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Everything posted by jcmj

  1. Sickening pervert allowed to continue to abuse children for years. Should have been jailed not paid off. Shame on you Catholic Church for letting this happen again.
  2. Sure they can get drivers easy with the new extended visa. Thailand has opened up the floodgates not considering the effects.
  3. I’m sure they must have known the risk and the reward of their dive. Not for the faint of heart.
  4. Sickening. He should have been put away for life.
  5. A little bit late to start it now but good luck. They definitely need it considering it’s already well into the low season and most of the locals can’t afford it. The ones that can are going out of Thailand. Seems like a waste of money to me, but I guess it’s not my pocket getting filled.
  6. Sure hope no one is planning on an insurance claim.
  7. I’ve had them stop by my room when I was in the hospital just to check to see if I needed anything done while I was in there. I thought it was good service.
  8. Thank goodness the children are okay. I hope the father gets put away for life.
  9. But can they be delivered to Thailand now with all of the rules on importing meds?
  10. Let’s hope our girl from Thailand gets the job done.
  11. Sounds more like he’s hiding from the law or people he scammed and needs money from his mother. I guess only time will tell and I doubt we’ll hear anything about it.
  12. Well, they want to tax all of the foreigners so why not tax the local businesses making money. Crazy how their minds work.
  13. Great ideas but we all know that follow through is a rarity.
  14. They should have been immediately removed and then hit with the charges that fit the crime of abuse. No need to waste time with a committee. These idiots, and any others definitely need their heads checked, but after they have been removed.
  15. Even the Jetsons cartoon had a cellphone. It doesn’t surprise me that with all of the new technology that more and more of these futuristic devices are being developed.
  16. Some people are very naive to think that it is hard to get a fake, used or dead persons ss number in order to become “legal” and be able to vote. It’s been going on for many years. Now it’s just getting more attention due to so many immigrants and the up coming election.
  17. Let’s hope that he hasn’t gotten into any trouble here and will be found alive and well. Many people are laughing it off due to so many others crying wolf, but that’s unfortunately not always the case. Show some decency and respect until the whole story comes out. Then bash if you must. I’m sure it’s terrifying for the family in any case.
  18. I’ve had insurance here for years and it has paid for water damage from a water pipe bursting, tv and other electrical appliances from a power surge and damage to the house after a tree fell. It’s up to the owner to decide if they want it and to check the details of what they will cover. I’m sure some cheaper policies don’t cover much but it’s your choice.
  19. If there aren’t any good photo ops it’ll be a bust.
  20. It’s a completely moronic idea. To reduce the minimum payment only extends the loan and interest. They need to teach these people to handle their money and not spend when they can’t afford to repay their debt. Stupid is as stupid does.
  21. Auntie is out for blood and the top spot by any means possible. Lord help us foreigners. His hate for us is not hidden and will only get worse in my opinion.
  22. I wouldn’t mind seeing him replaced. Just not with Anutin. He’s not very good for the foreigners. Only time will tell.
  23. Unfortunately he confessed so his time will probably be cut in half. Crazy Thai laws.
  24. I for one am looking forward to seeing a good debate. We will only then see how each side fares.
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