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Posts posted by Gandtee

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I have read every post here and it seems to me the op has a lot to deal with. This is reading between the lines but it appears he really doesnot want advice.on how to deal with it unless it is advice on how to keep the gf and fix the problem.He cannot accept sage advice. Reading his replies he appears to be in denial. Old hands who know the family culture here know and have told him, that it willnot get better but get worse its up to him now. Stay in the relationship and try to make it work (if he does best of luck to him)or leave before it gets unbearable..

    Yes and no. Whilst I didn't post specifically asking for advice, just people's opinions and experiences, a lot of advice was given. If I wanted advice on how to keep the gf and fix the problem why would I post several times that I agree its time to end it? I didn't deny any advice nor am I in denial. I just don't like how people automatically assume I've fallen for a gold digger and she's onlyy with me for the money I (don't) have, subtley calling me a naive idiot as I see it..

    I would think that the kid sees you as an interloper taking his mothers attention and affection from him.Living with his grandparents and then his mum turning up with you he most probably wants her to himself? Knowing you supply her with the money he sees you as a cash cow. If as you say, you are only visiting, why not let her visit on her own?. It won't alter the fact that he will want money. He is after all your stepson and now partly your responsibility. Maybe,it will help to sit him down and through his mother you tell him that you are not a threat and that you will treat him like a son, but only if he behaves himself. To threaten to leave them maybe just the outcome he wants?coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24> Here endeth the first lesson

    Again how can he know I supply her with money when I don't? Like I said before I made the dire mistake of spending a whole 150bht on him to keep him occupied whilst his mum bought groceries and he seems to assume I'm made of it. Re visiting alone; so was I meant to rip up the tickets she bought me when she gave them to me?

    Wow! You spent a whole. bt150 on him and your wife bought the air tickets! Forget my previous post. If I was her I would do the running.

    • Like 1
  2. I would think that the kid sees you as an interloper taking his mothers attention and affection from him.Living with his grandparents and then his mum turning up with you he most probably wants her to himself? Knowing you supply her with the money he sees you as a cash cow. If as you say, you are only visiting, why not let her visit on her own?. It won't alter the fact that he will want money. He is after all your stepson and now partly your responsibility. Maybe,it will help to sit him down and through his mother you tell him that you are not a threat and that you will treat him like a son, but only if he behaves himself. To threaten to leave them maybe just the outcome he wants?coffee1.gif Here endeth the first lesson

    • Like 1
  3. Had nice thai girl friend once ,i got the driver to stop the car ,told her to get out in the middle know where ,driver said she was arranging to have me killed when we got to town ,gang was waiting ,drove back to sin city lost interest in them all ,took weeks holiday ,came back for next model ,only little better ,this one tried to kill me her self ,changed models agin this ones been around 10 years still alive

    She maybe waiting for an opportunity.coffee1.gif

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  4. Kudos to the Swedish Embassy and the Tourist Assistance Foundation. I wonder how many other embassies would do the same?

    I dont actually think his embassy did anything more than refer him to a charity........

    OK, so this guy is 68, had no travel insurance to cover theft, no friends in the whole world who could western union him a couple of hundred USD. He had been paying for his room nightly during his stay and tbh, is dressed like a bum when collecting a very generously donated pile of cash. No mention of said prostitute stealing his passport........

    I think the TAF funds would be better used assisting tourists with serious medical emergencies as opposed to daft old blokes who carelessly get turned over by prostitutes.

    Your words of compassion are noted.

    • Like 1
  5. So finally they discovered what was a well known public secret for a few decades already.

    Really? Are you saying that Chalerm, Tharit and Thaksin knew about this for over 10 years??

    This is standard in Thailand for "promotion", not just police, but military and many other professions. Buying jobs to get in the position to get the money from those wanting to move up the ladder.

    Chances are many of those currently in power got to their senior ranks by this means.

    What evidence do you have for this opinion? My wife is a teacher in the government system and has never sought promotion by any other way then through studies and hard work. Ten years for two degrees and working in many outlying schools for over 28 years, she has now reached a grading that will allow her to move into the higher echelons of administration and is well compensated by Thai standards.

    As she is passionate about teaching she has not sought to take up an administrative post but her ability has been recognised and although remaining a teacher she has been given a position where she is required to examine and grade other teachers seeking promotions. She is only one of three in the province given this task and is senior to the others. Has not sought and would never accept a payment to promote anyone as she is a very principled person.

    She had to borrow to pay for her education, as did not come for a rich family, and has worked bloody hard to get where she is today. Promoted through studies and ability, not the payment of moneys to others. Please do not tar everyone with the same brush and I, for one, find your opinion offensive, in particular that you are casting your net over many. Can you tell me how you know this is standard for the police, military and other professions in Thailand or this just an opinion without substance?

    Well said Sir! Unfortunately, most of us get our information and knowledge, I use the term loosely, from the media. Nothing is ever said about the good guys. They don't make news. So, the impression is formed of an encompassing corruption.

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  6. The question has been raised, why wait so long to attempt to put right misdeeds which have been going on for years. A friend of mine who was a third generation police colonel now retired and broke, was moved from being top dog in a station up north to an obscure police station in the sticks. This was because he refused to allow trucks carrying illegal logs to pass through his area. Another friend now sadly deceased, was the Governor of a province, the name of which I will not divulge, was also removed for the same reason. Who could they protest to when the order came from high above? Even a person in the position as high as Provincial Governor was subjected to this same treatment. I think the humiliation may have led to his demise. We now have a leader, elected or not, who who has the power to rectify these problems without political pressure. What we are seeing is the tip of the iceberg. When 60& of the younger generation think that it is OK to cheat and a high percentage of the population think corruption is OK 'if it doesn't affect me,' it means a long and bumpy road. I hope the momentum will not be lost.Not for me but for my Thai nieces and nephews.

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  7. Not sure about the dangerously venomous spiders and other crawly critters.

    I am sure that most bugs find me quite delicious.

    My palate and mind set are not up to returning the favour and attempting a taste test.

    Enjoy your trip and sleep well. Lol



    You haven't lived until you have tried the crickets and the bamboo larva. They are both really quite good.licklips.gif.pagespeed.ce.v-hsVd-Wpu.gif I stole this image from my wife's Facebook page.


    My in- law used to bring me a bag of these from Chiangmai. Very tasty. Like Smiths crisps minus the blue salt bag.coffee1.gif

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