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Posts posted by Gandtee

  1. I wish her good luck. Better luck than mine.A lawyer who was doing some transactions for us said that he was having a cash flow problem?? Despite my better judgment my wife and I loaned him baht 200,000. And he wrote a cheque payable to us. Promises were made to repay but were not honoured. We went to the boss of his Law firm and he was fired. We tracked him to his next place of work and confronted him there. More promises. We went to another lawyer and took him to court, were he wanted to settle before it came to the Judge. On our lawyers advice we agreed. Papers were signed to the affect that he would pay installments into the court. That was in 1996. You guessed it, nothing. For peace of mind we just let it drop. It would seem as it was a case of one lawyer protecting another.A slight variation on an old proverb, ;If a snake and a lawyer cross your path, kill the lawyer'! A lesson hard learnt! Like the woman in the report, I could do with the Bt.200,000 now.

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  2. The sad thing about all this is that the students who want to keep their noses clean and not be involved in this gang warfare are caught up in it and besmirched by the reputation vocational schools have acquired.I think Thai society look down on vocational schools. Totally different in Switzerland, where next week they are holding a 'Best apprentice of Switzerland' competition and advertising the benefits of a vocational education. As far as I am aware, the students don't try to knock seven bells out of each other. But then I suspect they were well educated as juniors, even though they don't start school until they are seven years old. Maybe that is the answer? They were under their parents control. School heads in conjunction with the police must crack down on this savage conduct. Perhaps a session of re-education under the new regime would help to straighten them out?

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  3. Most of these girls will still have to send money back to the village and so I see little alternative for them other than moving into the freelance environment.

    'Little alternative'. Really? How about a job which doesn't require them to lie on their backs grunting for five minuteshuh.png . You know, like the majority of young women working in 7/11s, markets, offices ...

    Most probably they need a BA for that.coffee1.gif

  4. They said the same about TV decades ago.

    I think children who grow up with this technology won't find it that amazing and are way more resistant to it.

    Maybe they will grow so fat because of inertia that they will be only too happy to have their electronic aids to inter act instead of having to make the effort to actually meet people.coffee1.gif

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