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Posts posted by soistalker

  1. 6 hours ago, Happyman58 said:

    You know when I go walking at 5 in the Park sometimes there are Thai there wearing Jackets to keep them warm. It's 29c at 5 in the morning. Thais def love the hot weather. I sit in the lounge at home and it would be 40 c outside and I am sweating. The wife meanwhile looks comfortable and not sweating. So on goes the air con and a few cold beers to calm me down lol lol

    Does the wife seem friendly with the neighbourhood men? I heard that was a thing in England for Thai wives.

    • Sad 1
  2. All she needs to do is tell police you are the aggessor, and you'll be arrested, mistreated, thrown into a holding cell with a bunch of dangerous guys who the police have told that you like to beat Thai women.  You will lose your job. 

    This is all if you are lucky. You could end up dead.

    • Like 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    So your source is a far right wing demagogue? So not surprising.

    Dude, you made the claim of 40 percent suicide rate.

    Either back it up with CREDIBLE facts or people really should ignore what you said. 

    He used that 40% suicide rate for transgenders in many speeches. I've read the footnotes on his sources, but am not going to do your research for you. If it was not true, liberals would be all over it.

    Why are you argueing this so hard? I'll bet your breath smells like tranny.

  4. 2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    You need to back up such stats with sources but I would expect it to be high. They face unusual stress from societal rejection, even family rejection, just based on who they are. Also, you are lying -- it is in no way a mainstream "liberal" POV that it's transphobic to not be sexually interested in transgender people. 

    Don't flame me.  I am not lying.

    I said that it was a liberal idea. It is. No conservative would good this belief. Not one. And if you want the stats backed up, watch a Ben Shapiro video and look at his footnotes.

  5. Transgender men in USA have a 40% suicide rate. They are not very stable individuals. And liberals say that if a straight man will not date a transgender, then he is a transphobe. Peoplecare crazy. Thailand accepts them as a part of society, but they really aren't normal people. And in Thailand, a high percentage of them are violent. It's best to stay away from them altogether. 

    • Thanks 1
  6. I had a similar problem in another Asian country with door slammers in the middle of the night. As I left my house at 6am, I was sure to make sure I woke them up as I left. Wake them when they sleep. Play I am too sexy for my clothes of the Barbie song over and over again.

  7. 37 minutes ago, moe666 said:

    And you know this how, even in this country a few farangs have killed their wives and girl friends

    For every foreigner who kills his Thai spouse, there are tens of thousands of Thai women killing their foreign husbands. This, of course, includes foreign husbands who "fall" from their balconies. 

    • Like 1
  8. 15 minutes ago, todlad said:

    The perfect answer of exactly the kind of person we are talking about here. Someone who got it wrong and despises being corrected. Now you are stamping your feet and telling me I am uneducated! 

    By the way, don't forget to proof read your posts in future, oh wise one.

    An ad hominem attack? It's the last result of the obtuse.

    • Like 1
  9. 37 minutes ago, todlad said:

    I see, so the bit where I said this is not peculiar to Thailand was too complex for you? Accepting that this is wrong here and elsewhere is a concept you don't understand?

    Sorry, laddie, your post makes no sense.

    Your post is a fallacy of logic argument. I don't have the inclination, nor you the educational background, to explain it to you and have your understand it.

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