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Posts posted by Gandtee

  1. At first I was shocked and couldn't believe it. Then I calmed myself down and re-read the text on the website. It actually doesn't look that bad. It is basically just removing alcohol advertising.

    This will not really effect the common person. You will see less advertisements for alcohol. You will not see the beer girls or staff wearing beer tshirts. You will not see Singha logos on team uniforms. Really, that's about it. There will still be happy hours, you just won't see signs advertising happy hours. You can still wear your Chang tank top (unless you work at a bar/restaurant). You can still buy alcohol at nearly everywhere that you used to (except for those sidwalk bars that spring up at 1am). The only thing that looks worrisome, is no alcohol consumption after midnight at bars or restaurants.

    I'm not even worried about drinking after mid-night. My suppositories turn into coal scuttles at 10pm!blink.png

  2. At first I was shocked and couldn't believe it. Then I calmed myself down and re-read the text on the website. It actually doesn't look that bad. It is basically just removing alcohol advertising.

    This will not really effect the common person. You will see less advertisements for alcohol. You will not see the beer girls or staff wearing beer tshirts. You will not see Singha logos on team uniforms. Really, that's about it. There will still be happy hours, you just won't see signs advertising happy hours. You can still wear your Chang tank top (unless you work at a bar/restaurant). You can still buy alcohol at nearly everywhere that you used to (except for those sidwalk bars that spring up at 1am). The only thing that looks worrisome, is no alcohol consumption after midnight at bars or restaurants.

    I'm not even worried about drinking after mid-night. My suppositories turn into coal scuttles at 10pm!blink.png

  3. Years ago, my Thai nephew was stung by a jelly fish off a Rayong beach. What king of jelly fish I don't know. I applied vinegar which didn't seem to help much then a local fisherman said to gather some Beach Morning Glory, the purple flowered plant you see growing on many beaches. Crush the plant and apply the juice to the stings. It worked but fifteen years later he still bears the brown scars.

  4. I captured one to release back into the wild. Use a noose to capture it then grab it behind the head and the base of the tail, a few inches along from the base to control the tail. They can give you a nasty bite and a fair whack with the tail. Make sure that you can get it into the sack without it biting onto it. I had to get help to cut the sack around the lizards mouth because it had clamped onto it. Don't let the locals near it, or let them know where you release it. Lizards are very Aroi I believe.

  5. I don't believe it, this guy is saying openly that it is alright to break the law in employing Russian tour guides. I would be pretty sure that these Russians do not have work permits. TIT

    deleted post

    So you reckon that it is OK for a senior police officer to break the law when it suits him? You either have laws or you don't! And for you to come down on Mot Dang with your diatribe is totally out of order. Italian mafia capiche?

  6. I was clamped in Walking Street twenty years ago. The cops at the police box at the entrance of the Street called a baht bus to take me to the cop shop to pay the fine. I got it knocked down to baht 300.

    I think I must have been the first to be clamped in Pattaya. I would imagine some bright cop thought that it would be a 'nice little earner'. Never seen a wheel clamp in Pattaya since.

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