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Posts posted by soistalker

  1. There are many reasons why walking street businesses have not been doing well in recent years. Tourist demographics have changed, but businesses have not reacted to the change. There are many more reasons why walking street is dying a slow death. It is definitely a lot less fun and exciting as it was 10~15 years ago. If walking street were to disappear, would that be such a bad thing? 

    • Thanks 1
  2. I Heard that farang cannot rent out their own condos. It needs to go through a real estate company. The previous response detailed the pitfalls of giving a real estate company carte blanche to do as they please. 

    My advice would be to attempt to find a long-term renter, and interview him personally. Find a non-smoker who isn't a whore monger. Just some guy looking to relax in Pattaya. Then set up the rental with a real estate company.

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 2
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