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Posts posted by soistalker

  1. Talk to the teacher. Tell her that you and your wife do not touch the child when disciplining him. And to please not do so. Only verbally chastise the child. This way the child can be disciplined consistently at school and home.

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  2. 1 minute ago, shackleton said:

    All part of the Thai Tourism Board upgrading for Advertising Pattaya as a Family Resort

    Shopping Malls  better up market hotels Restaurants ect 

    as already mentioned   the bar scene was great in the 80s and 90s  now to expensive hence the closing of many 

    The  influx of Chinese  tourists not interested in bars get them in the Malls and restaurants spending their money  

    To What malls are you referring? Never see Chinese in malls in Pattaya. 

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  3. 1 minute ago, possum1931 said:

    When I see these Chinese people blocking the whole footpath in Beach Road, I just walk right 

    through them as if they weren't there, scattering them out of my way.

    Do you give them a shout first to clear the way?

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