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Posts posted by Gandtee

  1. Maybe off topic but a couple of weeks ago I received an email supposedly from a friend of mine who needed help? I phoned him and he said he knew nothing about it. I ignored the email and a couple of days later received another purportedly from him saying that he was'on holiday in the Ukraine? and had been called up country and was short of funds etc. the usual scam. A couple of days later my Hotmail account was cancelled by Microsoft saying that because I had been accessing sensitive material they needed my access security code? Could this be linked to the begging email scammer? What sensitive material have I had access to in TV???.

  2. I think Cornishcarlos' suggestion of an electric fence is a good one, and should be a piece of cake for you, Crossy.

    You might also try the new "Ask a Lawyer" feature about the legality of whacking the dog.

    You might also question the legality of electrocuting someone. Wired up to the mains. My brain hurts.w00t.gif

  3. I thought Phuket was pretty, but I didn't care to stay there.

    It wasn't very a very Thai place, more like a farang beach resort. And I can go to a farang beach resort much closer to home.

    Sad yes, but this was an issue that was settled a long time ago for Phuket, a few of the last remained natural parks. I wouldn't go to Phuket to see Layan national park, so I suppose that it was already a lost cause a decade ago.

    No doubt they had Government permits, I have seen others go to jail in phetchabun for cutting old growth timber without an official Government permit.

    Sad but a lost cause a long time ago.

    In the case of Nai Thon, how exactly does one get a government permit to clear fell National Park with a bulldozer?

    use your imagination .....more than likely the boss is a greedy thai and hes just

    using burmese workers to avoid paying them the min wage .......

    I thought the big boss was in Bangkok organising a coupe against a corrupt governmentcheesy.gif

  4. Good woman. It's great to help those who need it. The Thai man should be grateful and also learn a lesson from his mischief. It seems that a lot of Thais have zero knowledge of financial planning, or just don't care and need loan sharks to help them out. The poverty circle is not easy to escape from, but not impossible. He needs to save money to replace his assets (cart) once every couple of years, or get an insurance. Start with stashing away 25 or 50 satang per sold pancake. I know I might sound hard, but a lot of people having financial hardship have partly themselves to blame due to a complete lack of planing.

    Shades of Mr, Thatcher!!!

  5. And the monk was standing almlessly by watching this street theatre right outside a bank..

    Why would he want to intervene? Most probably he remembers what happened to one of his fellow monks when trying to make reason with his fellow so called Buddhists. He was beaten up. This bloke had a gun! Even vendors carry guns! LOS and gunsw00t.gif

  6. Perhaps you should bang your headxwub.png.pagespeed.ic.auE7ON7hrr.png Like the Archers radio series in UK. 'This is an everyday story of country folk'. This has happened a thousand times in the LOS, Or LOHF (Land of hoodwinked farangs) Walk away and put it down to another mystery of the orient. For the seasoned here, it's not a mysterycoffee1.gif

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  7. love a 1/1 on many of these scum bags..villages are full of scum like this..in there little gangs..then they come to pattaya,and join bigger gangs

    each time i have gotten into a fight in thailand it has never been fair. but i hit first and i hit hard. until i see fear in their eyes, i dont stop. yes, they like to pick on tourist and the weak. its how the government and mafia trained them to behave. i have taken 5 a time while my falang friends stood there watching, like cowards. . thailand, like prison rules... take the big guy first then take the scariest looking one. .. they least expects it.

    It seems like you make a habit of fighting. I wonder why? And I wonder why your friends stood and did nothing? Were they thinking 'Here he goes again'. It reminds me of an old Jerry Lewis film where he was advised by his football coach to 'Hit em hard. Hit em fast and hit em low!' As I recall. it didn't do him much good.

  8. The one thing I've learned about Thailand snakes is, if in doubt give them a lot of room to escape' they aren't looking for any problems from humans, you are to big to eat, but if you corner one or challenge one it will fight back and if it's venomous you will come in second every time. I've made myself a snake catcher out of PVC pipe and it works perfectly for removing them from around the house, and might I add safely for both of us.

    I made one years ago from a length of bamboo and a piece cord. It has proven invaluable. More invaluable is the book on snakes that I bought twenty years ago when Snakes abounded in my garden. Learn about them and you will not have the fear. Hook them up and put them on some waste ground somewhere. Don't kill them! This is why there are so many rats and other vermin around. thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif

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