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Posts posted by Gandtee

  1. I have sown about a dozen Karonda seeds and they sprouted after a couple of weeks. Now after about nearly three months they are barely two inches high with a few bearing three sets of leaves.Is this about right for this plant? It seems a bit long to me. Does anyone know the correct method for growing this plant from seed? Am I over watering or not giving them enough sunlight? They are growing in pots on a bench in my open sided workshop which does not let in direct sunlight. Any advice or am I being too impatient?sad.png

  2. 3rd Rd opposite the sports arena there's an Airsoft shop. Try there. If "no-have" they can advise you I would guess.

    Seems like we have struck lucky! The ones they had were not the correct size. Got to call back next week. Thanks for the tipsmile.png

  3. Whoever this is referred to in slow motion tempo gyrating hips as Coyote Dancing in allready too old to receive even a little hip fire.

    Anyhow a bit of an original you may seen in the movie.

    But I've seen in Brazil and Domenican, even in US much better performance than this copy of ...

    I think the "coyote" label applies to any girls who are dancing on the bar - in this case the pick-up truck bed. Regarding your comment about "slow motion tempo gyrating hips," I disagree 100%. I am a healthy 58 and found it to be very HOT. No herky-jerky spazz moves like a newbie, but rather the seductive, nuanced moves of seasoned professionals. The music and photography was high-quality - without interuptions by the idiot DJ. Excellent!

    Seasoned? I've heard of 'Seasoned Up Hyenas' -Ian Dury- but seasoned up coyotes is a first for me.

  4. Dr. Anand, please come to the aid of Thailand and try to instill some common sense into the warring factions. They are like rabble rouser's with no definite aim in mind, except to name call, bully and intimidate. It takes me back to China's Little Red Book rallies. The next thing we may expect is to see people being harangued and made to wear slogans around their necks. I love this country and it hurts me to see it rapidly sliding into a civil war. All conflicts are ended only after all sides sit down and compromise. As Kitchener said "Your Country Needs You!' For me, you are the only one on the horizon who has a ghost of a chance to bring Thailand to it's senses.

  5. 3rd Rd opposite the sports arena there's an Airsoft shop. Try there. If "no-have" they can advise you I would guess.

    Thanks for that. I'll give them a try. Regarding the legality of metal pellets, and even farangs owning an air-gun, the law seems to be a bit muddy to say the least. I'll get the 'Trouble and strife' to try and buy them for me. By the way, as metal pellets may be illegal is there an alternative? Please don't say a catapult. My boy has one and both that and the air-gun are used for target shooting. 'No animals will be harmed by this requestclap2.gif

  6. I would suggest that she is wiser than you on this. You knowing what party she supports could lead to a difference of opinion and conflict. It used to be an unwritten law in British pubs that religion and politics were not to be discussed. Good advice I think. Certainly with Thais. They seem to be of the George Bush mentality, with his "You are either with us, or against us". No room for debate in a sensible and reasoned fashion. Even an exclamation from myself of 'Bloody Hell', while watching the political shenanigins on Thai TV can lead to a ten minute lecture from my wife on the merits or demerits of the topic.STEER CLEAR!whistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn

  7. Yes, it does mean that you won't have breakfast and lunch as you know it. Yes, it may seem extreme to the modern lifestyle, however, biologically speaking it is not extreme. It is probably how hunter gatherers lived for thousands of years. Grab some nuts, some roots, some vegetables and go hunt, then feast in the evening.

    I've done this myself on several occasions and it is not at all as uncomfortable as it seems, you quickly adjust and the hunger is barely noticeable after a few days.

    I'm not saying do this forever, but it is easily workable for 2-3 weeks for example at which point you can begin introducing two eggs and a slice of salmon at lunch for example.

    The point is to not stuff yourself with carbs in the morning, thus likely forcing the body to burn fat during the day. Internmittent fasting is quite well researched.

    I'd like to grab your nuts! And twist them! Sounds like this diet is a death wish.bah.gif

  8. He is not looking for gratitude? But you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Is this not one of the attitudes which have brought about the demise of Thailand. I see this in quite a few every day situations in Thailand. Most gifts and favours are not granted for nothing. They are to be remembered, and favours returned in the future.

  9. If it's rats, the easiest way to solve the problem is to put some rat poison, sprinkled with fish sauce(rats like fish sauce) into the roof space, together with a small dish of water. Not a nice way to bump them off, but over the years I have had to do it when I've heard them playing football on the ceiling.I think the poison also stops the smell of the decomposition of the rats.1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif

  10. When I first moved here we had no electricity. I used a petrol pump from the well to supply a tank in the roof, so the water we use is gravity fed. Of course the pressure is lower than mains water but that reduces the amount of water you use and saves money. After mains water was supplied I connected it to the tank in the roof, so that when the mains supply stops, which it used to do frequently, we still had water. I have drunk rain water here for the last twenty odd years and just run it through a basic filter.I am still alive and kicking with no health problems that I know of. Ignorance is bliss??xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.TZt5dYe8BC.webp

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