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Posts posted by soistalker

  1. 34 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    Real men deal with adversity. When faced with a relationship that has gone south, they deal with it. You try to work it out. If it cannot be worked out, you move on. You wish her well, and send her on her way. 


    Small men, and men without a sense of identity, self esteem, or love of self behave like these morons. They behave like simpletons, and get all desperate when a woman wants to leave them, and things do not work out.


    Killing a woman because things have not worked out? 13 year olds, who occupy a mans body do that kind of stuff. That is the domain of dumb, idiotic, moronic, undeveloped, pathological, insane, tiny minded little boys, who have had parents who have utterly failed them, on every level.


    Life is short. There are alot of available women out there. Man up. Just ask yourself, how would Bond behave in these circumstances? 

    This needs to be translated into Thai and distributed to every Thai in the country.

    • Haha 1
  2. Your greatest worry should be the multiple drug interactions. There are websites that you can go to that will help you avoid this major problem.

    Also, have you considered losing weight? Don't know if this is an issue for You, but guessing it is.

  3. In 2009,  a gentleman standing outside of a Bangkok restaurant struck up a conversation with me in English as we were waiting outside the restaurant.  I asked him about Taksin.

    With emotion in his voice and emphasis in his words he said:

    "I love him. I LOVE him. I Love him."

    Then he went on to tell me why.

    I have never before or since seen anyone talk about a politician in such terms.

    Sure this was one man's opinion; but the strength of his fondness for Taksin was impressive.

    Besides, I saw Taksin wei to a farang on national TV that had weied to him as he passed by on the street. Can you name another Thai politician who would do the sane?

    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, rick99 said:

    OP here again.   She’s 24.  5years university. 39kg. Fantastic wife and will stick with the gym.  She works out harder than everybody but me.   The idea of increasing her weight with toned muscle will increase her curves and shape. She’s already gorgeous but too skinny.   Nice abs and shapely legs and butt will all be improved and maintained. I included the word “stubborn “ because she doesn’t listen  to my training suggestions (which are based on decades of workouts..) She would listen to an older experienced knowledgeable Thai role model....just about sets and weight amounts and proper muscle isolation techniques) .  It wouldn’t take long.  Actually after the last six days she already looks toned.   But she needs to increase fat and protein... etc.    sorry no bedroom aerobics needed yet but gee thanks for the kind and thoughtful offers.  LOL. We own a second place at the Base.  Perhaps I should simply ask for a thai wife (who’s into fitness )come show her a bit and then grab lunch together.  She doesn’t need any motivation to lose fat or workout.  Just proper techniques in thai.   Thanks for all the suggestions.   

    I think I speak for everyone here in asking for a picture so that we may better....assess her situation .

    • Haha 1
  5. 50 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

     It suggests they are looking for an opportunity to kick people in the head.... likely tourists more than others.

    You win the thread.

    He couldn't get away with this type of violence in front of the police if the victim is Thai. They are targeting us because we can't fight back because it'll be a mob against us. And the foreigner will always be in the wrong.


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