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Posts posted by Gandtee

  1. 2 hours ago, Red Phoenix said:

    You can do a TM-30 notification on-line, then print-out the confirmation of having done so and bring that copy with you when applying for your 1-year extension at your local Imm Office.  

    Normally that should not be necessary, but there are indeed many reports now that some offices seem to want a re-confirmation of your official address (which is the purpose of the TM-30 notification).

    In order to do the TM-30 notification on-line, the address where you are staying needs to be registered first on the IO TM-30 website, which is a quick and easy process, and you can do this as owner (or on behalf of the owner) or as tenant.  But it can take 10 minutes to 5 working-days before you get the confirmation e-mail with Username:Password for the registered address, which then allows you to do the TM-30 notification on-line. 

    NOTE: Send me a PM and I can provide you with a comprehensive Guideline on how to do the above.  As usual with Immigration software 'solutions' it is easy when you know how to do it, and somewhat of a trial-and-error nightmare when you have to figure it out yourself. 

    I was wondering about online. Thanks for the info, but I did the TM30 at Immigration which should be good unless I leave the country and return.

  2. 23 minutes ago, Jackbenimble said:

    I'm a Brit and I am sad to say this behaviour is not unusual - young Brits these days are cowards but still like to think they can fight the world.........once they have had a drink. I hope they catch that thug in the black t-shirt and deal with him properly.

    Bang them up and make them pay for the damage and breaking the law.. I'm a Brit and I think nowadays some youngsters are less in control of themselves. They get a few tattoos and think they are invincible. Bang em up and let them enjoy Thailand's detention hospitality. 


    • Thumbs Up 2
  3. To follow up on this subject, albeit a bit late. I had laser treatment to both eyes (Aging apparently) Painless, and I had 20/20 vision immediately. Amazing. cost? Bt14,000 and well worth it. Thanks Sheryl and to all those who gave me advice.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  4. I am upset emotionally and offended. It was obviously done with intent. And that littered beach is disgusting. The person continuously recording the despicable sex act, no doubt to replay it over and over again in the confines of his bedroom, had time to clean up that area of beach. It shows a complete lack of community spirit. By the way. Where is the video of this occurrence?????

  5. 36 minutes ago, ikke1959 said:

    They get too much media attention.. Although it is very sad that someone is murdered , the murders, thieves, fighters, just name what kind of criminals are getting so much attention everytime of the media. The cameras and micros and they want to ask... It seems they commit crimes to get the attention. Same as every crime has to be reconstructed... and blurred the face or hide the face of the criminal.. I don't understand why so much protection

    Or why the reenactment?

  6. On 5/4/2023 at 4:13 PM, kwilco said:


    Basically compared to the coronation in 1953, nobody is that bothered.


    Those "fans" of pomp and ceremony are looked upon as slightly unhinged. or sad.


    The main difference between the two coronations is that back in 1953 it was seen as part of a new beginning - a young girl as Queen the end of rationing and the Festival of Britain the new NHS - we were coming out of the effects of WW2 and people were looking forward to a new united Europe.


    Now it's an old git with weird eccentric ideas who talks to trees, a relic of an old outdated family who isn't expected to be King for more than 10 years at the most - this is a "rump" monarchy. Inflation and recession are taking hold, the standards of living is dropping and the future as an isolated Britain with a doddery old king looks anything but rosy. Any freedoms and future of democracy are looking bleak as the government hastily introduces draconian laws to stop free protestors, corruption is rife and the welfare state is under attack  - no wonder coronation celebrations are hugely undersubscribed – the public has things to worry about other than Charles – a figure we have known for 6 decades and quite frankly aren't excited about in the slightest.


    Sadly, I have to agree with you. I was a serving soldier, under canvas in Kensington Gardens at QE2s coronation and the atmosphere and mood of the public was different from today. It was before we became a multicultural society or the internet and Britain was still a mainly a  'god fearing' country and still rallied around those that were seen as figureheads at that time. Recent shenanigans within the monarchy have left many Brits disenchanted with it. As much as I enjoy the pageantry, I, and maybe many others may start to question why the church is comes out with this mumbo jumbo of god allowing HM Charles 111 to be King. Having said that. Long live the King. I doubt I will see another Coronation. Maybe there will never be another one.

  7. On 5/6/2023 at 9:33 AM, zzaa09 said:

    Promoting the grand return should be their next play. 

    Then the pardon. 

    Which would be followed by his entry back into the Thai political machine. 



    Purchased five kilos of popcorn this morning. 

    A pardon maybe. But will he escape prosecution for his allowing open season on nearly 3000 suspected drug dealers. Many I suspect were just bumped off to settle a grievance.

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