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Posts posted by ggt

  1. I have not flown since I was packed into a seat like a sardine and they didn't even provide mustard/tomato sauce...

    The seats only went back a few inches...my knees where constantly coming into contact with the seat in front of me...I am only 6' tall...

    There was no way to get comfortable and one of the most miserable flights I have ever had because of the airlines trying to pack more passengers into cramped seating...

    They should do a better job at creature comfort for those longer flights...

    • Like 2
  2. Obama's state of the union address...was anything but...his arrogance and humor were designed to kick start his political party's run for the Presidency in 2016...

    It's the 18 Republicans for president stirring around and about that need a kick...a good swift frontal kick to each of 'em.

    The R party rank and file absolutely don't want another Bush and they have made the awful journey with Mitt and it left them dog tired and beaten down, as if they'd been on a car roof rack cross country.

    There wuz one time during the speech the prez stopped the applause which came only from the R party side after he'd said he'd had his last campaign....."And I know cause I won both of 'em."

    I suspect rather strongly the Republicans are going to be sucking wind cross country again next election.

    TVF Official Watchdog Guarding You Against The Far Right!

    This says it all...doesn't it?

  3. Thai fugitives fleeing politically motivated lese majeste charges have the right to sanctuary abroad...

    These lese majeste witch hunts are going to cause a good deal of unsatisfactory reports from civilized countries...

    I doubt that any country outside of SE Asia will either support this kind of travesty of justice...or send anyone back to Thailand for a mock trial...

  4. While sexual violence was considerably less frequent than physical violence in most settings, it was more frequent in provincial Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and urban Thailand. In countries where large cities and provincial settings were both studied, the overall levels of partner violence were consistently higher in the provincial settings, which had more rural populations, than in the urban sites.


  5. Watch any TV Thai soap-opera to get a sense of Thai humor...shootings, knifings, slapping women, men beaten to a pulp...corruption and marriage unfaithfulness all on an elementary school child's intellectual level...this is what Thais find funny...

    Second watch a farang being cheated out or his baht...or beaten to a pulp for not wanting to pay a bill which is grossly overstated by a Thai...there is your humor...

    Is the picture of Thai humor more clear now?

  6. Thai people firmly feel they are right, and nothing you say will change that!

    You ARE always right in your own mind...closed to ideas...especially if they emanate from a foreigner...Buddha forbid...

    We foreigners do not ask you to change your way of doing business for us...we just ask that you treat us the same...and not rape us financially and berate us publically...

    Is that really asking too much?

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