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Posts posted by Gandtee

  1. Who wrights and prof reads this shyt??????????' Police in Chiang Mai province are hurting down a gang' key word being 'hurting'. Talk about illiteracy.whistling.gif

    Apparently no one, including you, proof read your own comments.- "Who wrights..." I think you mean "writes". Yes, talk about illiteracy why don't you. cheesy.gif

    Another who does not understand ironyfacepalm.gif

  2. OP, the majority of Thai women, respect and love their husbands or boyfriends.

    Of course there are exceptions, amplified by the media and Forums.

    In the age of equality, in the farang world, it's difficult nowadays, to have an honest relationship.

    Thai women have been brought up to respect.

    Farang women have been brought up to argue.

    You haven't met my wifew00t.gif

  3. Some people need to realise that "racism" is a "white" invention...it is tool for suppression that became common place in the l18th and 19th centuries to justify such things as slavery and genocide of indigenous peoples.

    trying to sideline it by using sound bites like "PC" and "sensitive" are just not part of a reasoned response.

    A common argument amongst racists is to cite incidents of what THEY regard as racism by other "RACES", often as some kind of justification of racist behaviour by themselves.

    This actually only seems plausible or logical if you are racist yourself. irt is in reality just an admission of racism by the person promulgating this idea

    'White man speak with fork tongue!'

  4. No it is a rat or at least a member of that family. Trying to get in? Maybe not. They love to gnaw on anything, even the covering on electrical wire, so the rubber seal on your slider is right up their alley. They are also able to climb anything so have been known to reside up in the dead space between the ceiling tiles and the rafters. I have had this problem also. Could not figure out how to stop them.. finally they just stopped. Maybe it was the cat that found a home with me? So maybe get a cat.

    I'm allergic to cats.sad.png

    Isn't there a certain breed of dog that are famous for being ( ratters) ?, Can't remember the breed offhand, but i'm sure someone on here will know: EDIT , i just Googled it,,, It's a Terrier biggrin.png

    Jack Russell or a Fox Terrier.

  5. In some legal territories the legal age limit is reduced when accompanied by adults.

    For another example, in the UK during my youth, if I recall correctly at some stage I could be served alcohol with a meal before I was legally allowed to purchase alcohol on its own.

    Ive read a study on this previously, I believe that academically countries are categorised primarily as "prohibition" or "non-prohibition" territories when it comes to cultural attitudes to alcohol. Based on those reacting angrily to the OP I think we can safely assume they are from "prohibition" countries which have histories that involved restrictions on alcohol or religious overtones to consumption. Maybe the word I am looking for is not prohibition, but something similar. Possible "ambivalent" vs. "non-ambivalent" drinking cultures.

    Going a bit off topic here but this fascinates me- its also been shown that a cultures attitudes to the effects of alcohol directly effect the behaviour of people from those cultures when they consume alcohol- and often these are wildly different beliefs. The actual physiological effect of alcohol consumption seldom if ever is actually responsible for the behaviour of the individual when they consume alcohol. For example, British people tend to believe that alcohol is a disinhibitor- and that it leads to aggressive behaviour- both of which happen regularly across the country every weekend. But in other countries it can be quite different. Anthropologist Kate Fox wrote a very easily accessible "ethnography" of sorts on the English which has a chapter on this topic:


    Thanks for the link Oxford Will. Now I know why I drink. I thought it was because I liked it.facepalm.gif

    • Like 1
  6. Make sure that when laying down poison you put into places and containers that only rats can get access to. Rat poison is used here to get rid of dogs. To see a dog dying after being being poisoned is not a pretty sight. Not pleasant for the dog either.

  7. Well, I bought some dinner for the rats last night. Spread Flocoumafen here and there around the land, and they ate like there was no tomorrow, and probably for some of them there actually isn't any.

    But I'm a bit surprised that given the large tablets, that they didn't gnawed on them but took away whole tablets. You think that this is normal behavior for a rat ?


    This morning I located a pretty large frog near that room, and however it wasn't dead, it didn't make much resistance when I picked it up with a spade to locate it at the other side of the perimeter.

    You think large frogs are able to do that damage ?

  8. Why is Little Mary Sunshine getting out of her cot? There are bars, and there are bars. If the man is popping in for a couple of beers and buying the kids a pop, then why not? If you are talking about girly bars, then that is different question.Not all bars are ones where lechers congregate. There are many where the patrons go for good company and conversation. In my experience the bar staff tend to take the kids under their wing.

    You must be kidding !!! Any parent that must hold down a bar stool and poop beers all night

    for "good conversation" and let the bar staff watch and take their kids under their wing is a jerk

    and an abusive parent to say the least....A BAR is a BAR. not an environment be bring a 14y/o

    to: You really need to get a life and see what good parenting is all about.

    Who said 'popping beers all night'? Come on Little Mary Sunshine, relinquish your politically correctness and read the threads properly. Pay attention! You must try harder.giggle.gif

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