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Posts posted by ggt

  1. Speaking out in Thai politics could cause one to be arrested, jailed, kangaroo court, sentenced to years of imprisonment...or worse (found dead after committing suicide)...very dangerous business...

    We are not talking about how ugly the guy is...how loud or foul mouthed he was...we are talking about political revenge for calling another politician out...that is part a partial of being a democracy...which they still were at the time of this incident...

    This country continues it's military march down the sewer...

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  2. It is remarkable that this could be a daily occurrence in Thailand...that is the senseless deaths of foreigners...and there seems to be no concerted effort to try and discover a solution to reduce the number of foreign deaths...

    Doesn't Thailand take responsibility of its guests that come here to have a good time and spend gobs of money to support tens of thousands of Thai people? Where are the Thai officials...angry at the statistics...calling for an investigation into why there are so very many foreigners dying here?

  3. From ask.com:

    A political system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections.

    2. The active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life.

    3. Protection of the human rights of all citizens.

    4. A rule of law, in which the laws and procedures apply equally to all citizens.

    From this description it would appear that the present Thai government has some work to do...

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