timer.

  9. So bitter, how did you get that way? Some of us are quite pleased with our choices.


    Most aren't. I have been here a very, very long time and what I see, the guys I see in the streets in the larger Thai cities are not men enjoying themselves. They are unhealthy men eeking out an existence. Judging by the guys I see in the streets, you all find the heat unbearable.

    You also, judging by this board refuse to do snything the local way. Visa runs are done by plane and visa services. You whine endlessly about lack of western food. You constantly berate the female population.

    First and foremost, you must acknowledge that Thailand is a fleshpot and that is why most men are here. Not doing so is not being honest.

    These guys would leave Thailand faster if therevwas a total clampdown on prostitution than if the govt decending into utter chaos. Like 2010?

    To those with homes, wives, kids, long standing business, adventurers, avid travelers, farmers, golfers, birders, divers and outdoors people - hats off, you are enjoying your life and what the country has to offer.

    The rest are just fooling themselves. Sad old fools.

    • Like 1
  10. I could see my wife and self going back to states for a year. She has been a few times and will go a few more, but she wants the experience of living in the US. I have no idea where we would go. I hate So CA now, NW is gloomy, east coast is ok but meh. The South, not really. Especially Texas <deleted>. The rest is landlocked. The SW is great for a few months at a time. Think maybe I would buy a car and just camp everywhere for a year. I'm too old to go back and start my dream lifestyle. Living off the grid, permaculture...Owning property freaks me out, its so permanent.

    Most of you are old geezers. Old, but most importantly unhealthful. Thailand is your last gasp. You never had a bucket list, so Thailand is just a catchall. Mainly pussy. For UK and EU mongers Thailand makes sense, closest fleshpot. US has Central and South America, most Yanks down there, but tropical Thailand has its own appeal that is not Argentina and much of Central, South America is truly dangerous (and some getting better).

    I have serious issues with buying anything here, but this is where the wife will die (myself as well no doubt). So maybe about 72++. US has some great property deals. Living there not so difficult, just stay away from people haha. Unsure I want my wife to deal with selling property in US after I am gone. No idea what that might hold.

    Most of you truly have one foot in the grave so it is easy to say - Thailand, my home blah blah. You are done in ten years. The rest of us need to think where will Thailand be in 30 years. Not only for the wife but us - and maybe kids. I see Philippines, not Singapore. Better conditions because unlike stupid Philippinos, Thai use birth control.

    I see return as inevitable unless you have serious cash if you have kids. Schools here are horrible.

    The only thing holding this magic together is depressed wages. Cartels and monopolies push prices and labor down. Great for those at the top and tourists. This can disappear easily in a number of ways if and when it does, that genie cannot be put back in the bottle.

    There are a few countries I would like to live in and many trips I want to make before I kick my heels up in Thailand and kill myself. Luckily, I married an adventurer. I plan on doing that before I come to Thailand and declare my life finished thank you.

    We get out to see and enjoy this awesome planet before it's gone and my health precludes island hopping, mountain climbing and jungle trekking.

    My hunch is, in the end all you old coots go back home. You seek out some family member who can care for you or at leadt manage the care for you. You get all that "free" socialist healthcare and you die with some sad and vague memory of the time some pretty woman paid attention to you conveniently forgetting - you paid for it.

    You are all here because it's cheap. No harm in that I guess. You certainly not here for the food.

    Who knows the future, even with a Thai wife I'm not married to Thailand. I have been here long enough to know what it is and is not. It is not a good investment, nor an ultra long play.

    If you think it is greasy now, politics a mess and visas tedious. Well, you are in for a bumpy retirement because nothing looks like it is going to get better in the decade ahead. Again, if you are 75 you dont give a F.

    Every one of you go on about how you love it here, blah blah. Few have real committment.

    Who knows, maybe both of us will return to US to suck off the govt Medicare teet. Get us some of that Fox News Obama socialism. Bwah.

  11. You can get tents in most if not all NPs - Thai Andaman Marine Parks.

    The only place where you can have a fire in the Andamsn is Koh Tarutao. A few parks look away if you have a cooking fire, not csmp or bonfire although I have seen a few people make fires on Ao Molae.

    Honestly, I just bring gas for cooking. Who the hell wants to make a fire in the morning for a coffee?!

    Enjoy the camping, we always do

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