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Posts posted by Gandtee

  1. I posted this on another thread re taxing sugared drinks. I think it should now be on this thread.

    I have just finished reading a book Bootleg by Alex Shearer to my grandson, where the theme is the banning of chocolate and anything sweet by the Good For You Party. It would seem that fiction is not far from the truth. Perhaps in the future we will have a Good For You Party where they ban everything that is enjoyable. We already have a Make The People Happy Party so this may not be so ridiculous as we think. Better perhaps to go back to the Second World War situation where food was rationed in the UK. Very few fat people in those days. Am I allowed to say fat? Slim challenged perhaps?

  2. The boy looks fine she looks like the injured party.

    No wonder Thai police are too busy. with people coming in reporting non-drama like this, let alone the local news station.

    Where was she while this was happening, sat on a bench somewhere?whistling.gif

    And why not? She was on holiday.And why not report to the Local Police? Who else do you go to to get the dogs removed. What would you do if a member of your family was bitten? Rabies is not uncommon here and I bet he received anti rabies shots at the hospital.Each sentence of your posting is showing ignorance. She is looking aggrieved because her son has been bitten. Most mothers feel for their kids.Use your loaf before making ridiculous posts.

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    I would say all of these are harmful to health!


    Sugar water should be taxed 1,000% percent.

    It is harmful to human.


    I have just finished reading a book Bootleg by Alex Shearer to my grandson, where the theme is the banning of chocolate and anything sweet by the Good For You Party. It would seem that fiction is not far from the truth. Perhaps in the future we will have a Good For You Party where they ban everything that is enjoyable. We already have a Make The People Happy Party so this may not be so ridiculous as we think. Better perhaps to go back to the Second World War situation where food was rationed in the UK. Very few fat people in those days. Am I allowed to say fat? Slim challenged perhaps?

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  4. I rescued a featherless baby Zebra Dove which I think had fallen out of the nest and was being eaten by red ants. I fed it with milk and cereal and it is still thriving after about fifteen years.I could not release it as I had hand fed it. Recently I removed a bird trap from my land which someone had set and it contained a Bulbul as bait and a Shrika Hawk which was after the bait. I released them and confiscated the trap. Snaring birds is very common here and I doubt whether anyone is prosecuted for doing it. In my opinion it is extremely unlikely that you would have a problem with the law, and good for you to rescue the Indian Roller. What are you feeding it on as their diet is lizards, snakes and suchlike? Good luck! 

  5. The Thais do cook jelly fish. It has a crunchy texture.

    Thai will cook anything that walks, crawl, slithers, flies or swims if they can catch it.

    Not "bashing", merely stating a fact. wai2.gif

    I second that; tried jelly fish myself on a number of occasions and found it to be nice to go with beer. Similar to some pubs in the UK where free tripe with Ale is served on a Sunday morning.

    Where in the UK do pubs sell tripe Sunday morning or otherwise? Sounds like a load of tripe!

  6. For the last couple of years when going to the beach I have been using my own folding chair with an umbrella taped to it. The main reason is that once I get into a deckchair, I can't get out of the bloody thing!! I would hate to see the end of food vendors on beach though.Nice to have a snack and a beer served up. And yes, I do take my own beer and snacks occasionally.

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