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Posts posted by Gandtee

  1. Will do. Thanks

    This sounds more like it. Thanks for your imput.

    tons of info here about that; but i have only one word: ivermectin. injected... or oral dosage but injected in the beginning... any vet in thailand will have the stuff and all vets have experience with mange...

    possibly some antibiotics if there is infection from the scratching...

    feeding good foods/ either raw bone /meat foods or decent prepared foods, because mange is a mite that becomes active on dogs that have low immune systems...

    you can buy ivermectin *(ivomac, imectin, etc) in most animal stores in thailand, can be sub cutaneosly injected, or given orally, the dosages are in the internet (always written thta the stuff is for cows only, but given to dogs except for collies and collie mixes)...

    Two of my dogs suffer from demodectic mange which until recently was treated by our local vet with a ivermectin injection when symptoms flared up with a small amount of relief for the pooches.

    However I recently visited a vet in Udon Thani who told me that mange had to treated intensively and the mites completely wiped out for a proper cure , the mites evidentally live deep in the hair follicles and are hard to eliminate.

    To this end we started a one month treatment of ..one ivermectin injection per week for 4 weeks plus a one month course of tablet and liquid antibiotics ,tick and mange shampoo and a wash which is daubed on the whole body and left to dry.

    They started the treatment two weeks ago (3rd injection due today) and the results are amazing ,all scratching has ceased and hair is growing back where they had torn it all out..

    She made up the months treatment including 8 loaded hyperdemic needles so I could administer the treatment here on the farm ,cost was about 1000 baht for two poodles.the vet was adament that good quality ivermectin must be used (she uses German manufactured ).

    Just be careful before you start the treatment with ivermectin. Have a blood test performed to insure that your dog does not have heart worm. Ivermectin , in therapeutic doses, is and effective control of heart worm as it kills the larva before they hatch. However, if your dog does have adult heart worms in his circulatory system, the dosages of ivermectin required to control the mites will also kill the adult heart worms. The chances of blood clots and death are real! Don't jsut but it and start the treatment without consulting your vet!

  2. This sounds more like it. Thanks for your imput.

    tons of info here about that; but i have only one word: ivermectin. injected... or oral dosage but injected in the beginning... any vet in thailand will have the stuff and all vets have experience with mange...

    possibly some antibiotics if there is infection from the scratching...

    feeding good foods/ either raw bone /meat foods or decent prepared foods, because mange is a mite that becomes active on dogs that have low immune systems...

    you can buy ivermectin *(ivomac, imectin, etc) in most animal stores in thailand, can be sub cutaneosly injected, or given orally, the dosages are in the internet (always written thta the stuff is for cows only, but given to dogs except for collies and collie mixes)...

    Two of my dogs suffer from demodectic mange which until recently was treated by our local vet with a ivermectin injection when symptoms flared up with a small amount of relief for the pooches.

    However I recently visited a vet in Udon Thani who told me that mange had to treated intensively and the mites completely wiped out for a proper cure , the mites evidentally live deep in the hair follicles and are hard to eliminate.

    To this end we started a one month treatment of ..one ivermectin injection per week for 4 weeks plus a one month course of tablet and liquid antibiotics ,tick and mange shampoo and a wash which is daubed on the whole body and left to dry.

    They started the treatment two weeks ago (3rd injection due today) and the results are amazing ,all scratching has ceased and hair is growing back where they had torn it all out..

    She made up the months treatment including 8 loaded hyperdemic needles so I could administer the treatment here on the farm ,cost was about 1000 baht for two poodles.the vet was adament that good quality ivermectin must be used (she uses German manufactured ).

  3. My dog has demodectic mange. For the last couple of years I have tried many treatments and all have failed. My son even brought over from Switzerland, borax. This was another treatment that didn't help. We are continuously buying so called treatments from the Vets. to no avail. I shampoo the dog about every three days with special shampoo as advised, but the poor thing is scratching its eyes and nose to bits. Does anyone know of a cure, or at least something to relieve the itching?

  4. My wife speaks very good English and my grandson speaks English as if it is his first language. After twenty something years here, to my shame, my Thai is almost zilch. My excuse is that my wife and I have always communicated in English and if she had not been so fluent, I would have been adept at Thai by now?? (Blaming her)smile.png Even so, on the odd occasion that I accompany her to collect him from school, when he gets into the car the conversation is in Thai. On my protests that I am just like the hired driver my wife retaliates that sometimes it is easier for them to converse in their mother tongue.The whole conversation is then explained to me. If they had talked in English in the first place a lot of time and energy could have been saved.I do realise that the problem is mine, but I still get arsey!!mad.gif.pagespeed.ce.z6RtN005qs.gif With regard to being interrupted, it happens all of the time, in and out of the family. The Thai side of the family are a bit confused when my grandson says "excuse me" when he wants to join in the conversation. I suppose the smart Alec's reading this will say 'what has he done'

  5. I am debating which music theme is more appropriate to post.. "Benny Hill", "Three Stooges" or "Laurel and Hardy".. Tough choice..

    PS: Decided to go with Entry of the Gladiators. Perfect match for this circus..

    I would love to someone with video skills to put this tune to Suthep's strutting and posing. While I support the idea of reform, his actions are putting the chances of that happening on the back burner.

  6. Yes they work great, as long as you don't mind hearing the rats screaming for 24 hours as they try and free themselves (biting their limbs off if necessary). Illegal in some western countries.

    Utter nonsense, it's a silent process, there is no sudden pain, unlike reading your posts!

    Sorry to disagree. While in Brunei, as I left my house I heard this screeching and saw an army? of rats glued to the top of a gate post. I don't like rats, but this seems a bit cruel. I used to catch them in a cage trap( they seem to loves bread soaked in fish sauce) and give them a sporting chance when I let my dog do what dogs do. A few got away with it but not many. All over in a trice.

  7. After twenty odd years here I still put up a real tree and have turkey with the trimmings on Christmas day. My Thai nieces and nephews loved it when they were kids and even though adults now, still try to join me, my wife and grandson for Christmas, who incidentally stopped believing only last week, and he is twelve but is still looking forward to what 'Santa' will leave him under the tree. To me Christmas is what you make it for yourself and others. Don't wait for it to be made for you. Merry Christmas to all! Humbug? Nah.

  8. I can also retell a shocking case of different pricing for a 'farang'.

    A few days ago I went to the local hairdresser for a simple haircut that took all of 5 minutes.

    After completing the cut, the young assistant demanded 100 baht from me. However, her superior immediately interrupted and said '80 baht, farang only have little hair'.

    I guess that as I grow older, I can look forward to more 'farang pricing'.


    Now, I call that, Thainess. Good for her. My haircut has risen from Bt.30 ti Bt. 60 in just 25 years. Scandalouswhistling.gif

  9. My wife and Grandson, both Thai, were charged -extorted- baht 600 for a taxi ride of no more than half click. Highwaymen! 'Your money or your life!' Perhaps Thailand's finest should concentrate on the villains within. Then again, perhaps they themselves skim a bit the cream off the top.

    Anyway. All a good advertisement to attract foreign tourists. My brain hurts!facepalm.gif

  10. My wife bought me one from the local chemist for baht 500 (10 quid?) It was adjustable for volume but for me, no good at all. I need one for the high pitch sounds. If it is only volume that you want I suggest you try the local chemist. Ours is across the road from Queen Sirikit Hospital in Sattahip. I hope this is helpful.

  11. There are always many snide remarks regarding the police made here and sometimes I am guilty as the next man. But then when I recall that my wife had to pay for her newly graduated brothers measuring tape for use in accidents, a typewriter as his station didn't have one,and then his firearm, this was thirty years ago, it makes me think.The police were, and still are paid a pittance but I still reckon that maybe they do the best with what they have got. I am fairly sure that they will get to the bottom of this alleged murderers heinous crime and how many he has committed. The parents will live with this forever, especially the father. I feel sorry for him.

  12. Can someone explain why hearing aids are so expensive? High tech electronic sound gadgets seem to be so much cheaper than hearing aids. Could it be that the producers know that sooner or later many people will require one, and so hold them to ransom. I'm sure that if the prices were reduced, more people would buy them instead of suffering in silence (pun intended) I wonder when hearing aid banks will emerge?

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