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Posts posted by Gandtee

  1. 19 hours ago, anchadian said:

    So it's just a matter of calling them (SKYPE) and inform them you didn't receive a LC and they will reinstate the payments and email you with a duplicate LC.


    International Pensions Center
    44 191 2187777 option 1 between the hours of 8am and 7:30pm Monday - Friday (United Kingdom time).

    I've now got Skype. I want to Email the IPC to arrange a Skype call. Do you have their email address? Sorry to be a problem.

  2. 4 minutes ago, anchadian said:

    Has your wife changed her address since receiving her state pension.


    If so, it's just a phone call away (SKYPE) to inform them that her address has changed and they will email you a duplicate LC with a grace period of 16 weeks in which to return the completed LC and reinstate her payments.


    I know this for a fact as it happened to my Thai wife.


    No change of address. But thanks for the info. I had Skype but my kids treated me to a new computer and It's not installed. But no problem.

  3. 18 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

    Do you receive Proof of Life forms.


    Any time I have not been paid I have telephoned them and asked them to call me back.


    A True international call from my house cost 60 baht.

    Have not received Proof of Life forms for a couple of years. I've been searching to download them incase that is the problem. To no avail?

  4. I receive a UK Government pension, as does my Thai wife who qualifies for a UK State pension.. It's transferred monthly into our account here in Thailand. This month she has not received her pension.  Has anyone experienced the same or a similar problem and how to overcome it? We have submitted identification forms in the past, but have not received requests to submit them for some time. Could this be the problem? Any advice would be helpful.

  5. Way back someone on this forum gave me some good advice on what to use as earphone ear cushions. Hair, pigtail elasticated bands. They worked fine. I wish I had bought more. Now I'm told they are out of fashion and unobtainable? I don't want to go to the expense of 'proper ' pads. Any tips on alternatives? 

  6. 31 minutes ago, RedCardinal said:

    Meanwhile they expect you to get your bank passbook updated on the same day, with many smaller local bank branches not opening until 10am.  Must have a line update the same day you apply.  No matter that you could clear out the account 10 minutes later.  

    I don't know about marriage visas, but for a retirement visa half of the money must stay in the account for a period of at least three months.

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  7. 8 hours ago, h90 said:

    Thailand has a lot border trade with people on the other side...and these aren't the richest of the society.

    The job of the government is to come along with the neighbors....not warmongering and being terrorists. No matter if the neighbor has a government they don't like.

    Lao is communist dictatorship, Cambodia is not really democratic in Malaysia is the Sharia. Biggest trading partner is China a communist dictatorship, another big partner is USA, the worst warmonger and state terrorist on the planet. Should Thailand be hostile to all of them? Or rather be neutral and do business?

    Play Pontius Pilate do you mean? Or Sergeant Schultz? 'I know nothing'????

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